Merge branch 'jesd204' into dev

Istvan Csomortani 2017-05-31 20:44:32 +03:00
commit 50cdb6db67
129 changed files with 9432 additions and 202 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,14 @@ clean:
make -C cn0363/cn0363_dma_sequencer clean
make -C cn0363/cn0363_phase_data_sync clean
make -C cordic_demod clean
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_common clean
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx clean
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_tx clean
make -C jesd204/jesd204_common clean
make -C jesd204/jesd204_rx clean
make -C jesd204/jesd204_rx_static_config clean
make -C jesd204/jesd204_tx clean
make -C jesd204/jesd204_tx_static_config clean
make -C spi_engine/axi_spi_engine clean
make -C spi_engine/spi_engine_execution clean
make -C spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect clean
@ -64,6 +72,7 @@ clean:
make -C util_axis_resize clean
make -C util_bsplit clean
make -C util_ccat clean
make -C util_cdc clean
make -C util_cic clean
make -C util_clkdiv clean
make -C util_cpack clean
@ -142,6 +151,14 @@ lib:
make -C cn0363/cn0363_dma_sequencer
make -C cn0363/cn0363_phase_data_sync
make -C cordic_demod
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_common
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx
make -C jesd204/axi_jesd204_tx
make -C jesd204/jesd204_common
make -C jesd204/jesd204_rx
make -C jesd204/jesd204_rx_static_config
make -C jesd204/jesd204_tx
make -C jesd204/jesd204_tx_static_config
make -C spi_engine/axi_spi_engine
make -C spi_engine/spi_engine_execution
make -C spi_engine/spi_engine_interconnect
@ -151,6 +168,7 @@ lib:
make -C util_axis_resize
make -C util_bsplit
make -C util_ccat
make -C util_cdc
make -C util_cic
make -C util_clkdiv
make -C util_cpack

View File

@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
M_DEPS += ../common/ad_rst.v
M_DEPS += ../common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../common/up_axi.v
M_DEPS += ../common/up_clock_mon.v
M_DEPS += ../common/up_dac_common.v
@ -19,6 +18,8 @@ M_DEPS += axi_ad5766.v
M_DEPS += axi_ad5766_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += up_ad5766_sequencer.v
M_DEPS += ../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../interfaces/fifo_rd.xml
M_DEPS += ../interfaces/fifo_rd_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_ctrl.xml
@ -43,8 +44,8 @@ M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: axi_ad5766.xpr
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep axi_ad5766.xpr
@ -58,5 +59,7 @@ axi_ad5766.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) axi_ad5766_ip.tcl >> axi_ad5766_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../util_cdc/

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ adi_ip_create axi_ad5766
adi_ip_files axi_ad5766 [list \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_xfer_cntrl.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_xfer_status.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_rst.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_dac_common.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_clock_mon.v" \
@ -18,6 +17,10 @@ adi_ip_files axi_ad5766 [list \
adi_ip_properties axi_ad5766
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \
adi_add_bus "spi_engine_ctrl" "master" \
"" \
"" \

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
M_DEPS += ../common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../common/up_axi.v
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ M_DEPS += src_fifo_inf.v
M_DEPS += ../util_axis_fifo/util_axis_fifo.xpr
M_DEPS += ../util_axis_resize/util_axis_resize.xpr
M_DEPS += ../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../interfaces/fifo_rd.xml
M_DEPS += ../interfaces/fifo_rd_rtl.xml
@ -70,5 +70,6 @@ axi_dmac.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
make -C ../util_axis_fifo/
make -C ../util_axis_resize/
make -C ../util_cdc/

View File

@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ set_module_property ELABORATION_CALLBACK axi_dmac_elaborate
add_fileset quartus_synth QUARTUS_SYNTH "" "Quartus Synthesis"
set_fileset_property quartus_synth TOP_LEVEL axi_dmac
add_fileset_file sync_bits.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v
add_fileset_file sync_gray.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_gray.v
add_fileset_file sync_bits.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/util_cdc/sync_bits.v
add_fileset_file sync_gray.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/util_cdc/sync_gray.v
add_fileset_file up_axi.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_axi.v
add_fileset_file axi_repack.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/util_axis_resize/util_axis_resize.v
add_fileset_file fifo.v VERILOG PATH $ad_hdl_dir/library/util_axis_fifo/util_axis_fifo.v

View File

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_dmac
adi_ip_files axi_dmac [list \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_axi.v" \
"address_generator.v" \
"data_mover.v" \
@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ adi_ip_bd axi_dmac "bd/bd.tcl"
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \ \ \
set_property display_name "ADI AXI DMA Controller" [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -35,91 +35,108 @@
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module up_clock_mon (
module up_clock_mon #(
parameter TOTAL_WIDTH = 32
) (
// processor interface
input up_rstn,
input up_clk,
output reg [31:0] up_d_count,
input up_rstn,
input up_clk,
output reg [TOTAL_WIDTH-1:0] up_d_count,
// device interface
input d_rst,
input d_clk);
input d_rst,
input d_clk);
// internal registers
reg [15:0] up_count = 'd0;
reg up_count_toggle = 'd0;
reg up_count_toggle_m1 = 'd0;
reg up_count_toggle_m2 = 'd0;
reg up_count_toggle_m3 = 'd0;
reg d_count_toggle_m1 = 'd0;
reg d_count_toggle_m2 = 'd0;
reg d_count_toggle_m3 = 'd0;
reg d_count_toggle = 'd0;
reg [31:0] d_count_hold = 'd0;
reg [32:0] d_count = 'd0;
reg [15:0] up_count = 'd1;
reg up_count_run = 'd0;
reg up_count_running_m1 = 'd0;
reg up_count_running_m2 = 'd0;
reg up_count_running_m3 = 'd0;
reg d_count_run_m1 = 'd0;
reg d_count_run_m2 = 'd0;
reg d_count_run_m3 = 'd0;
reg [TOTAL_WIDTH:0] d_count = 'd0;
// internal signals
wire up_count_toggle_s;
wire d_count_toggle_s;
wire up_count_capture_s;
wire d_count_reset_s;
// processor reference
assign up_count_toggle_s = up_count_toggle_m3 ^ up_count_toggle_m2;
// Capture on the falling edge of running
assign up_count_capture_s = up_count_running_m3 == 1'b1 && up_count_running_m2 == 1'b0;
always @(negedge up_rstn or posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_rstn == 0) begin
up_count_running_m1 <= 1'b0;
up_count_running_m2 <= 1'b0;
up_count_running_m3 <= 1'b0;
end else begin
up_count_running_m1 <= d_count_run_m3;
up_count_running_m2 <= up_count_running_m1;
up_count_running_m3 <= up_count_running_m2;
always @(negedge up_rstn or posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_rstn == 0) begin
up_count <= 'd0;
up_count_toggle <= 'd0;
up_count_toggle_m1 <= 'd0;
up_count_toggle_m2 <= 'd0;
up_count_toggle_m3 <= 'd0;
up_d_count <= 'd0;
up_count_run <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (up_count_running_m3 == 1'b0) begin
up_count_run <= 1'b1;
end else if (up_count == 'h00) begin
up_count_run <= 1'b0;
if (up_count_capture_s == 1'b1) begin
up_d_count <= d_count;
end else if (up_count == 'h00 && up_count_running_m3 == 1'b0) begin
up_d_count <= 'h00;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_count_run == 1'b0) begin
up_count <= 'h01;
end else begin
up_count <= up_count + 1'b1;
if (up_count == 16'd0) begin
up_count_toggle <= ~up_count_toggle;
up_count_toggle_m1 <= d_count_toggle;
up_count_toggle_m2 <= up_count_toggle_m1;
up_count_toggle_m3 <= up_count_toggle_m2;
if (up_count_toggle_s == 1'b1) begin
up_d_count <= d_count_hold;
// device free running
assign d_count_toggle_s = d_count_toggle_m3 ^ d_count_toggle_m2;
// Reset on the rising edge of run
assign d_count_reset_s = d_count_run_m3 == 1'b0 && d_count_run_m2 == 1'b1;
always @(posedge d_clk or posedge d_rst) begin
if (d_rst == 1'b1) begin
d_count_toggle_m1 <= 'd0;
d_count_toggle_m2 <= 'd0;
d_count_toggle_m3 <= 'd0;
d_count_run_m1 <= 1'b0;
d_count_run_m2 <= 1'b0;
d_count_run_m3 <= 1'b0;
end else begin
d_count_toggle_m1 <= up_count_toggle;
d_count_toggle_m2 <= d_count_toggle_m1;
d_count_toggle_m3 <= d_count_toggle_m2;
d_count_run_m1 <= up_count_run;
d_count_run_m2 <= d_count_run_m1;
d_count_run_m3 <= d_count_run_m2;
always @(posedge d_clk) begin
if (d_count_toggle_s == 1'b1) begin
d_count_toggle <= ~d_count_toggle;
d_count_hold <= d_count[31:0];
if (d_count_toggle_s == 1'b1) begin
d_count <= 33'd1;
end else if (d_count[32] == 1'b0) begin
d_count <= d_count + 1'b1;
end else begin
d_count <= {33{1'b1}};
if (d_count_reset_s == 1'b1) begin
d_count <= 'h00;
end else if (d_count_run_m3 == 1'b1) begin
if (d_count[TOTAL_WIDTH] == 1'b0) begin
d_count <= d_count + 1'b1;
end else begin
d_count <= {TOTAL_WIDTH+1{1'b1}};

library/jesd204/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# Analog Devices JESD204B HDL Support
## Licensing
The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have by
using this source code/core.
The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask questions
about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting binaries
(including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the source of
the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they do
not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204 core
with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
interested in such a license should contact for
more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a license
to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their source code).
In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required to
do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply with
this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing : “The
design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project is
copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.”
## Support
Analog Devices will provide limited online support for anyone using the core
with Analog Devices components (ADC, DAC, Clock, etc) via under the GPL license. If you would like
deterministic support when using this core with an ADI component, please
investigate a commercial license. Using a non-ADI JESD204 device with this core
is possible under the GPL, but Analog Devices will not help with issues you may
## Documenation
- [JESD204B overview](
- [Analog Devices JESD204B Transmit Peripheral](
- [Analog Devices JESD204B Receive Peripheral](

