usdrx1: Modified the GPIO assignments so that board specific GPIOs start from GPIO 32.

GPIOs for which the directions is known, have been specifically assigned.

The SPI clock has been changed to a lower frequency.
Adrian Costina 2014-09-16 15:56:19 -04:00
parent d4db53c3b0
commit d33fb07587
4 changed files with 51 additions and 108 deletions

projects/usdrx1/common/usdrx1_bd.tcl Executable file → Normal file
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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ set_property -dict [list CONFIG.NUM_MI {1}] $axi_usdrx1_dma_interconnect
set axi_usdrx1_spi [create_bd_cell -type ip -vlnv axi_usdrx1_spi]
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_USE_STARTUP {0}] $axi_usdrx1_spi
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_NUM_SS_BITS {11}] $axi_usdrx1_spi
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_SCK_RATIO {8}] $axi_usdrx1_spi
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.C_SCK_RATIO {16}] $axi_usdrx1_spi
# additions to default configuration
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_EN_RST2_PORT {1}] $sys_ps7
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_FPGA2_PERIPHERAL_FREQMHZ {200.0}] $sys_ps7
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_FPGA3_PERIPHERAL_FREQMHZ {40}] $sys_ps7
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_GPIO_EMIO_GPIO_ENABLE {1}] $sys_ps7
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_GPIO_EMIO_GPIO_IO {44}] $sys_ps7
set_property -dict [list CONFIG.PCW_GPIO_EMIO_GPIO_IO {59}] $sys_ps7
set_property LEFT 43 [get_bd_ports GPIO_I]
set_property LEFT 43 [get_bd_ports GPIO_O]

projects/usdrx1/zc706/system_bd.tcl Executable file → Normal file
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projects/usdrx1/zc706/system_project.tcl Executable file → Normal file
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@ -101,8 +101,6 @@ module system_top (
// afe_mlo_p,
// afe_mlo_n,
@ -181,21 +179,19 @@ module system_top (
output spi_clk_clk;
inout spi_clk_sdio;
// output afe_mlo_p;
//output afe_mlo_n;
output afe_rst_p;
output afe_rst_n;
output afe_trig_p;
output afe_trig_n;
inout dac_sleep;
inout [13:0] dac_data;
inout afe_pdn;
inout afe_stby;
inout clk_resetn;
inout clk_syncn;
inout clk_status;
inout amp_disbn;
output dac_sleep;
output [13:0] dac_data;
output afe_pdn;
output afe_stby;
output clk_resetn;
output clk_syncn;
input clk_status;
output amp_disbn;
inout prc_sck;
inout prc_cnv;
inout prc_sdo_i;
@ -234,13 +230,10 @@ module system_top (
wire [63:0] gt_rx_data_1;
wire [63:0] gt_rx_data_2;
wire [63:0] gt_rx_data_3;
wire [43:0] gpio_i;
wire [43:0] gpio_o;
wire [43:0] gpio_t;
wire afe_mlo;
wire [58:0] gpio_i;
wire [58:0] gpio_o;
wire [58:0] gpio_t;
reg afe_trig_d;
reg afe_trig_s;
// spi assignments
assign spi_fout_enb_clk = ~spi_csn[10:10];
@ -301,11 +294,6 @@ module system_top (
// gpio/control interface
/* OBUFDS i_obufds_mlo (
.I (afe_mlo),
.O (afe_mlo_p),
.OB (afe_mlo_n));*/
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_prc_sdo_q (
.I (gpio_o[43]),
.O (gpio_i[43]),
@ -330,48 +318,14 @@ module system_top (
.T (gpio_t[40]),
.IO (prc_sck));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_amp_disbn (
.I (gpio_o[39]),
.O (gpio_i[39]),
.T (gpio_t[39]),
.IO (amp_disbn));
assign dac_sleep = gpio_o[44];
assign amp_disbn = gpio_o[39];
assign gpio_i[38] = clk_status;
assign clk_syncn = gpio_o[37];
assign clk_resetn = gpio_o[36];
assign afe_stby = gpio_o[35];
assign afe_pdn = gpio_o[34];
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_clk_status (
.I (gpio_o[38]),
.O (gpio_i[38]),
.T (gpio_t[38]),
.IO (clk_status));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_clk_syncn (
.I (gpio_o[37]),
.O (gpio_i[37]),
.T (gpio_t[37]),
.IO (clk_syncn));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_clk_resetn (
.I (gpio_o[36]),
.O (gpio_i[36]),
.T (gpio_t[36]),
.IO (clk_resetn));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_afe_stby (
.I (gpio_o[35]),
.O (gpio_i[35]),
.T (gpio_t[35]),
.IO (afe_stby));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_afe_pdn (
.I (gpio_o[34]),
.O (gpio_i[34]),
.T (gpio_t[34]),
.IO (afe_pdn));
// synchronize the gpio with ref_clk
/* always @(negedge rx_ref_clk)
afe_trig_d <= gpio_o[33];
afe_trig_s <= afe_trig_d;
OBUFDS i_obufds_gpio_afe_trig (
.I (gpio_o[33]),
.O (afe_trig_p),
@ -382,20 +336,10 @@ module system_top (
.O (afe_rst_p),
.OB (afe_rst_n));
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_dac_sleep (
.I (gpio_o[30]),
.O (gpio_i[30]),
.T (gpio_t[30]),
.IO (dac_sleep));
genvar n;
for (n = 0; n <= 13; n = n + 1) begin: g_iobuf_gpio_dac_data
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_dac_data (
.I (gpio_o[16+n]),
.O (gpio_i[16+n]),
.T (gpio_t[16+n]),
.IO (dac_data[n]));
assign dac_data[n] = gpio_o[45+n];
for (n = 0; n <= 14; n = n + 1) begin: g_iobuf_gpio_bd
IOBUF i_iobuf_gpio_bd (
@ -462,7 +406,6 @@ module system_top (
.hdmi_vsync (hdmi_vsync),
.iic_main_scl_io (iic_scl),
.iic_main_sda_io (iic_sda),
// .mlo_clk (afe_mlo),
.rx_data_n (rx_data_n),
.rx_data_p (rx_data_p),
.rx_ref_clk (rx_ref_clk),