ad_ip_jesd204_tpl_dac: hw.tcl: Choose lowest latency SAMPLES_PER_FRAME value

For a specific set of L, M and NP framer configuration parameters there is
an infinite set of possible values for the S and F configuration parameters
as long as S and F are integer and the following relationship is met

  S / F = (L * 8) / (M * NP)

Typically the preferred framer configuration is the one with the lowest
latency. The lowest latency is achieved when S is minimal.

Automatically compute and select this value for S instead of having the
user to manually provide a value.

Since some converters allow modes where S is not minimal provide a manual
overwrite to specify S manually in case somebody wants to use such a mode.

For completeness also add a read-only OCTETS_PER_FRAME (F) parameter that
can be used to verify and check which value for F was chosen.

There is no manual overwrite for F since if L, M, NP and S are set to a
fixed value there is only a single possible value for F, which is computed

Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <>
Lars-Peter Clausen 2018-08-08 11:30:27 +02:00 committed by István Csomortáni
parent 169f38e7d1
commit e502f94103
1 changed files with 92 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -95,10 +95,32 @@ ad_ip_parameter CONVERTER_RESOLUTION INTEGER 16 true [list \
GROUP $group \
ad_ip_parameter ENABLE_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL BOOLEAN 0 false [list \
DISPLAY_NAME "Manual Samples per Frame" \
GROUP $group \
ad_ip_parameter SAMPLES_PER_FRAME INTEGER 1 true [list \
DISPLAY_NAME "Samples per Frame (S)" \
DISPLAY_UNITS "samples" \
ALLOWED_RANGES {1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16} \
DERIVED true \
GROUP $group \
ad_ip_parameter SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL INTEGER 1 false [list \
DISPLAY_NAME "Samples per Frame (S)" \
DISPLAY_UNITS "samples" \
ALLOWED_RANGES {1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16} \
VISIBLE false \
GROUP $group \
ad_ip_parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME INTEGER 1 false [list \
DISPLAY_NAME "Octets per Frame (F)" \
DISPLAY_UNITS "octets" \
DERIVED true \
GROUP $group \
@ -138,9 +160,79 @@ ad_ip_intf_s_axi s_axi_aclk s_axi_aresetn
add_interface link_clk clock end
add_interface_port link_clk link_clk clk Input 1
# We don't expect too large values for a and b, trivial implementation will do
proc gcd {a b} {
if {$a == $b} {
return $b
} elseif {$a > $b} {
return [gcd [expr $a - $b] $b]
} else {
return [gcd $a [expr $b - $a]]
# validate
proc p_ad_ip_jesd204_tpl_dac_validate {} {
set L [get_parameter_value "NUM_LANES"]
set M [get_parameter_value "NUM_CHANNELS"]
set NP [get_parameter_value "BITS_PER_SAMPLE"]
set N [get_parameter_value "CONVERTER_RESOLUTION"]
set S_manual [get_parameter_value "SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL"]
set enable_S_manual [get_parameter_value "ENABLE_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL"]
set channel_bus_width [expr 32 * $L / $M]
# With fixed values for M, L and N' all valid values for S and F have a
# constant ratio of S / F. Choose a ratio so that S and F are co-prime.
# Choosing values for F and S that have a common factor has higher latency
# and no added benefits.
# Since converters often support those higher latency modes still allow a
# manual override of the S parameter in case somebody wants to use those modes
# anyway.
# To be able to set samples per frame manually ENABLE_SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL
# needs to be set to true and SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL to the desired value.
# When manual sample per frame selection is enabled still verify that the
# selected value is valid.
set S_min [expr $L * 8]
set F_min [expr $M * $NP]
set common_factor [gcd $S_min $F_min]
set S_min [expr $S_min / $common_factor]
set F_min [expr $F_min / $common_factor]
if {$enable_S_manual} {
foreach i {1 2 4} {
if {$F * $i <= 4 && $S * $i <= 16} {
lappend allowed_S [expr $S * $i]
set_parameter_property SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL ALLOWED_RANGES $allowed_S
if {$S_manual % $S_min != 0} {
send_message ERROR "For framer configuration (L=$L, M=$M, NP=$NP) samples per frame (S) must be an integer multiple of $S_min"
set S $S_min
set F $F_min
} else {
set S $S_manual
set F [expr $S_manual * $M * $NP / $L / 8]
} else {
set_parameter_property SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL ALLOWED_RANGES {1 2 3 4 6 8 12 16}
set S $S_min
set F $F_min
set_parameter_value OCTETS_PER_FRAME $F
set_parameter_value SAMPLES_PER_FRAME $S
set_parameter_property SAMPLES_PER_FRAME VISIBLE [expr !$enable_S_manual]
set_parameter_property SAMPLES_PER_FRAME_MANUAL VISIBLE $enable_S_manual
set data_path_enabled [expr ![get_parameter_value DATAPATH_DISABLE]]
set cordic_enabled [expr $data_path_enabled && [get_parameter_value DDS_TYPE] == 1]