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_common_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_common.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_sysref.v
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: axi_jesd204_common.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
axi_jesd204_common.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) axi_jesd204_common_ip.tcl >> axi_jesd204_common_ip.log 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_jesd204_common
adi_ip_files axi_jesd204_common [list \
"jesd204_up_common.v" \
"jesd204_up_sysref.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite axi_jesd204_common
set_property display_name "ADI AXI JESD204B Common Library" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI AXI JESD204B Common Library" [ipx::current_core]
set_property hide_in_gui {1} [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_common # (
parameter PCORE_VERSION = 0,
parameter PCORE_MAGIC = 0,
parameter ID = 0,
parameter NUM_LANES = 1,
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 2,
parameter MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 256,
parameter NUM_IRQS = 1,
parameter EXTRA_CFG_WIDTH = 1
) (
input up_clk,
input ext_resetn,
output up_reset,
output up_reset_synchronizer,
input core_clk,
output core_reset,
input [11:0] up_raddr,
output reg [31:0] up_rdata,
input up_wreq,
input [11:0] up_waddr,
input [31:0] up_wdata,
input [EXTRA_CFG_WIDTH-1:0] up_extra_cfg,
input [NUM_IRQS-1:0] up_irq_trigger,
output reg irq,
output up_cfg_is_writeable,
output reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_cfg_lanes_disable,
output reg [7:0] core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
output reg [7:0] core_cfg_octets_per_frame,
output reg core_cfg_disable_scrambler,
output reg core_cfg_disable_char_replacement,
output reg [EXTRA_CFG_WIDTH-1:0] core_extra_cfg
reg [31:0] up_scratch = 32'h00000000;
/* Reset for the register map */
reg [2:0] up_reset_vector = 3'b111;
assign up_reset = up_reset_vector[0];
/* Reset signal generation for the JESD core */
reg [4:0] core_reset_vector = 5'b11111;
assign core_reset = core_reset_vector[0];
/* Transfer the reset signal back to the up domain, used to keep the
* synchronizers in reset until the core is ready. This is done in order to
* prevent bogus data to propagate to the register map. */
reg [1:0] up_reset_synchronizer_vector = 2'b11;
assign up_reset_synchronizer = up_reset_synchronizer_vector[0];
/* Transfer two cycles before the core comes out of reset */
assign core_cfg_transfer_en = core_reset_vector[2] ^ core_reset_vector[1];
reg up_reset_core = 1'b1;
assign up_cfg_is_writeable = up_reset_core;
always @(posedge up_clk or negedge ext_resetn) begin
if (ext_resetn == 1'b0) begin
up_reset_vector <= 3'b111;
end else begin
up_reset_vector <= {1'b0,up_reset_vector[2:1]};
always @(posedge core_clk or posedge up_reset_core) begin
if (up_reset_core == 1'b1) begin
core_reset_vector <= 5'b11111;
end else begin
core_reset_vector <= {1'b0,core_reset_vector[4:1]};
always @(posedge up_clk or posedge up_reset_core) begin
if (up_reset_core == 1'b1) begin
up_reset_synchronizer_vector <= 2'b11;
end else begin
up_reset_synchronizer_vector <= {core_reset,up_reset_synchronizer_vector[1]};
always @(posedge core_clk) begin
if (core_cfg_transfer_en == 1'b1) begin
core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe <= up_cfg_beats_per_multiframe;
core_cfg_octets_per_frame <= up_cfg_octets_per_frame;
core_cfg_lanes_disable <= up_cfg_lanes_disable;
core_cfg_disable_scrambler <= up_cfg_disable_scrambler;
core_cfg_disable_char_replacement <= up_cfg_disable_char_replacement;
core_extra_cfg <= up_extra_cfg;
/* Interupt handling */
reg [NUM_IRQS-1:0] up_irq_enable = {NUM_IRQS{1'b0}};
reg [NUM_IRQS-1:0] up_irq_source = 'h00;
reg [NUM_IRQS-1:0] up_irq_clear;
wire [NUM_IRQS-1:0] up_irq_pending;
assign up_irq_pending = up_irq_source & up_irq_enable;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
irq <= 1'b0;
end else begin
irq <= |up_irq_pending;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_irq_source <= 'h00;
end else begin
up_irq_source <= (up_irq_source & ~up_irq_clear) | up_irq_trigger;
reg [7:0] up_cfg_octets_per_frame = 'h00;
reg [9-DATA_PATH_WIDTH:0] up_cfg_beats_per_multiframe = 'h00;
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] up_cfg_lanes_disable = {NUM_LANES{1'b0}};
reg up_cfg_disable_char_replacement = 1'b0;
reg up_cfg_disable_scrambler = 1'b0;
wire [20:0] clk_mon_count;
always @(*) begin
case (up_raddr)
/* Standard registers */
12'h000: up_rdata <= PCORE_VERSION;
12'h001: up_rdata <= ID;
12'h002: up_rdata <= up_scratch;
12'h003: up_rdata <= PCORE_MAGIC;
/* Core configuration */
12'h004: up_rdata <= NUM_LANES;
12'h005: up_rdata <= DATA_PATH_WIDTH;
/* 0x06-0x0f reserved for future use */
/* 0x10-0x1f reserved for core specific HDL configuration information */
/* IRQ block */
12'h020: up_rdata <= up_irq_enable;
12'h021: up_rdata <= up_irq_pending;
12'h022: up_rdata <= up_irq_source;
/* 0x23-0x30 reserved for future use */
/* JESD common control */
12'h030: up_rdata <= up_reset_core;
12'h031: up_rdata <= up_reset_synchronizer; /* core ready */
12'h032: up_rdata <= {11'h00, clk_mon_count}; /* Make it 16.16 */
/* 0x32-0x34 reserver for future use */
12'h080: up_rdata <= up_cfg_lanes_disable;
/* 0x81-0x83 reserved for future lane disable bits (max 128 lanes) */
12'h084: up_rdata <= {
/* 24-31 */ 8'h00, /* Reserved for future extensions of octets_per_frame */
/* 16-23 */ up_cfg_octets_per_frame,
/* 10-15 */ 6'b000000, /* Reserved for future extensions of beats_per_multiframe */
/* 00-09 */ up_cfg_beats_per_multiframe,{DATA_PATH_WIDTH{1'b1}}
12'h85: up_rdata <= {
/* 02-31 */ 30'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 01 */ up_cfg_disable_char_replacement, /* Disable character replacement */
/* 00 */ up_cfg_disable_scrambler /* Disable scrambler */
/* 0x86-0x8f reserved for future use */
/* 0x90-0x9f reserved for core specific configuration options */
default: up_rdata <= 'h00;
/* IRQ pending register is write-1-to-clear */
always @(*) begin
if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_waddr == 12'h21) begin
up_irq_clear <= up_wdata[NUM_IRQS-1:0];
end else begin
up_irq_clear <= {NUM_IRQS{1'b0}};
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_scratch <= 'h00;
up_irq_enable <= {NUM_IRQS{1'b0}};
up_reset_core <= 1'b1;
up_cfg_octets_per_frame <= 'h00;
up_cfg_beats_per_multiframe <= 'h00;
up_cfg_lanes_disable <= {NUM_LANES{1'b0}};
up_cfg_disable_char_replacement <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_disable_scrambler <= 1'b0;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1) begin
case (up_waddr)
/* Standard registers */
12'h002: up_scratch <= up_wdata;
/* IRQ block */
12'h020: up_irq_enable <= up_wdata[NUM_IRQS-1:0];
/* JESD common control */
12'h030: up_reset_core <= up_wdata[0];
* The configuration needs to be static while the core is
* active. To enforce this writes to configuration registers
* will be ignored while the core is out of reset.
if (up_cfg_is_writeable == 1'b1) begin
case (up_waddr)
12'h080: begin
up_cfg_lanes_disable <= up_wdata[NUM_LANES-1:0];
12'h084: begin
up_cfg_octets_per_frame <= up_wdata[23:16];
up_cfg_beats_per_multiframe <= up_wdata[9:DATA_PATH_WIDTH];
12'h085: begin
up_cfg_disable_char_replacement <= up_wdata[1];
up_cfg_disable_scrambler <= up_wdata[0];
up_clock_mon #(
) i_clk_mon (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_sysref (
input up_clk,
input up_reset,
input core_clk,
input [11:0] up_raddr,
output reg [31:0] up_rdata,
input up_wreq,
input [11:0] up_waddr,
input [31:0] up_wdata,
input up_cfg_is_writeable,
output reg up_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
output reg [7:0] up_cfg_lmfc_offset,
output reg up_cfg_sysref_required,
input core_event_sysref_alignment_error
reg up_status_sysref_alignment_error = 1'b0;
wire up_status_sysref_captured;
always @(*) begin
case (up_raddr)
/* JESD SYSREF configuraton */
12'h040: up_rdata <= {30'h00,up_cfg_sysref_required,up_cfg_sysref_oneshot};
12'h041: up_rdata <= up_cfg_lmfc_offset;
default: up_rdata <= 32'h00000000;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_cfg_sysref_oneshot <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_lmfc_offset <= 'h00;
up_cfg_sysref_required <= 1'b1;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_cfg_is_writeable == 1'b1) begin
case (up_waddr)
/* JESD SYSREF configuraton */
12'h040: begin
up_cfg_sysref_required <= up_wdata[1];
up_cfg_sysref_oneshot <= up_wdata[0];
12'h041: up_cfg_lmfc_offset <= up_wdata[7:0];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../common/up_axi.v
M_DEPS += ../../common/up_clock_mon.v
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_rx.v
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_rx_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_rx_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_ilas_mem.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_rx.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_rx_lane.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/axi_jesd204_common/axi_jesd204_common.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_event.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_event_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_ilas_config.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_status.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_status_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep axi_jesd204_rx.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
axi_jesd204_rx.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) axi_jesd204_rx_ip.tcl >> axi_jesd204_rx_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/axi_jesd204_common/
make -C ../../util_cdc/
make -C ../../jesd204/interfaces/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module axi_jesd204_rx #(
parameter ID = 0,
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [13:0] s_axi_awaddr,
output s_axi_awready,
input [2:0] s_axi_awprot,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [13:0] s_axi_araddr,
output s_axi_arready,
input [2:0] s_axi_arprot,
output s_axi_rvalid,
input s_axi_rready,
output [ 1:0] s_axi_rresp,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
output irq,
input core_clk,
output core_reset,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_cfg_lanes_disable,
