dac_fmc_ebz_bd.tcl: Updated bd for multiple tx_ref_clk
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ set SAMPLE_WIDTH $ad_project_params(JESD_NP)
set DAC_DATA_WIDTH [expr $NUM_OF_LANES * 32]
# Top level ports
create_bd_port -dir I dac_fifo_bypass
@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ ad_dacfifo_create axi_dac_fifo \
ad_ip_instance util_adxcvr util_dac_jesd204_xcvr [list \
TX_LANE_INVERT [expr 0x0F] \
@ -105,16 +106,21 @@ ad_connect sys_cpu_clk util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/up_clk
# reference clocks & resets
create_bd_port -dir I tx_ref_clk
for {set i 0} {$i < $MAX_NUM_OF_LANES} {incr i} {
if {$i % 4 == 0} {
create_bd_port -dir I tx_ref_clk_${i}
ad_xcvrpll tx_ref_clk_${i} util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/qpll_ref_clk_${i}
set quad_ref_clk tx_ref_clk_${i}
ad_xcvrpll $quad_ref_clk util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/cpll_ref_clk_${i}
ad_xcvrpll tx_ref_clk util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/qpll_ref_clk_*
ad_xcvrpll tx_ref_clk util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/cpll_ref_clk_*
ad_xcvrpll dac_jesd204_xcvr/up_pll_rst util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/up_qpll_rst_*
ad_xcvrpll dac_jesd204_xcvr/up_pll_rst util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/up_cpll_rst_*
# connections (dac)
ad_xcvrcon util_dac_jesd204_xcvr dac_jesd204_xcvr dac_jesd204_link
ad_xcvrcon util_dac_jesd204_xcvr dac_jesd204_xcvr dac_jesd204_link {} {} {} $MAX_NUM_OF_LANES
ad_connect util_dac_jesd204_xcvr/tx_out_clk_0 dac_jesd204_transport/link_clk
@ -164,8 +170,3 @@ ad_cpu_interrupt ps-12 mb-13 dac_dma/irq
ad_connect axi_dac_fifo/bypass dac_fifo_bypass
# Create dummy outputs for unused Tx lanes
for {set i $NUM_OF_LANES} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
create_bd_port -dir O tx_data_${i}_n
create_bd_port -dir O tx_data_${i}_p
@ -36,22 +36,22 @@
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD10} [get_ports tx_ref_clk_p] ; ## D04 FMC_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_P MGTREFCLK0P_109_AD10
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD9 } [get_ports tx_ref_clk_n] ; ## D05 FMC_HPC_GBTCLK0_M2C_N MGTREFCLK0N_109_AD9
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK10} [get_ports tx_data_p[7]] ; ## C02 FMC_HPC_DP0_C2M_P MGTXTXP0_109_AK10
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK9 } [get_ports tx_data_n[7]] ; ## C03 FMC_HPC_DP0_C2M_N MGTXTXN0_109_AK9
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK6 } [get_ports tx_data_p[6]] ; ## A22 FMC_HPC_DP1_C2M_P MGTXTXP1_109_AK6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK5 } [get_ports tx_data_n[6]] ; ## A23 FMC_HPC_DP1_C2M_N MGTXTXN1_109_AK5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AJ4 } [get_ports tx_data_p[5]] ; ## A26 FMC_HPC_DP2_C2M_P MGTXTXP2_109_AJ4
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AJ3 } [get_ports tx_data_n[5]] ; ## A27 FMC_HPC_DP2_C2M_N MGTXTXN2_109_AJ3
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[4]] ; ## A30 FMC_HPC_DP3_C2M_P MGTXTXP3_109_AK2
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[4]] ; ## A31 FMC_HPC_DP3_C2M_N MGTXTXN3_109_AK1
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AH2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[2]] ; ## A34 FMC_HPC_DP4_C2M_P MGTXTXP0_110_AH2
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AH1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[2]] ; ## A35 FMC_HPC_DP4_C2M_N MGTXTXN0_110_AH1
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AF2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[0]] ; ## A38 FMC_HPC_DP5_C2M_P MGTXTXP1_110_AF2
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AF1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[0]] ; ## A39 FMC_HPC_DP5_C2M_N MGTXTXN1_110_AF1
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AE4 } [get_ports tx_data_p[1]] ; ## B36 FMC_HPC_DP6_C2M_P MGTXTXP2_110_AE4
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AE3 } [get_ports tx_data_n[1]] ; ## B37 FMC_HPC_DP6_C2M_N MGTXTXN2_110_AE3
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[3]] ; ## B32 FMC_HPC_DP7_C2M_P MGTXTXP3_110_AD2
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[3]] ; ## B33 FMC_HPC_DP7_C2M_N MGTXTXN3_110_AD1
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK10} [get_ports tx_data_p[7]] ; ## C02 FMC_HPC_DP0_C2M_P MGTXTXP0_109_AK10
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK9 } [get_ports tx_data_n[7]] ; ## C03 FMC_HPC_DP0_C2M_N MGTXTXN0_109_AK9
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK6 } [get_ports tx_data_p[6]] ; ## A22 FMC_HPC_DP1_C2M_P MGTXTXP1_109_AK6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK5 } [get_ports tx_data_n[6]] ; ## A23 FMC_HPC_DP1_C2M_N MGTXTXN1_109_AK5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AJ4 } [get_ports tx_data_p[5]] ; ## A26 FMC_HPC_DP2_C2M_P MGTXTXP2_109_AJ4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AJ3 } [get_ports tx_data_n[5]] ; ## A27 FMC_HPC_DP2_C2M_N MGTXTXN2_109_AJ3
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[4]] ; ## A30 FMC_HPC_DP3_C2M_P MGTXTXP3_109_AK2
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AK1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[4]] ; ## A31 FMC_HPC_DP3_C2M_N MGTXTXN3_109_AK1
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AH2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[2]] ; ## A34 FMC_HPC_DP4_C2M_P MGTXTXP0_110_AH2
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AH1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[2]] ; ## A35 FMC_HPC_DP4_C2M_N MGTXTXN0_110_AH1
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AF2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[0]] ; ## A38 FMC_HPC_DP5_C2M_P MGTXTXP1_110_AF2
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AF1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[0]] ; ## A39 FMC_HPC_DP5_C2M_N MGTXTXN1_110_AF1
