When frame alignment error monitoring is enabled and error threshold is met
at least for one lane, generate an interrupt so software can reset the link and
do further bring-up steps.
Add support for RX frame alignment character checking when scrambling is enabled and
for link reset on misalignment.
Add support for xcelium simulator to jesd204/tb
Having the same name for dac and adc TPLs creates conflict in the
address segment naming having random names associated to the segments.
This causes difficulties during scripting of the project in test bench
The external synchronization signal should be synchronous with the
dac clock. Synchronization will be done on the rising edge of the signal.
The control bit is self clearing. Status bit shows that the synchronization
is armed but the synchronization signal has not yet been received
Added EXT_SYNC parameter to be able to keep the dac_sync original
The external synchronization signal should be synchronous with the
adc clock. Synchronization will be done on the rising edge of the signal.
The control bit is self clearing. Status bit shows that the synchronization
is armed but the synchronization signal has not yet been received. While
the synchronization mechanism is armed, the adc_rst output signal is set
The current format should allow for the SYSREF signal to be used as
synchronous capture start, but will need to be disabled before the
synchronization mechanism is armed
In order to help timing closure on multi SLR FPGAs add a pipeline stage
between the link layer and physical layer. This will add a fixed amount
of delay to the overall latency.
This patch will fix the following warning:
[Synth 8-689] width (16) of port connection 'up_axi_awaddr'
does not match port width (12) of module 'up_axi'
The tb_base.v verilog files does not contain a full module definition,
just some plain test code. In general the files is sourced inside the
test bench main module. As is, defining a timescale in these files will
generate an error, because timescale directive can not be inside a
Delete all the timescale directive from these files.