output [7:0] core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
output [7:0] core_cfg_octets_per_frame,
output core_cfg_disable_scrambler,
output core_cfg_disable_char_replacement,
output [7:0] core_cfg_lmfc_offset,
output core_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
output core_cfg_sysref_required,
output core_cfg_buffer_early_release,
output [7:0] core_cfg_buffer_delay,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_valid,
input [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
input [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_data,
input core_event_sysref_alignment_error,
input core_event_sysref_edge,
input [2:0] core_status_ctrl_state,
input [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_cgs_state,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_ifs_ready,
input [14*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_latency
localparam PCORE_VERSION = 32'h00010061; // 1.00.a
localparam PCORE_MAGIC = 32'h32303452; // 204R
/* Register interface signals */
reg [31:0] up_rdata = 'h0;
reg up_wack = 1'b0;
reg up_rack = 1'b0;
wire up_wreq;
wire up_rreq;
wire [31:0] up_wdata;
wire [11:0] up_waddr;
wire [11:0] up_raddr;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_common;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_sysref;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_rx;
wire [4:0] up_irq_trigger = 5'b00000;
wire up_cfg_is_writeable;
wire up_cfg_sysref_oneshot;
wire up_cfg_sysref_required;
wire up_cfg_buffer_early_release;
wire [7:0] up_cfg_buffer_delay;
wire [7:0] up_cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire up_reset;
wire up_reset_synchronizer;
up_axi #(
) i_up_axi (
jesd204_up_common #(
) i_up_common (
/* 18 */ up_cfg_sysref_required,
/* 17 */ up_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
/* 16 */ up_cfg_buffer_early_release,
/* 08-15 */ up_cfg_buffer_delay,
/* 00-07 */ up_cfg_lmfc_offset
/* 18 */ core_cfg_sysref_required,
/* 17 */ core_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
/* 16 */ core_cfg_buffer_early_release,
/* 08-15 */ core_cfg_buffer_delay,
/* 00-07 */ core_cfg_lmfc_offset
jesd204_up_sysref i_up_sysref (
jesd204_up_rx #(
) i_up_rx (
always @(posedge s_axi_aclk) begin
up_wack <= up_wreq;
up_rack <= up_rreq;
if (up_rreq == 1'b1) begin
up_rdata <= up_rdata_common | up_rdata_sysref | up_rdata_rx;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# “The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.”
set axi_clk [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports s_axi_aclk]]
set core_clk [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports core_clk]]
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells -hier {*cdc_sync_stage1_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {*cdc_sync_stage2_reg*}]
# Used for synchronizing resets with asynchronous de-assert
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells -hier {up_reset_vector_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {core_reset_vector_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {up_reset_synchronizer_vector_reg*}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/in_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/i_sync_out/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/out_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/i_sync_in/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
# Don't place them too far appart
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/cdc_hold_reg[*]/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/i_sync_status/out_data_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $axi_clk]
set_false_path \
-from $core_clk \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/*i_up_rx_lane/i_sync_status_ready/cdc_sync_stage1_reg*/D}]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from $core_clk \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/*i_up_rx_lane/up_status_latency_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $axi_clk]
set_false_path \
-from $core_clk \
-to [get_pins {i_up_rx/*i_up_rx_lane/i_ilas_mem/i_sync_ilas_ready/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_rx/*i_up_rx_lane/i_ilas_mem/*mem_reg*/CLK}] \
-to [get_pins {up_rdata_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $axi_clk]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/up_reset_core_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_reset_vector_reg[*]/PRE}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/core_reset_vector_reg[0]/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/up_reset_synchronizer_vector_reg[1]/D}]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_cfg_*_reg*/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_rx/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_extra_cfg_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_sysref/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_extra_cfg_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_jesd204_rx
adi_ip_files axi_jesd204_rx [list \
"../../xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc" \
"../../common/up_axi.v" \
"../../common/up_clock_mon.v" \
"jesd204_up_rx.v" \
"jesd204_up_rx_lane.v" \
"jesd204_up_ilas_mem.v" \
"axi_jesd204_rx_constr.xdc" \
"axi_jesd204_rx.v" \
adi_ip_properties axi_jesd204_rx
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \ \
set_property display_name "ADI JESD204B Receive AXI Interface" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI JESD204B Receive AXI Interface" [ipx::current_core]
adi_add_bus "rx_cfg" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "core_cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "core_cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "core_cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "core_cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "core_cfg_buffer_early_release" "buffer_early_release" } \
{ "core_cfg_buffer_delay" "buffer_delay" } \
{ "core_cfg_disable_char_replacement" "disable_char_replacement" } \
{ "core_cfg_disable_scrambler" "disable_scrambler" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_ilas_config" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_ilas_config_valid" "valid" } \
{ "core_ilas_config_addr" "addr" } \
{ "core_ilas_config_data" "data" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_event" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_event_sysref_alignment_error" "sysref_alignment_error" } \
{ "core_event_sysref_edge" "sysref_edge" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_status" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_status_ctrl_state" "ctrl_state" } \
{ "core_status_lane_cgs_state" "lane_cgs_state" } \
{ "core_status_lane_ifs_ready" "lane_ifs_ready" } \
{ "core_status_lane_latency" "lane_latency" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "core_clk" "rx_status:rx_event:rx_ilas_config:rx_cfg" \
"core_reset" "master"
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_ilas_mem (
input up_clk,
input [1:0] up_raddr,
output [31:0] up_rdata,
input core_clk,
input core_reset,
input core_ilas_config_valid,
input [1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
input [31:0] core_ilas_config_data,
output up_ilas_ready
reg [3:0] mem[0:31];
reg core_ilas_captured = 1'b0;
sync_bits i_sync_ilas_ready (
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; i = i + 1) begin: ilas_mem
assign up_rdata[i] = mem[i][~up_raddr];
always @(posedge core_clk) begin
if (core_ilas_config_valid == 1'b1) begin
mem[i] <= {mem[i][2:0],core_ilas_config_data[i]};
always @(posedge core_clk) begin
if (core_reset == 1'b1) begin
core_ilas_captured = 1'b0;
end else begin
if (core_ilas_config_valid == 1'b1 && core_ilas_config_addr == 'h3) begin
core_ilas_captured <= 1'b1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_rx # (
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input up_clk,
input up_reset,
input up_reset_synchronizer,
input [11:0] up_raddr,
output reg [31:0] up_rdata,
input up_wreq,
input [11:0] up_waddr,
input [31:0] up_wdata,
input core_clk,
input core_reset,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_valid,
input [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
input [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_data,
input [2:0] core_status_ctrl_state,
input [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_cgs_state,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_ifs_ready,
input [14*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_status_lane_latency,
input up_cfg_is_writeable,
output reg up_cfg_buffer_early_release,
output reg [7:0] up_cfg_buffer_delay
localparam ELASTIC_BUFFER_SIZE = 256;
wire [2:0] up_status_ctrl_state;
wire [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] up_status_lane_cgs_state;
wire [31:0] up_lane_rdata[0:NUM_LANES-1];
sync_data #(
) i_sync_status (
localparam LANE_BASE_ADDR = 'h300 / 32;
always @(*) begin
case (up_raddr)
/* Core configuration */
12'h010: up_rdata <= ELASTIC_BUFFER_SIZE; /* Elastic buffer size in octets */
/* JESD RX configuraton */
12'h090: up_rdata <= {
/* 17-31 */ 15'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 16 */ up_cfg_buffer_early_release, /* Release buffer as soon as all lanes are ready. */
/* 10-15 */ 6'b0000, /* Reserved for future extensions of buffer_delay */
/* 02-09 */ up_cfg_buffer_delay, /* Buffer release delay */
/* 00-01 */ 2'b00 /* Data path width alignment */
/* 0x91-0x9f reserved for future use */
/* JESD RX status */
12'ha0: up_rdata <= {
/* 04-31 */ 28'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 03 */ 1'b0, /* Reserved for future extensions of ctrl_state */
/* 00-02 */ up_status_ctrl_state /* State of the internal state machine */
default: begin
if (up_raddr[11:3] >= LANE_BASE_ADDR &&
up_raddr[11:3] < LANE_BASE_ADDR + NUM_LANES) begin
up_rdata <= up_lane_rdata[up_raddr[11:3] - LANE_BASE_ADDR];
end else begin
up_rdata <= 'h00;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_cfg_buffer_early_release <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_buffer_delay <= 'h00;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_cfg_is_writeable == 1'b1) begin
case (up_waddr)
/* JESD RX configuraton */
12'h090: begin
up_cfg_buffer_early_release <= up_wdata[16];
up_cfg_buffer_delay <= up_wdata[9:2];
genvar i;
