util_cdc: Add event synchronizer

The event synchronizer can be used to safely transfer 1-bit 1-clock cycle
event signals from one clock domain to another.

For each event recorded in the source domain it is guaranteed that a event
will be generated in the target domain at a later point in time. It is
possible though that multiple events in the source domain will be coalesced
into a single event in the target domain if events are generated faster
than they can be transferred.

Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <lars@metafoo.de>
Lars-Peter Clausen 2017-05-18 15:12:29 +02:00
parent 01aea161fa
commit ab381825da
1 changed files with 93 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
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module sync_event #(
parameter NUM_OF_EVENTS = 1,
parameter ASYNC_CLK = 1
) (
input in_clk,
input [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] in_event,
input out_clk,
output reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] out_event
if (ASYNC_CLK == 1) begin
wire out_toggle;
wire in_toggle;
reg out_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
reg in_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
sync_bits i_sync_out (
sync_bits i_sync_in (
wire in_ready = in_toggle == in_toggle_d1;
wire load_out = out_toggle ^ out_toggle_d1;
reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] cdc_hold = 'h00;
reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] in_event_sticky = 'h00;
wire [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] pending_events = in_event_sticky | in_event;
always @(posedge in_clk) begin
if (in_ready == 1'b1) begin
cdc_hold <= pending_events;
in_event_sticky <= {NUM_OF_EVENTS{1'b0}};
if (|pending_events == 1'b1) begin
in_toggle_d1 <= ~in_toggle_d1;
end else begin
in_event_sticky <= pending_events;
always @(posedge out_clk) begin
if (load_out == 1'b1) begin
// When there is only one event, we know that it is set.
out_event <= NUM_OF_EVENTS == 1 ? 1'b1 : cdc_hold;
end else begin
out_event <= {NUM_OF_EVENTS{1'b0}};
out_toggle_d1 <= out_toggle;
end else begin
always @(*) begin
out_event <= in_event;