axi_spi_engine: Fix the hw.tcl script

Define both AXI4 Memory Mapped and microprocessor interface for the
reigster map, then activate/deactive one of it in fucntion of the memory
interface type parameter.

Define the missing status_sync interface, which should be connected to
the offload.
Istvan Csomortani 2020-09-08 10:12:02 +01:00 committed by István Csomortáni
parent f934ff7e4e
commit f67209e125
1 changed files with 65 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -47,32 +47,74 @@ proc p_elaboration {} {
add_interface interrupt_sender interrupt end
add_interface_port interrupt_sender irq irq Output 1
# Microprocessor interface
ad_interface clock up_clk input 1
ad_interface reset up_rstn input 1 if_up_clk
ad_interface signal up_wreq input 1
ad_interface signal up_wack output 1
ad_interface signal up_waddr input 14
ad_interface signal up_wdata input 32
ad_interface signal up_rreq input 1
ad_interface signal up_rack output 1
ad_interface signal up_raddr output 14
ad_interface signal up_rdata output 32
# AXI Memory Mapped interface
ad_ip_intf_s_axi s_axi_aclk s_axi_aresetn 16
set disabled_intfs {}
if {$mm_if_type} {
# Microprocessor interface
# uProcessor interface active for regmap, deactivate S_AXI
lappend disabled_intfs s_axi
ad_interface clock up_clk input 1
ad_interface reset up_rstn input 1 if_up_clk
ad_interface signal up_wreq input 1
ad_interface signal up_wack output 1
ad_interface signal up_waddr input 14
ad_interface signal up_wdata input 32
ad_interface signal up_rreq input 1
ad_interface signal up_rack output 1
ad_interface signal up_raddr output 14
ad_interface signal up_rdata output 32
set_port_property s_axi_aclk termination true
set_port_property s_axi_aresetn termination true
set_port_property s_axi_aresetn termination_value 1
set_port_property s_axi_awvalid termination true
set_port_property s_axi_awaddr termination true
set_port_property s_axi_awprot termination true
set_port_property s_axi_wvalid termination true
set_port_property s_axi_wdata termination true
set_port_property s_axi_wstrb termination true
set_port_property s_axi_bready termination true
set_port_property s_axi_arvalid termination true
set_port_property s_axi_araddr termination true
set_port_property s_axi_arprot termination true
set_port_property s_axi_rready termination true
} else {
# AXI Memory Mapped interface
ad_ip_intf_s_axi s_axi_aclk s_axi_aresetn 16
set_interface_property interrupt_sender associatedAddressablePoint s_axi
set_interface_property interrupt_sender associatedClock s_axi_clock
set_interface_property interrupt_sender associatedReset s_axi_reset
set_interface_property interrupt_sender ENABLED true
# AXI4 Slave is active for regmap, deactivate uP
lappend disabled_intfs if_up_clk if_up_rstn if_up_wreq if_up_wack if_up_waddr \
if_up_wdata if_up_rreq if_up_rack if_up_raddr if_up_rdata
set_port_property up_clk termination true
set_port_property up_rstn termination true
set_port_property up_rstn termination_value 1
set_port_property up_wreq termination true
set_port_property up_waddr termination true
set_port_property up_wdata termination true
set_port_property up_rreq termination true
set_port_property up_raddr termination true
ad_interface signal pulse_gen_period output 32
ad_interface signal pulse_gen_width output 32
ad_interface signal pulse_gen_load output 1
lappend disabled_intfs if_pulse_gen_period if_pulse_gen_width if_pulse_gen_load
foreach interface $disabled_intfs {
set_interface_property $interface ENABLED false
# SPI Engine interfaces
@ -132,5 +174,13 @@ proc p_elaboration {} {
ad_interface signal offload0_enable output 1 enable
ad_interface signal offload0_enabled input 1 enabled
add_interface offload_sync axi4stream end
add_interface_port offload_sync offload_sync_valid tvalid input 1
add_interface_port offload_sync offload_sync_ready tready output 1
add_interface_port offload_sync offload_sync_data tdata input 8
set_interface_property offload_sync associatedClock if_spi_clk
set_interface_property offload_sync associatedReset if_spi_resetn