generate for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
jesd204_up_rx_lane i_up_rx_lane (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_rx_lane (
input up_clk,
input up_reset_synchronizer,
input [2:0] up_raddr,
output reg [31:0] up_rdata,
input [1:0] up_status_cgs_state,
input core_clk,
input core_reset,
input core_ilas_config_valid,
input [1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
input [31:0] core_ilas_config_data,
input core_status_ifs_ready,
input [13:0] core_status_latency
wire [1:0] up_status_ctrl_state;
wire up_status_ifs_ready;
reg [13:0] up_status_latency = 'h00;
wire [31:0] up_ilas_rdata;
wire up_ilas_ready;
sync_bits #(
) i_sync_status_ready (
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset_synchronizer == 1'b1) begin
up_status_latency <= 'h00;
end else begin
if (up_status_ifs_ready == 1'b1) begin
up_status_latency <= core_status_latency;
always @(*) begin
if (up_raddr[2] == 1'b1) begin
if (up_ilas_ready == 1'b1) begin
up_rdata <= up_ilas_rdata;
end else begin
up_rdata <= 'h00;
end else begin
case (up_raddr[1:0])
2'b00: up_rdata <= {
/* 06-31 */ 28'h00, /* Reserved for future use */
/* 05 */ up_ilas_ready,
/* 04 */ up_status_ifs_ready,
/* 02-03 */ 2'b00, /* Reserved for future extensions of cgs_state */
/* 00-01 */ up_status_cgs_state
2'b01: up_rdata <= {
/* 14-31 */ 18'h00, /* Reserved for future use */
/* 00-13 */ up_status_latency
default: up_rdata <= 'h00;
jesd204_up_ilas_mem i_ilas_mem (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../common/up_axi.v
M_DEPS += ../../common/up_clock_mon.v
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_tx.v
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_tx_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += axi_jesd204_tx_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += jesd204_up_tx.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/axi_jesd204_common/axi_jesd204_common.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ctrl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ctrl_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_event.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_event_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_status.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_status_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep axi_jesd204_tx.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
axi_jesd204_tx.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) axi_jesd204_tx_ip.tcl >> axi_jesd204_tx_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/axi_jesd204_common/
make -C ../../util_cdc/
make -C ../../jesd204/interfaces/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module axi_jesd204_tx #(
parameter ID = 0,
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input s_axi_aclk,
input s_axi_aresetn,
input s_axi_awvalid,
input [13:0] s_axi_awaddr,
output s_axi_awready,
input [2:0] s_axi_awprot,
input s_axi_wvalid,
input [31:0] s_axi_wdata,
input [3:0] s_axi_wstrb,
output s_axi_wready,
output s_axi_bvalid,
output [1:0] s_axi_bresp,
input s_axi_bready,
input s_axi_arvalid,
input [13:0] s_axi_araddr,
output s_axi_arready,
input [2:0] s_axi_arprot,
output s_axi_rvalid,
input s_axi_rready,
output [1:0] s_axi_rresp,
output [31:0] s_axi_rdata,
output irq,
input core_clk,
output core_reset,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] core_cfg_lanes_disable,
output [7:0] core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
output [7:0] core_cfg_octets_per_frame,
output [7:0] core_cfg_lmfc_offset,
output core_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
output core_cfg_sysref_required,
output core_cfg_continuous_cgs,
output core_cfg_continuous_ilas,
output core_cfg_skip_ilas,
output [7:0] core_cfg_mframes_per_ilas,
output core_cfg_disable_char_replacement,
output core_cfg_disable_scrambler,
input core_ilas_config_rd,
input [1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
output [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_data,
input core_event_sysref_alignment_error,
input core_event_sysref_edge,
output core_ctrl_manual_sync_request,
input [1:0] core_status_state,
input core_status_sync
localparam PCORE_VERSION = 32'h00010061; // 1.00.a
localparam PCORE_MAGIC = 32'h32303454; // 204T
wire up_reset;
/* Register interface signals */
reg [31:0] up_rdata = 'd0;
reg up_wack = 1'b0;
reg up_rack = 1'b0;
wire up_wreq;
wire up_rreq;
wire [31:0] up_wdata;
wire [11:0] up_waddr;
wire [11:0] up_raddr;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_common;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_sysref;
wire [31:0] up_rdata_tx;
wire up_cfg_skip_ilas;
wire up_cfg_continuous_ilas;
wire up_cfg_continuous_cgs;
wire [7:0] up_cfg_mframes_per_ilas;
wire [7:0] up_cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire up_cfg_sysref_oneshot;
wire up_cfg_sysref_required;
wire up_cfg_is_writeable;
wire [4:0] up_irq_trigger;
sync_event #(
) i_sync_events (
assign up_irq_trigger[4:2] = 3'b000;
up_axi #(
) i_up_axi (
jesd204_up_common #(
) i_up_common (
/* 20 */ up_cfg_sysref_required,
/* 19 */ up_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
/* 18 */ up_cfg_continuous_cgs,
/* 17 */ up_cfg_continuous_ilas,
/* 16 */ up_cfg_skip_ilas,
/* 08-15 */ up_cfg_lmfc_offset,
/* 00-07 */ up_cfg_mframes_per_ilas
/* 20 */ core_cfg_sysref_required,
/* 19 */ core_cfg_sysref_oneshot,
/* 18 */ core_cfg_continuous_cgs,
/* 17 */ core_cfg_continuous_ilas,
/* 16 */ core_cfg_skip_ilas,
/* 08-15 */ core_cfg_lmfc_offset,
/* 00-07 */ core_cfg_mframes_per_ilas
jesd204_up_sysref i_up_sysref (
.core_event_sysref_alignment_error(1'b0), // FIXME
jesd204_up_tx #(
) i_up_tx (
always @(posedge s_axi_aclk) begin
up_wack <= up_wreq;
up_rack <= up_rreq;
if (up_rreq == 1'b1) begin
up_rdata <= up_rdata_common | up_rdata_sysref | up_rdata_tx;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# “The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.”
set axi_clk [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports s_axi_aclk]]
set core_clk [get_clocks -of_objects [get_ports core_clk]]
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells -hier {*cdc_sync_stage1_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {*cdc_sync_stage2_reg*}]
# Used for synchronizing resets with asynchronous de-assert
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells -hier {up_reset_vector_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {core_reset_vector_reg*}] \
[get_cells -hier {up_reset_synchronizer_vector_reg*}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/out_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/i_sync_in/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/in_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/i_sync_out/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
# Don't place them too far appart
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/cdc_hold_reg[*]/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_state/out_data_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $axi_clk]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_sync_events/out_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_sync_events/i_sync_in/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_sync_events/in_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_sync_events/i_sync_out/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_sync_events/cdc_hold_reg[*]/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_sync_events/out_event_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $axi_clk]
set_false_path \
-from $core_clk \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_sync/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/up_reset_core_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_reset_vector_reg[*]/PRE}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/core_reset_vector_reg[0]/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/up_reset_synchronizer_vector_reg[1]/D}]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_common/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_cfg_*_reg*/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/up_cfg_ilas_data_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/*core_ilas_config_data_reg*/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/up_cfg_ilas_data_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/*core_ilas_config_data_reg*/S}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_extra_cfg_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only \
-from [get_pins {i_up_sysref/up_cfg_*_reg*/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_common/core_extra_cfg_reg[*]/D}] \
[get_property -min PERIOD $core_clk]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_manual_sync_request/out_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_manual_sync_request/i_sync_in/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]
set_false_path \
-from [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_manual_sync_request/in_toggle_d1_reg/C}] \
-to [get_pins {i_up_tx/i_sync_manual_sync_request/i_sync_out/cdc_sync_stage1_reg[0]/D}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_jesd204_tx
adi_ip_files axi_jesd204_tx [list \
"../../xilinx/common/up_clock_mon_constr.xdc" \
"../../common/up_axi.v" \
"../../common/up_clock_mon.v" \
"axi_jesd204_tx_constr.xdc" \
"jesd204_up_tx.v" \
"axi_jesd204_tx.v" \
adi_ip_properties axi_jesd204_tx
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \ \
set_property display_name "ADI JESD204B Transmit AXI Interface" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI JESD204B Transmit AXI Interface" [ipx::current_core]
adi_add_bus "tx_cfg" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "core_cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "core_cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "core_cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "core_cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "core_cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "core_cfg_continuous_cgs" "continuous_cgs" } \
{ "core_cfg_continuous_ilas" "continuous_ilas" } \
{ "core_cfg_skip_ilas" "skip_ilas" } \
{ "core_cfg_mframes_per_ilas" "mframes_per_ilas" } \
{ "core_cfg_disable_char_replacement" "disable_char_replacement" } \
{ "core_cfg_disable_scrambler" "disable_scrambler" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_ilas_config" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_ilas_config_rd" "rd" } \
