adi_project: Updated board files version selection

vivado will automatically select the latest version for a given board
Sergiu Arpadi 2020-01-14 14:14:27 +00:00 committed by sarpadi
parent fcf7bb035a
commit e773b22087
1 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -59,32 +59,32 @@ proc adi_project {project_name {mode 0} {parameter_list {}} } {
if [regexp "_ac701$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7a200tfbg676-2"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *ac701*] end]
set sys_zynq 0
if [regexp "_kc705$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7k325tffg900-2"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *kc705*] end]
set sys_zynq 0
if [regexp "_vc707$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7vx485tffg1761-2"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *vc707*] end]
set sys_zynq 0
if [regexp "_vcu118$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *vcu118*] end]
set sys_zynq 0
if [regexp "_kcu105$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xcku040-ffva1156-2-e"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *kcu102*] end]
set sys_zynq 0
if [regexp "_zed$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *zed*] end]
set sys_zynq 1
if [regexp "_coraz7s$" $project_name] {
@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ proc adi_project {project_name {mode 0} {parameter_list {}} } {
if [regexp "_zc702$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7z020clg484-1"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *zc702*] end]
set sys_zynq 1
if [regexp "_zc706$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xc7z045ffg900-2"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *zc706*] end]
set sys_zynq 1
if [regexp "_mitx045$" $project_name] {
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ proc adi_project {project_name {mode 0} {parameter_list {}} } {
if [regexp "_zcu102$" $project_name] {
set p_device "xczu9eg-ffvb1156-2-e"
set p_board ""
set p_board [lindex [lsearch -all -inline [get_board_parts] *zcu102*] end]
set sys_zynq 2
@ -259,14 +259,14 @@ proc adi_project_run {project_name} {
report_timing_summary -file timing_impl.log
if {[info exists ::env(ADI_GENERATE_UTILIZATION)]} {
set csv_file resource_utilization.csv
set csv_file resource_utilization.csv
if {[ catch {
xilinx::designutils::report_failfast -csv -file $csv_file -transpose -no_header -ignore_pr -quiet
set MMCM [llength [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE =~ *MMCM* }]]
set PLL [llength [get_cells -hierarchical -filter { PRIMITIVE_TYPE =~ *PLL* }]]
set worst_slack_setup [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -setup]]
set worst_slack_hold [get_property SLACK [get_timing_paths -hold]]
set fileRead [open $csv_file r]
set lines [split [read $fileRead] "\n"]
set names_line [lindex $lines end-3]