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AE4 } [get_ports tx_data_p[1]] ; ## B36 FMC_HPC_DP6_C2M_P MGTXTXP2_110_AE4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AE3 } [get_ports tx_data_n[1]] ; ## B37 FMC_HPC_DP6_C2M_N MGTXTXN2_110_AE3
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD2 } [get_ports tx_data_p[3]] ; ## B32 FMC_HPC_DP7_C2M_P MGTXTXP3_110_AD2
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AD1 } [get_ports tx_data_n[3]] ; ## B33 FMC_HPC_DP7_C2M_N MGTXTXN3_110_AD1
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AG21 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM TRUE} [get_ports tx_sync_p[0]] ; ## D07 FMC_HPC_LA01_P IO_L13P_T2_MRCC_11_AG21
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN AH21 IOSTANDARD LVDS_25 DIFF_TERM TRUE} [get_ports tx_sync_n[0]] ; ## D08 FMC_HPC_LA01_N IO_L13N_T2_MRCC_11_AH21
@ -36,8 +36,6 @@
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module system_top #(
parameter JESD_L = 4,
parameter NUM_LINKS = 2,
parameter DEVICE_CODE = 0
) (
@ -83,8 +81,8 @@ module system_top #(
input tx_sysref_n,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_p,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_n,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_p,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_n,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_p,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_n,
inout [ 4:0] dac_ctrl,
@ -116,8 +114,6 @@ module system_top #(
wire tx_ref_clk;
wire tx_sysref;
wire [ 1:0] tx_sync;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_p_loc;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_n_loc;
wire tx_sysref_loc;
// spi
@ -268,30 +264,28 @@ module system_top #(
.spi1_sdi_i (spi1_miso),
.spi1_sdo_i (spi1_mosi),
.spi1_sdo_o (spi1_mosi),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n_loc[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p_loc[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n_loc[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p_loc[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n_loc[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p_loc[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n_loc[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p_loc[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n_loc[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p_loc[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n_loc[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p_loc[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n_loc[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p_loc[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n_loc[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p_loc[7]),
.tx_ref_clk (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p[7]),
.tx_ref_clk_0 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_ref_clk_4 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_sync_0 (tx_sync[NUM_LINKS-1:0]),
.tx_sysref_0 (tx_sysref_loc),
.dac_fifo_bypass (dac_fifo_bypass));
assign tx_data_p[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_p_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
assign tx_data_n[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_n_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
// AD9161/2/4-FMC-EBZ works only in single link,
// The FMC connector instead of SYNC1 has SYSREF connected to it
assign tx_sysref_loc = (DEVICE_CODE == 3) ? tx_sync[1] : tx_sysref;
@ -30,22 +30,22 @@ set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN W1 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS18} [get_ports dac_ctrl[4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G8} [get_ports tx_ref_clk_p] ; ## D04 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_P MGTREFCLK0P_229_G8
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G7} [get_ports tx_ref_clk_n] ; ## D05 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_N MGTREFCLK0N_229_G7
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G3} [get_ports tx_data_n[7]] ; ## C03 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_N MGTHTXN2_229_G3
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G4} [get_ports tx_data_p[7]] ; ## C02 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_P MGTHTXP2_229_G4
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN H5} [get_ports tx_data_n[6]] ; ## A23 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_N MGTHTXN1_229_H5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN H6} [get_ports tx_data_p[6]] ; ## A22 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_P MGTHTXP1_229_H6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F5} [get_ports tx_data_n[5]] ; ## A27 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_N MGTHTXN3_229_F5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F6} [get_ports tx_data_p[5]] ; ## A26 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_P MGTHTXP3_229_F6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN K5} [get_ports tx_data_n[4]] ; ## A31 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_N MGTHTXN0_229_K5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN K6} [get_ports tx_data_p[4]] ; ## A30 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_P MGTHTXP0_229_K6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M6} [get_ports tx_data_p[2]] ; ## A34 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_P MGTHTXP3_228_M6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M5} [get_ports tx_data_n[2]] ; ## A35 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_N MGTHTXN3_228_M5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P6} [get_ports tx_data_p[0]] ; ## A38 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_P MGTHTXP1_228_P6
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P5} [get_ports tx_data_n[0]] ; ## A39 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_N MGTHTXN1_228_P5
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R4} [get_ports tx_data_p[1]] ; ## B36 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_P MGTHTXP0_228_R4