{ "core_ilas_config_addr" "addr" } \
{ "core_ilas_config_data" "data" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_event" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_event_sysref_alignment_error" "sysref_alignment_error" } \
{ "core_event_sysref_edge" "sysref_edge" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_status" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_status_state" "state" } \
{ "core_status_sync" "sync" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_ctrl" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "core_ctrl_manual_sync_request" "manual_sync_request" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "core_clk" "tx_status:tx_event:tx_ilas_config:tx_cfg:tx_ctrl" \
"core_reset" "master"
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_up_tx # (
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input up_clk,
input up_reset,
input [11:0] up_raddr,
output reg [31:0] up_rdata,
input up_wreq,
input [11:0] up_waddr,
input [31:0] up_wdata,
input up_cfg_is_writeable,
output reg up_cfg_skip_ilas,
output reg up_cfg_continuous_ilas,
output reg up_cfg_continuous_cgs,
output reg [7:0] up_cfg_mframes_per_ilas,
input core_clk,
input core_ilas_config_rd,
input [1:0] core_ilas_config_addr,
output reg [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] core_ilas_config_data,
output core_ctrl_manual_sync_request,
input [1:0] core_status_state,
input core_status_sync
reg [31:0] up_cfg_ilas_data[0:4*NUM_LANES-1];
reg up_ctrl_manual_sync_request = 1'b0;
wire [1:0] up_status_state;
wire up_status_sync;
sync_bits i_sync_sync (
sync_data #(
) i_sync_state (
sync_event #(
) i_sync_manual_sync_request (
integer i;
always @(*) begin
case (up_raddr)
/* JESD TX configuration */
12'h090: up_rdata <= {
/* 03-31 */ 29'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 02 */ up_cfg_skip_ilas, /* Don't send ILAS, go directly from CGS to DATA */
/* 01 */ up_cfg_continuous_ilas, /* Continuously send ILAS sequence */
/* 00 */ up_cfg_continuous_cgs /* Continuously send CGS characters */
12'h091: up_rdata <= {
/* 08-31 */ 24'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 00-07 */ up_cfg_mframes_per_ilas /* Number of multiframes send during the ILAS */
/* JESD TX status */
12'ha0: up_rdata <= {
/* 05-31 */ 23'h00, /* Reserved for future additions */
/* 04 */ up_status_sync, /* Raw value of the SYNC pin */
/* 02-03 */ 2'b0, /* Reserved fo future extension of the status_state field */
/* 00-01 */ up_status_state /* State of the internal state machine (0=CGS, 1=ILAS, 2=DATA) */
default: begin
if (up_raddr[10:3] >= ('h300/32) &&
up_raddr[10:3] < (('h300/32) + NUM_LANES) &&
up_raddr[2] == 1'b1) begin
up_rdata <= up_cfg_ilas_data[{up_raddr[5:3],up_raddr[1:0]}];
end else begin
up_rdata <= 32'h00000000;
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_cfg_skip_ilas <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_continuous_ilas <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_continuous_cgs <= 1'b0;
up_cfg_mframes_per_ilas <= 'h3;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_cfg_is_writeable == 1'b1) begin
case (up_waddr)
/* JESD TX configuraton */
12'h090: begin
up_cfg_skip_ilas <= up_wdata[2];
up_cfg_continuous_ilas <= up_wdata[1];
up_cfg_continuous_cgs <= up_wdata[0];
12'h091: begin
// We'll enable this if we ever have a usecase
// cfg_mframes_per_ilas <= up_wdata[7:0];
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_ctrl_manual_sync_request <= 1'b0;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_waddr == 12'h092) begin
up_ctrl_manual_sync_request <= up_wdata[0];
end else begin
up_ctrl_manual_sync_request <= 1'b0;
/* Shared ILAS data can be access through any lane register map window */
/* Shared ILAS data */
reg [7:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_did = 'h00;
reg [3:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_bid = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_l = 'h00;
reg up_cfg_ilas_data_scr = 'h00;
reg [7:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_f = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_k = 'h00;
reg [7:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_m = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_n = 'h00;
reg [1:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_cs = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_np = 'h00;
reg [2:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_subclassv = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_s = 'h00;
reg [2:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_jesdv = 'h00;
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_cf = 'h00;
reg up_cfg_ilas_data_hd = 'h00;
/* Per lane ILAS data */
reg [4:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_lid[0:NUM_LANES-1];
reg [7:0] up_cfg_ilas_data_fchk[0:NUM_LANES-1];
always @(*) begin
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
up_cfg_ilas_data[0+4*i] <= {
up_cfg_ilas_data[1+4*i] <= {
up_cfg_ilas_data[2+4*i] <= {
up_cfg_ilas_data[3+4*i] <= {
always @(posedge up_clk) begin
if (up_reset == 1'b1) begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_did <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_bid <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_scr <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_f <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_k <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_m <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_n <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_cs <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_np <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_subclassv <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_s <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_jesdv <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_cf <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_hd <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_l <= 'h00;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_lid[i] <= 'h00;
up_cfg_ilas_data_fchk[i] <= 'h00;
end else if (up_wreq == 1'b1 && up_cfg_is_writeable == 1'b1) begin
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
if (up_waddr[10:2] == ('h310 / 16) + i*2) begin
case (up_waddr[1:0])
2'h0: begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_bid <= up_wdata[27:24];
up_cfg_ilas_data_did <= up_wdata[23:16];
2'h1: begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_k <= up_wdata[28:24];
up_cfg_ilas_data_f <= up_wdata[23:16];
up_cfg_ilas_data_scr <= up_wdata[15];
up_cfg_ilas_data_l <= up_wdata[12:8];
up_cfg_ilas_data_lid[i] <= up_wdata[4:0];
2'h2: begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_jesdv <= up_wdata[31:29];
up_cfg_ilas_data_s <= up_wdata[28:24];
up_cfg_ilas_data_subclassv <= up_wdata[23:21];
up_cfg_ilas_data_np <= up_wdata[20:16];
up_cfg_ilas_data_cs <= up_wdata[15:14];
up_cfg_ilas_data_n <= up_wdata[12:8];
up_cfg_ilas_data_m <= up_wdata[7:0];
2'h3: begin
up_cfg_ilas_data_fchk[i] <= up_wdata[31:24];
up_cfg_ilas_data_hd <= up_wdata[7];
up_cfg_ilas_data_cf <= up_wdata[4:0];
genvar j;
for (j = 0; j < NUM_LANES; j = j + 1) begin
always @(posedge core_clk) begin
if (core_ilas_config_rd == 1'b1) begin
core_ilas_config_data[j*32+31:j*32] <= up_cfg_ilas_data[core_ilas_config_addr+4*j];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS := interfaces_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
XML_FLIST := jesd204_tx_cfg.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_cfg_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_ilas_config.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_status.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_status_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_event.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_event_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_ctrl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_tx_ctrl_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_cfg.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_cfg_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_status.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_status_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_ilas_config.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_event.xml
XML_FLIST += jesd204_rx_event_rtl.xml
M_FLIST := *.log
M_FLIST += *.jou
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: $(XML_FLIST)
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
%.xml: $(M_DEPS)
$(M_VIVADO) interfaces_ip.tcl >> interfaces_ip.log 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
# TX interfaces
adi_if_define "jesd204_tx_cfg"
adi_if_ports output -1 lanes_disable
adi_if_ports output 8 beats_per_multiframe
adi_if_ports output 8 octets_per_frame
adi_if_ports output 8 lmfc_offset
adi_if_ports output 1 continuous_cgs
adi_if_ports output 1 continuous_ilas
adi_if_ports output 1 skip_ilas
adi_if_ports output 8 mframes_per_ilas
adi_if_ports output 1 disable_char_replacement
adi_if_ports output 1 disable_scrambler
adi_if_define "jesd204_tx_ilas_config"
adi_if_ports output 1 rd
adi_if_ports output 2 addr
adi_if_ports input 32 data
adi_if_define "jesd204_tx_status"
adi_if_ports output 1 state
adi_if_ports output 1 sync
adi_if_define "jesd204_tx_event"
adi_if_ports output 1 sysref_alignment_error
adi_if_ports output 1 sysref_edge
adi_if_define "jesd204_tx_ctrl"
adi_if_ports output 1 manual_sync_request
# RX interfaces
adi_if_define "jesd204_rx_cfg"
adi_if_ports output -1 lanes_disable
adi_if_ports output 8 beats_per_multiframe
adi_if_ports output 8 octets_per_frame
adi_if_ports output 8 lmfc_offset
adi_if_ports output 1 buffer_early_release
adi_if_ports output 1 buffer_delay
adi_if_ports output 1 disable_char_replacement
adi_if_ports output 1 disable_scrambler
adi_if_define "jesd204_rx_status"
adi_if_ports output 3 ctrl_state
adi_if_ports output -1 lane_cgs_state
adi_if_ports output -1 lane_frame_align
adi_if_ports output -1 lane_ifs_ready
adi_if_ports output -1 lane_latency_ready
adi_if_ports output -1 lane_latency
adi_if_define "jesd204_rx_ilas_config"
adi_if_ports output -1 valid
adi_if_ports output -1 addr
adi_if_ports input -1 data
adi_if_define "jesd204_rx_event"
adi_if_ports output 1 sysref_alignment_error
adi_if_ports output 1 sysref_edge

