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// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
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// Transmit HDMI, CrYCb to RGB conversion
// The multiplication coefficients are in 1.4.12 format
// The addition coefficients are in 1.12.12 format
// R = (+408.583/256)*Cr + (+298.082/256)*Y + ( 000.000/256)*Cb + (-222.921);
// G = (-208.120/256)*Cr + (+298.082/256)*Y + (-100.291/256)*Cb + (+135.576);
// B = ( 000.000/256)*Cr + (+298.082/256)*Y + (+516.412/256)*Cb + (-276.836);
module ad_csc_CrYCb2RGB #(
parameter DELAY_DATA_WIDTH = 16) (
// Cr-Y-Cb inputs
input clk,
input [DW:0] CrYCb_sync,
input [23:0] CrYCb_data,
// R-G-B outputs
output [DW:0] RGB_sync,
output [23:0] RGB_data);
localparam DW = DELAY_DATA_WIDTH - 1;
// red
ad_csc_1 #(.DELAY_DATA_WIDTH(DELAY_DATA_WIDTH)) i_csc_1_R (
.clk (clk),
.sync (CrYCb_sync),
.data (CrYCb_data),
.C1 (17'h01989),
.C2 (17'h012a1),
.C3 (17'h00000),
.C4 (25'h10deebc),
.csc_sync_1 (RGB_sync),
.csc_data_1 (RGB_data[23:16]));
// green
ad_csc_1 #(.DELAY_DATA_WIDTH(1)) i_csc_1_G (
.clk (clk),
.sync (1'd0),
.data (CrYCb_data),
.C1 (17'h10d01),
.C2 (17'h012a1),
.C3 (17'h10644),
.C4 (25'h0087937),
.csc_sync_1 (),
.csc_data_1 (RGB_data[15:8]));
// blue
ad_csc_1 #(.DELAY_DATA_WIDTH(1)) i_csc_1_B (
.clk (clk),
.sync (1'd0),
.data (CrYCb_data),
.C1 (17'h00000),
.C2 (17'h012a1),
.C3 (17'h02046),
.C4 (25'h1114d60),
.csc_sync_1 (),
.csc_data_1 (RGB_data[7:0]));
// ***************************************************************************
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