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R3} [get_ports tx_data_n[1]] ; ## B37 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_N MGTHTXN0_228_R3
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N4} [get_ports tx_data_p[3]] ; ## B32 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_P MGTHTXP2_228_N4
set_property -quiet -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N3} [get_ports tx_data_n[3]] ; ## B33 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_N MGTHTXN2_228_N3
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G3} [get_ports tx_data_n[7]] ; ## C03 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_N MGTHTXN2_229_G3
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN G4} [get_ports tx_data_p[7]] ; ## C02 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_P MGTHTXP2_229_G4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN H5} [get_ports tx_data_n[6]] ; ## A23 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_N MGTHTXN1_229_H5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN H6} [get_ports tx_data_p[6]] ; ## A22 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_P MGTHTXP1_229_H6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F5} [get_ports tx_data_n[5]] ; ## A27 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_N MGTHTXN3_229_F5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN F6} [get_ports tx_data_p[5]] ; ## A26 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_P MGTHTXP3_229_F6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN K5} [get_ports tx_data_n[4]] ; ## A31 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_N MGTHTXN0_229_K5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN K6} [get_ports tx_data_p[4]] ; ## A30 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_P MGTHTXP0_229_K6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M6} [get_ports tx_data_p[2]] ; ## A34 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_P MGTHTXP3_228_M6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN M5} [get_ports tx_data_n[2]] ; ## A35 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_N MGTHTXN3_228_M5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P6} [get_ports tx_data_p[0]] ; ## A38 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_P MGTHTXP1_228_P6
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN P5} [get_ports tx_data_n[0]] ; ## A39 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_N MGTHTXN1_228_P5
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R4} [get_ports tx_data_p[1]] ; ## B36 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_P MGTHTXP0_228_R4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN R3} [get_ports tx_data_n[1]] ; ## B37 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_N MGTHTXN0_228_R3
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N4} [get_ports tx_data_p[3]] ; ## B32 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_P MGTHTXP2_228_N4
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN N3} [get_ports tx_data_n[3]] ; ## B33 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_N MGTHTXN2_228_N3
# PL PMOD 1 header
set_property -dict {PACKAGE_PIN D20 IOSTANDARD LVCMOS33} [get_ports pmod_spi_clk] ; ## PMOD1_0 IO_L8N_HDGC_AD4N_47_D20
@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ tx_sysref_p SYSREF2_P G06 FMC_HPC0_LA00_CC_P Y4 IO_L13P_T2L_
module system_top #(
parameter JESD_L = 4,
parameter NUM_LINKS = 2,
parameter DEVICE_CODE = 0
) (
@ -94,8 +92,8 @@ module system_top #(
input tx_sysref_n,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_p,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_n,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_p,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_n,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_p,
output [ 7:0] tx_data_n,
output spi_csn_dac,
output spi_csn_clk,
@ -124,8 +122,6 @@ module system_top #(
wire tx_ref_clk;
wire tx_sysref;
wire [ 1:0] tx_sync;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_p_loc;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_n_loc;
wire tx_sysref_loc;
// spi
@ -229,29 +225,27 @@ module system_top #(
.spi1_miso (pmod_spi_miso),
.spi1_mosi (pmod_spi_mosi),
.spi1_sclk (pmod_spi_clk),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n_loc[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p_loc[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n_loc[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p_loc[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n_loc[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p_loc[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n_loc[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p_loc[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n_loc[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p_loc[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n_loc[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p_loc[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n_loc[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p_loc[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n_loc[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p_loc[7]),
.tx_ref_clk (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p[7]),
.tx_ref_clk_0 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_ref_clk_4 (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_sync_0 (tx_sync[NUM_LINKS-1:0]),
.tx_sysref_0 (tx_sysref));
assign tx_data_p[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_p_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
assign tx_data_n[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_n_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
// AD9161/2/4-FMC-EBZ works only in single link,
// The FMC connector instead of SYNC1 has SYSREF connected to it
assign tx_sysref_loc = (DEVICE_CODE == 3) ? tx_sync[1] : tx_sysref;
Reference in New Issue