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += eof.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_common_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += lmfc.v
M_DEPS += pipeline_stage.v
M_DEPS += scrambler.v
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: jesd204_common.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
jesd204_common.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) jesd204_common_ip.tcl >> jesd204_common_ip.log 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_eof_generator #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4,
parameter MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 256
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input lmfc_edge,
input [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame,
input cfg_generate_eomf,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] sof,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] eof,
output reg eomf
localparam CW = MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME > 128 ? 8 :
localparam DPW_LOG2 = DATA_PATH_WIDTH == 8 ? 3 :
DATA_PATH_WIDTH == 4 ? 2 : 1;
reg lmfc_edge_d1 = 1'b0;
wire beat_counter_sof;
wire beat_counter_eof;
wire small_octets_per_frame;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cfg_generate_eomf == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_edge_d1 <= lmfc_edge;
end else begin
lmfc_edge_d1 <= 1'b0;
eomf <= lmfc_edge_d1;
if (CW > DPW_LOG2) begin
reg [CW-DPW_LOG2-1:0] beat_counter = 'h00;
wire [CW-DPW_LOG2-1:0] cfg_beats_per_frame = cfg_octets_per_frame[CW-1:DPW_LOG2];
assign beat_counter_sof = beat_counter == 'h00;
assign beat_counter_eof = beat_counter == cfg_beats_per_frame;
assign small_octets_per_frame = cfg_beats_per_frame == 'h00;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
beat_counter <= 'h00;
end else if (beat_counter_eof == 1'b1) begin
beat_counter <= 'h00;
end else begin
beat_counter <= beat_counter + 1'b1;
end else begin
assign beat_counter_sof = 1'b1;
assign beat_counter_eof = 1'b1;
assign small_octets_per_frame = 1'b1;
function [1:0] ffs;
input [2:0] x;
case (x)
1: ffs = 0;
2: ffs = 1;
3: ffs = 0;
4: ffs = 2;
5: ffs = 0;
6: ffs = 1;
7: ffs = 0;
default: ffs = 0;
integer i;
/* Only 1, 2 and multiples of 4 are supported atm */
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sof <= {DATA_PATH_WIDTH{1'b0}};
eof <= {DATA_PATH_WIDTH{1'b0}};
end else begin
sof <= {{DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1{1'b0}},beat_counter_sof};
eof <= {beat_counter_eof,{DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1{1'b0}}};
if (small_octets_per_frame == 1'b1) begin
for (i = 1; i < DATA_PATH_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
if (cfg_octets_per_frame[ffs(i)] != 1'b1) begin
sof[i] <= 1'b1;
eof[DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1-i] <= 1'b1;
end else begin

