After the previous commit that removed the interconnects from HP ports
in order to reduce utilization. The directly connected DMAs were not
assigned to a specific range and address.
Allow the top level files to have parameters.
Pass the parameters from system_project.tcl to the Vivado/Quartus project and
to the block design scripts through ad_project_params variable.
1. create a project with a list of parameters:
adi_project_xilinx my_project [list PARAM_A PARAM_A_VALUE PARAM_B PARAM_B_VALUE]
adi_project_altera my_project [list PARAM_A PARAM_A_VALUE PARAM_B PARAM_B_VALUE]
2. access the parameter in QSYS or block design through the $ad_project_params variable
set PARAM_A $ad_project_params(PARAM_A)
set PARAM_B $ad_project_params(PARAM_B)
3. In system_top.v use PARAM_A and PARAM_B as parameters/generics
Look for undefined clocks which do not show up in the timing summary
therefore can lead to silent failures.
If clocks are not defined they are not analyzed during the timing
This commit add support for the dual AD9208-DUAL-EBZ board.
The clocking scheme is different from the other projects.
The device clock (LaneRate/40) is no longer an output of the transceivers (RXOUTCLOCK),
it is received directly from the clockchip SCLKOUT9 output through the REFCLK1.
This is needed for deterministic latency where SYSREF must be sampled
with the device clock by meeting setup and hold time.
The two channels from each converter are merged together and transferred to the DDR with a single DMA.
It has all transceiver parameters set for a 15Gpbs lane rate and uses the QPLL.
REQUIRED HARDWARE CHANGES : The F1 2A fuse must be populated on the FMC
Clear the reference checkpoint if the incremental compilation is not
selected through the make option. Other case the scripts will silently
use the reference.dcp checkpoint if that exists.
The scripts are looking for a previous run result, a routed design
checkpoint to use it as a reference during the incremental build flow.
Before clearing the project files, the scrips will save the reference dcp
file in the project folder.
If the reference dcp does not exists the build continues normally.
Proposed workflow:
1. Build your project normally with 'make' or place manually a
reference.dcp file in the Vivado project folder.
2. Do some minor modifications
3. Run the make with the following option:
make MODE=incr
4. Repeat steps 2-3
Using a common IP cache location for all the project will speed up
compile time of common blocks used in base designs. Example a MicroBlaze
core for VCU118 once compiled it will be reused on other projects.
Using a common IP cache will speed up re-compiles of every project in OOC
mode since the cache won't be cleared as with normal compile flow.
Having a clock assigned manually to the clk output pin of the axi_ad9361
let the Vivado timing engine to not ignore the clock insertion delay when
analyzing paths between clk_0 and the manually created clock that has
the same source (clk_0), resulting in timing failure.
In the current form, when connecting a master to the HP ports all
available slave address spaces are mapped to the master (DDR_*, PCIE*, OCM,
Let the PL masters have access only to the DDR_LOW and DDR_HIGH address
spaces to avoid unnecessary resource usage and increase timing margin.