View File

@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create jesd204_common
adi_ip_files jesd204_common [list \
"lmfc.v" \
"scrambler.v" \
"eof.v" \
"pipeline_stage.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite jesd204_common
set_property display_name "ADI JESD204B Common Library" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI JESD204B Common Library" [ipx::current_core]
set_property hide_in_gui {1} [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_lmfc (
input clk,
input reset,
input sysref,
input [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
input [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset,
input cfg_sysref_oneshot,
input cfg_sysref_required,
input clear_sysref_captured,
output reg lmfc_edge,
output reg lmfc_clk,
output reg [7:0] lmfc_counter,
output reg sysref_captured,
output reg sysref_edge,
output reg sysref_alignment_error
reg sysref_r = 1'b0;
reg sysref_d1 = 1'b0;
reg sysref_d2 = 1'b0;
reg sysref_d3 = 1'b0;
/* lmfc_octet_counter = lmfc_counter * (char_clock_rate / device_clock_rate) */
reg [7:0] lmfc_counter_next = 'h00;
reg lmfc_clk_p1 = 1'b1;
reg lmfc_active = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
sysref_r <= sysref;
* Unfortunately setup and hold are often ignored on the sysref signal relative
* to the device clock. The device will often still work fine, just not
* deterministic. Reduce the probability that the meta-stability creeps into the
* reset of the system and causes non-reproducible issues.
always @(posedge clk) begin
sysref_d1 <= sysref_r;
sysref_d2 <= sysref_d1;
sysref_d3 <= sysref_d2;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sysref_d3 == 1'b0 && sysref_d2 == 1'b1) begin
sysref_edge <= 1'b1;
end else begin
sysref_edge <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sysref_captured <= 1'b0;
end else if (sysref_edge == 1'b1) begin
sysref_captured <= 1'b1;
end else if (clear_sysref_captured == 1'b1) begin
sysref_captured <= 1'b0;
* The configuration must be static when the core is out of reset. Otherwise
* undefined behaviour might occur.
* E.g. lmfc_counter > beats_per_multiframe
* To change the configuration first assert reset, then update the configuration
* setting, finally deassert reset.
always @(*) begin
if (lmfc_counter == cfg_beats_per_multiframe) begin
lmfc_counter_next <= 'h00;
end else begin
lmfc_counter_next <= lmfc_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_counter <= 'h00;
lmfc_active <= ~cfg_sysref_required;
end else begin
* In oneshot mode only the first occurence of the
* SYSREF signal is used for alignment.
if (sysref_edge == 1'b1 &&
(cfg_sysref_oneshot == 1'b0 || sysref_captured == 1'b0)) begin
lmfc_counter <= cfg_lmfc_offset;
lmfc_active <= 1'b1;
end else begin
lmfc_counter <= lmfc_counter_next;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sysref_alignment_error <= 1'b0;
end else begin
* Alignement error is reported regardless of oneshot mode
* setting.
sysref_alignment_error <= 1'b0;
if (sysref_edge == 1'b1 &&
lmfc_counter_next != cfg_lmfc_offset) begin
sysref_alignment_error <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (lmfc_counter == 'h00 && lmfc_active == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_edge <= 1'b1;
end else begin
lmfc_edge <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_clk_p1 <= 1'b0;
end else if (lmfc_active == 1'b1) begin
if (lmfc_counter == cfg_beats_per_multiframe) begin
lmfc_clk_p1 <= 1'b1;
end else if (lmfc_counter == cfg_beats_per_multiframe[7:1]) begin
lmfc_clk_p1 <= 1'b0;
lmfc_clk <= lmfc_clk_p1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module pipeline_stage #(
parameter REGISTERED = 1,
parameter WIDTH = 1
) (
input clk,
input [WIDTH-1:0] in,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] out
generate if (REGISTERED == 1) begin
always @(posedge clk) out <= in;
end else begin
always @(*) out <= in;
end endgenerate

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_scrambler #(
parameter WIDTH = 32,
parameter DESCRAMBLE = 0
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input enable,
input [WIDTH-1:0] data_in,
output [WIDTH-1:0] data_out
reg [14:0] state = 'h7f80;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] swizzle_out;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] swizzle_in;
wire [WIDTH-1:0] feedback;
wire [WIDTH-1+15:0] full_state;
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < WIDTH / 8; i = i + 1) begin
assign swizzle_in[WIDTH-1-i*8:WIDTH-i*8-8] = data_in[i*8+7:i*8];
assign data_out[WIDTH-1-i*8:WIDTH-i*8-8] = swizzle_out[i*8+7:i*8];
assign full_state = {state,DESCRAMBLE ? swizzle_in : feedback};
assign feedback = full_state[WIDTH-1+15:15] ^ full_state[WIDTH-1+14:14] ^ swizzle_in;
always @(*) begin
if (enable == 1'b0) begin
swizzle_out <= swizzle_in;
end else begin
swizzle_out <= feedback;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
state <= 'h7f80;
end else begin
state <= full_state[14:0];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += align_mux.v
M_DEPS += elastic_buffer.v
M_DEPS += ilas_monitor.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_rx_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += jesd204_rx_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += lane_latency_monitor.v
M_DEPS += rx.v
M_DEPS += rx_cgs.v
M_DEPS += rx_ctrl.v
M_DEPS += rx_lane.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/jesd204_common/jesd204_common.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_event.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_event_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_ilas_config.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_status.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_status_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep jesd204_rx.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
jesd204_rx.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) jesd204_rx_ip.tcl >> jesd204_rx_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/jesd204_common/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module align_mux #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4
) (
input clk,
input [1:0] align,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] in_data,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] in_charisk,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] out_data,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] out_charisk
reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] in_data_d1;
reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] in_charisk_d1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
in_data_d1 <= in_data;
in_charisk_d1 <= in_charisk;
always @(*) begin
case (align)
'h0: out_data <= in_data_d1;
'h1: out_data <= {in_data[7:0],in_data_d1[31:8]};
'h2: out_data <= {in_data[15:0],in_data_d1[31:16]};
'h3: out_data <= {in_data[23:0],in_data_d1[31:24]};
case (align)
'h0: out_charisk <= in_charisk_d1;
'h1: out_charisk <= {in_charisk[0:0],in_charisk_d1[3:1]};
'h2: out_charisk <= {in_charisk[1:0],in_charisk_d1[3:2]};
'h3: out_charisk <= {in_charisk[2:0],in_charisk_d1[3:3]};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module elastic_buffer #(
parameter WIDTH = 32,
parameter SIZE = 256
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [WIDTH-1:0] wr_data,
output reg [WIDTH-1:0] rd_data,
input ready_n,
input do_release_n
localparam ADDR_WIDTH = SIZE > 128 ? 7 :
SIZE > 64 ? 6 :
SIZE > 32 ? 5 :
SIZE > 16 ? 4 :
SIZE > 8 ? 3 :
SIZE > 4 ? 2 :
SIZE > 2 ? 1 : 0;
reg [ADDR_WIDTH:0] wr_addr = 'h00;
reg [ADDR_WIDTH:0] rd_addr = 'h00;
reg [WIDTH-1:0] mem[0:SIZE - 1];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ready_n == 1'b1) begin
wr_addr <= 'h00;
end else begin
mem[wr_addr] <= wr_data;
wr_addr <= wr_addr + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (do_release_n == 1'b1) begin
rd_addr <= 'h00;
end else begin
rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1'b1;
rd_data <= mem[rd_addr];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_ilas_monitor #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] data,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] charisk28,
output reg ilas_config_valid,
output reg [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] ilas_config_data,
output data_ready_n
reg [3:0] multi_frame_counter = 'h00;
reg [7:0] frame_counter = 'h00;
reg [7:0] length = 'h00;
localparam STATE_ILAS = 1'b1;
localparam STATE_DATA = 1'b0;
reg state = STATE_ILAS;
reg next_state;
reg prev_was_last = 1'b0;
reg frame_length_error = 1'b0;
assign data_ready_n = next_state;
always @(*) begin
next_state <= state;
if (reset == 1'b0 && prev_was_last == 1'b1) begin
if (charisk28[0] != 1'b1 || data[7:5] != 3'h0) begin
next_state <= STATE_DATA;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
state <= STATE_ILAS;
end else begin
state <= next_state;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1 || (charisk28[3] == 1'b1 && data[31:29] == 3'h3)) begin
prev_was_last <= 1'b1;
end else begin
prev_was_last <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
multi_frame_counter <= 'h00;
end else if (charisk28[0] == 1'b1 && data[7:5] == 3'h0 && state == STATE_ILAS) begin
multi_frame_counter <= multi_frame_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
length <= 'h00;
end else if (prev_was_last == 1'b1) begin
if (length == 'h00) begin
length <= frame_counter;
always @(posedge clk) begin
frame_length_error <= 1'b0;
if (prev_was_last == 1'b1) begin
if (length != 'h00 && length != frame_counter) begin
frame_length_error <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (prev_was_last == 1'b1) begin
frame_counter <= 'h00;
end else begin
frame_counter <= frame_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_valid <= 1'b0;
end else if (state == STATE_ILAS) begin
if (charisk28[1] == 1'b1 && data[15:13] == 3'h4) begin
ilas_config_valid <= 1'b1;
end else if (ilas_config_addr == 'h3) begin
ilas_config_valid <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_config_valid == 1'b0) begin
ilas_config_addr <= 1'b0;
end else if (ilas_config_valid == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_addr <= ilas_config_addr + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
ilas_config_data <= data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# “The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.”
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_d1_reg}] \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_d2_reg}]
# Make sure that the device clock to sysref skew is at least somewhat
# predictable
set_property IOB TRUE \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_r_reg}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create jesd204_rx
adi_ip_files jesd204_rx [list \
"rx_lane.v" \
"rx_cgs.v" \
"rx_ctrl.v" \
"elastic_buffer.v" \
"ilas_monitor.v" \
"align_mux.v" \
"lane_latency_monitor.v" \
"jesd204_rx_constr.xdc" \
"rx.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite jesd204_rx
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \
set_property display_name "ADI JESD204 Receive" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI JESD204 Receive" [ipx::current_core]
#adi_add_bus "rx_data" "master" \
# "" \
# "" \
# { \
# { "rx_valid" "TVALID" } \
# { "rx_data" "TDATA" } \
# }
adi_add_multi_bus 8 "rx_phy" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
[list \
{"phy_data" "rxdata" 32} \
{ "phy_charisk" "rxcharisk" 4} \
{ "phy_disperr" "rxdisperr" 4} \
{ "phy_notintable" "rxnotintable" 4} \
] \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.NUM_LANES')) > {i})"
adi_add_bus "rx_cfg" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "cfg_buffer_delay" "buffer_delay" } \
{ "cfg_buffer_early_release" "buffer_early_release" } \
{ "cfg_disable_char_replacement" "disable_char_replacement" } \
{ "cfg_disable_scrambler" "disable_scrambler" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_status" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "status_ctrl_state" "ctrl_state" } \
{ "status_lane_cgs_state" "lane_cgs_state" } \
{ "status_lane_ifs_ready" "lane_ifs_ready" } \
{ "status_lane_latency" "lane_latency" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_ilas_config" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "ilas_config_valid" "valid" } \
{ "ilas_config_addr" "addr" } \
{ "ilas_config_data" "data" } \
adi_add_bus "rx_event" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "event_sysref_alignment_error" "sysref_alignment_error" } \
{ "event_sysref_edge" "sysref_edge" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "clk" "rx_cfg:rx_ilas_config:rx_event:rx_status:rx_data" "reset"
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_lane_latency_monitor #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_ready,
input [NUM_LANES*2-1:0] lane_frame_align,
input lmfc_edge,
input [7:0] lmfc_counter,
output [14*NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_latency,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_latency_ready
reg [2:0] mframe_counter;
reg [11:0] lane_latency_mem[0:NUM_LANES-1];
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_captured = 'h00;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
mframe_counter <= 'h0;
end else if (lmfc_edge == 1'b1 && mframe_counter != 'h7) begin
mframe_counter <= mframe_counter + 1'b1;
genvar i;
reg [7:0] lmfc_counter_d1;
reg [7:0] lmfc_counter_d2;
always @(posedge clk) begin
lmfc_counter_d1 <= lmfc_counter;
lmfc_counter_d2 <= lmfc_counter_d1;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
lane_latency_mem[i] <= 'h00;
lane_captured[i] <= 1'b0;
end else if (lane_ready[i] == 1'b1 && lane_captured[i] == 1'b0) begin
lane_latency_mem[i] <= {mframe_counter,lmfc_counter_d2};
lane_captured[i] <= 1'b1;
assign lane_latency[i*14+13:i*14] = {lane_latency_mem[i],lane_frame_align[i*2+1:i*2]};
assign lane_latency_ready[i] = lane_captured[i];

View File

@ -0,0 +1,351 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_rx #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_data,
input [4*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_charisk,
input [4*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_notintable,
input [4*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_disperr,
input sysref,
output lmfc_edge,
output lmfc_clk,
output event_sysref_alignment_error,
output event_sysref_edge,
output sync,
output phy_en_char_align,
output [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] rx_data,
output rx_valid,
output [3:0] rx_eof,
output [3:0] rx_sof,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
input [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
input [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame,
input [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset,
input cfg_sysref_required,
input cfg_sysref_oneshot,
input cfg_buffer_early_release,
input [7:0] cfg_buffer_delay,
input cfg_disable_char_replacement,
input cfg_disable_scrambler,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_valid,
output [NUM_LANES*2-1:0] ilas_config_addr,
output [NUM_LANES*32-1:0] ilas_config_data,
output [2:0] status_ctrl_state,
output [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] status_lane_cgs_state,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] status_lane_ifs_ready,
output [14*NUM_LANES-1:0] status_lane_latency
* Can be used to enable additional pipeline stages to ease timing. Usually not
* necessary.
localparam CHAR_INFO_REGISTERED = 0;
localparam ALIGN_MUX_REGISTERED = 0;
/* Only 4 is supported at the moment */
localparam DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4;
* Maximum number of octets per multiframe for ADI JESD204 DACs is 256 (Adjust
* as necessary). Divide by data path width.
localparam MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 16;
(MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME * 32) > 1024 ? 1024 : (MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME * 32);
/* Helper for common expressions */
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] cgs_reset;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] cgs_ready;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_reset;
reg buffer_release_n = 1'b1;
reg buffer_release_d1 = 1'b0;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] buffer_ready_n;
reg eof_reset = 1'b1;
wire [DW-1:0] phy_data_r;
wire [CW-1:0] phy_charisk_r;
wire [CW-1:0] phy_notintable_r;
wire [CW-1:0] phy_disperr_r;
wire [DW-1:0] rx_data_s;
wire rx_valid_s = buffer_release_d1;
wire [7:0] lmfc_counter;
wire latency_monitor_reset;
wire [2*NUM_LANES-1:0] frame_align;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_ready;
reg buffer_release_opportunity = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (lmfc_counter == cfg_buffer_delay ||
cfg_buffer_early_release == 1'b1) begin
buffer_release_opportunity <= 1'b1;
end else begin
buffer_release_opportunity <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
buffer_release_n <= 1'b1;
end else begin
if (buffer_release_opportunity == 1'b1) begin
buffer_release_n <= |(buffer_ready_n & ~cfg_lanes_disable);
buffer_release_d1 <= ~buffer_release_n;
eof_reset <= buffer_release_n;
pipeline_stage #(
.WIDTH(3 * CW + DW),
) i_input_pipeline_stage (
pipeline_stage #(
) i_output_pipeline_stage (
jesd204_lmfc i_lmfc (
jesd204_rx_ctrl #(
) i_rx_ctrl (
jesd204_eof_generator #(
) i_eof_gen (
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
localparam D_START = i * DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8;
localparam D_STOP = D_START + DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1;
localparam C_START = i * DATA_PATH_WIDTH;
localparam C_STOP = C_START + DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1;
jesd204_rx_lane #(
) i_lane (
/* Delay matching based on the number of pipeline stages */
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_ready_d1 = 1'b0;
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_ready_d2 = 1'b0;
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_ready_mux;
always @(posedge clk) begin
ifs_ready_d1 <= ifs_ready;
ifs_ready_d2 <= ifs_ready_d1;
always @(*) begin
1: ifs_ready_mux <= ifs_ready_d1;
2: ifs_ready_mux <= ifs_ready_d2;
default: ifs_ready_mux <= ifs_ready;
jesd204_lane_latency_monitor #(
) i_lane_latency_monitor (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_rx_cgs #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] char_is_cgs,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] char_is_error,
output ready,
output [1:0] status_state
localparam CGS_STATE_INIT = 2'b00;
localparam CGS_STATE_CHECK = 2'b01;
localparam CGS_STATE_DATA = 2'b10;
reg [1:0] state = CGS_STATE_INIT;
reg rdy = 1'b0;
reg [1:0] beat_error_count = 'h00;
wire beat_is_cgs = &char_is_cgs;
wire beat_has_error = |char_is_error;
wire beat_is_all_error = &char_is_error;
assign ready = rdy;
assign status_state = state;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (state == CGS_STATE_INIT) begin
beat_error_count <= 'h00;
end else begin
if (beat_has_error == 1'b1) begin
beat_error_count <= beat_error_count + 1'b1;
end else begin
beat_error_count <= 'h00;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
state <= CGS_STATE_INIT;
end else begin
case (state)
if (beat_is_cgs == 1'b1) begin
if (beat_has_error == 1'b1) begin
if (beat_error_count == 'h3 ||
beat_is_all_error == 1'b1) begin
state <= CGS_STATE_INIT;
end else begin
state <= CGS_STATE_DATA;
if (beat_has_error == 1'b1) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
CGS_STATE_INIT: rdy <= 1'b0;
CGS_STATE_DATA: rdy <= 1'b1;
default: rdy <= rdy;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_rx_ctrl #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
input phy_ready,
output phy_en_char_align,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] cgs_reset,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] cgs_ready,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_reset,
input lmfc_edge,
output sync,
output reg latency_monitor_reset,
output [2:0] status_state
localparam STATE_RESET = 0;
localparam STATE_WAIT_FOR_PHY = 1;
localparam STATE_CGS = 2;
localparam STATE_DEGLITCH = 3;
localparam STATE_SYNCHRONIZED = 4;
reg [2:0] state = STATE_RESET;
reg [2:0] next_state = STATE_RESET;
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] cgs_rst = {NUM_LANES{1'b1}};
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] ifs_rst = {NUM_LANES{1'b1}};
reg sync_n = 1'b1;
reg en_align = 1'b0;
reg state_good = 1'b0;
reg [2:0] good_counter = 'h00;
reg [9:0] deglitch_counter = 'h3ff;
assign cgs_reset = cgs_rst;
assign ifs_reset = ifs_rst;
assign sync = sync_n;
assign phy_en_char_align = en_align;
assign status_state = state;
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
cgs_rst <= {NUM_LANES{1'b1}};
ifs_rst <= {NUM_LANES{1'b1}};
sync_n <= 1'b1;
latency_monitor_reset <= 1'b1;
STATE_CGS: begin
sync_n <= 1'b0;
cgs_rst <= cfg_lanes_disable;
if (lmfc_edge == 1'b1) begin
sync_n <= 1'b1;
ifs_rst <= cfg_lanes_disable;
latency_monitor_reset <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
if (deglitch_counter != 'h00) begin
deglitch_counter <= deglitch_counter - 1'b1;
default: begin
deglitch_counter <= 'h3f;
always @(*) begin
case (state)
STATE_RESET: state_good <= 1'b1;
STATE_WAIT_FOR_PHY: state_good <= phy_ready;
STATE_CGS: state_good <= &(cgs_ready | cfg_lanes_disable);
STATE_DEGLITCH: state_good <= deglitch_counter == 'h00;
STATE_SYNCHRONIZED: state_good <= 1'b1;
default: state_good <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (state_good == 1'b1) begin
good_counter <= good_counter + 1'b1;
end else begin
good_counter <= 'h00;
always @(posedge clk) begin
case (state)
STATE_CGS: en_align <= 1'b1;
default: en_align <= 1'b0;
always @(*) begin
case (state)
default: next_state <= state_good ? state : STATE_RESET;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
state <= STATE_RESET;
end else begin
if (good_counter == 'h7) begin
state <= next_state;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_rx_lane #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4,
parameter ELASTIC_BUFFER_SIZE = 256
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] phy_data,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] phy_charisk,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] phy_notintable,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] phy_disperr,
input cgs_reset,
output cgs_ready,
input ifs_reset,
output [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] rx_data,
output buffer_ready_n,
input buffer_release_n,
input cfg_disable_scrambler,
output ilas_config_valid,
output [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
output [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] ilas_config_data,
output [1:0] status_cgs_state,
output status_ifs_ready,
output [1:0] status_frame_align
wire [7:0] char[0:DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1];
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] char_is_valid;
reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] char_is_cgs = 1'b0; // K28.5 /K/
reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] char_is_error = 1'b0;
reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] charisk28 = 4'b0000;
wire cgs_beat_is_cgs = &char_is_cgs;
wire cgs_beat_has_error = |char_is_error;
reg ifs_ready = 1'b0;
reg [1:0] frame_align = 'h00;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] phy_data_s;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] charisk28_aligned_s;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] data_aligned_s;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] charisk28_aligned;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] data_aligned;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] data_scrambled_s;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] data_scrambled;
wire ilas_monitor_reset_s;
wire ilas_monitor_reset;
wire buffer_ready_n_s;
assign status_ifs_ready = ifs_ready;
assign status_frame_align = frame_align;
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < DATA_PATH_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
assign char[i] = phy_data[i*8+7:i*8];
assign char_is_valid[i] = ~(phy_notintable[i] | phy_disperr[i]);
always @(*) begin
char_is_error[i] <= ~char_is_valid[i];
char_is_cgs[i] <= 1'b0;
charisk28[i] <= 1'b0;
if (char[i][4:0] == 'd28 && phy_charisk[i] && char_is_valid[i]) begin
charisk28[i] <= 1'b1;
if (char[i][7:5] == 'd5) begin
char_is_cgs[i] <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ifs_reset == 1'b1) begin
ifs_ready <= 1'b0;
end else if (cgs_beat_is_cgs == 1'b0 && cgs_beat_has_error == 1'b0) begin
ifs_ready <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ifs_ready == 1'b0) begin
if (char_is_cgs[0] == 1'b0) begin
frame_align <= 'h0;
end else if (char_is_cgs[1] == 1'b0) begin
frame_align <= 'h1;
end else if (char_is_cgs[2] == 1'b0) begin
frame_align <= 'h2;
end else begin
frame_align <= 'h3;
pipeline_stage #(
) i_pipeline_stage0 (
align_mux i_align_mux (
assign ilas_monitor_reset_s = ~ifs_ready;
pipeline_stage #(
.WIDTH(1 + DATA_PATH_WIDTH * (8 + 1)),
) i_pipeline_stage1 (
jesd204_scrambler #(
) i_descrambler (
pipeline_stage #(
) i_pipeline_stage2 (
elastic_buffer #(
) i_elastic_buffer (
jesd204_ilas_monitor #(
) i_ilas_monitor (
jesd204_rx_cgs #(
) i_cgs (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += jesd204_rx_static_config_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += rx_static_config.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_rx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep jesd204_rx_static_config.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
jesd204_rx_static_config.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) jesd204_rx_static_config_ip.tcl >> jesd204_rx_static_config_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/interfaces/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create jesd204_rx_static_config
adi_ip_files jesd204_rx_static_config [list \
"rx_static_config.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite jesd204_rx_static_config
adi_add_bus "rx_cfg" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "cfg_buffer_early_release" "buffer_early_release" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "clk" "rx_cfg"
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_rx_static_config #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1,
parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 1,
parameter SCR = 1,
) (
input clk,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
output [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
output [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame,
output [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset,
output cfg_sysref_oneshot,
output cfg_sysref_required,
output [7:0] cfg_buffer_delay,
output cfg_buffer_early_release,
output cfg_disable_scrambler,
output cfg_disable_char_replacement
assign cfg_beats_per_multiframe = (FRAMES_PER_MULTIFRAME * OCTETS_PER_FRAME / 4) - 1;
assign cfg_octets_per_frame = OCTETS_PER_FRAME - 1;
assign cfg_lmfc_offset = 3;
assign cfg_sysref_oneshot = 1'b0;
assign cfg_sysref_required = 1'b1;
assign cfg_buffer_delay = 'hb;
assign cfg_buffer_early_release = BUFFER_EARLY_RELEASE;
assign cfg_lanes_disable = {NUM_LANES{1'b0}};
assign cfg_disable_scrambler = SCR ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign cfg_disable_char_replacement = cfg_disable_scrambler;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += jesd204_tx_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += jesd204_tx_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += tx.v
M_DEPS += tx_ctrl.v
M_DEPS += tx_lane.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/jesd204_common/jesd204_common.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ctrl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ctrl_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_event.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_event_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_status.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_status_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep jesd204_tx.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
jesd204_tx.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) jesd204_tx_ip.tcl >> jesd204_tx_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/jesd204_common/
make -C ../../jesd204/interfaces/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2016(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
// All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary.
// Do not redistribute without explicit permission.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
module jesd204_ilas_config_static #(
parameter DID = 8'h00,
parameter BID = 4'h0,
parameter L = 5'h3,
parameter SCR = 1'b1,
parameter F = 8'h01,
parameter K = 5'h1f,
parameter M = 8'h3,
parameter N = 5'h0f,
parameter CS = 2'h0,
parameter NP = 5'h0f,
parameter SUBCLASSV = 3'h1,
parameter S = 5'h00,
parameter JESDV = 3'h1,
parameter CF = 5'h00,
parameter HD = 1'b1,
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
input ilas_config_rd,
output reg [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_data
wire [31:0] ilas_mem[0:3];
assign ilas_mem[0][15:0] = 8'h00;
assign ilas_mem[0][23:16] = DID; // DID
assign ilas_mem[0][27:24] = BID; // BID
assign ilas_mem[0][31:28] = 4'h0; // ADJCNT
assign ilas_mem[1][4:0] = 5'h00; // LID
assign ilas_mem[1][5] = 1'b0; // PHADJ
assign ilas_mem[1][6] = 1'b0; // ADJDIR
assign ilas_mem[1][7] = 1'b0; // X
assign ilas_mem[1][12:8] = L; // L
assign ilas_mem[1][14:13] = 2'b00; // X
assign ilas_mem[1][15] = SCR; // SCR
assign ilas_mem[1][23:16] = F; // F
assign ilas_mem[1][28:24] = K; // K
assign ilas_mem[1][31:29] = 3'b000; // X
assign ilas_mem[2][7:0] = M; // M
assign ilas_mem[2][12:8] = N; // N
assign ilas_mem[2][13] = 1'b0; // X
assign ilas_mem[2][15:14] = CS; // CS
assign ilas_mem[2][20:16] = NP; // N'
assign ilas_mem[2][23:21] = SUBCLASSV; // SUBCLASSV
assign ilas_mem[2][28:24] = S; // S
assign ilas_mem[2][31:29] = JESDV; // JESDV
assign ilas_mem[3][4:0] = CF; // CF
assign ilas_mem[3][6:5] = 2'b00; // X
assign ilas_mem[3][7] = HD; // HD
assign ilas_mem[3][23:8] = 16'h0000; // X
assign ilas_mem[3][31:24] = ilas_mem[0][23:16] + ilas_mem[0][31:24] +
ilas_mem[1][4:0] + ilas_mem[1][5] + ilas_mem[1][6] + ilas_mem[1][12:8] +
ilas_mem[1][15] + ilas_mem[1][23:16] + ilas_mem[1][28:24] +
ilas_mem[2][7:0] + ilas_mem[2][12:8] + ilas_mem[2][15:14] +
ilas_mem[2][20:16] + ilas_mem[2][23:21] + ilas_mem[2][28:24] +
ilas_mem[2][31:29] + ilas_mem[3][4:0] + ilas_mem[3][7];
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_config_rd == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_data[i*32+31:i*32] <= ilas_mem[ilas_config_addr];
/* Overwrite special cases */
case (ilas_config_addr)
'h1: ilas_config_data[i*32+4:i*32] <= i;
'h3: ilas_config_data[i*32+31:i*32+24] <= ilas_mem[ilas_config_addr][31:24] + i;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# “The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.”
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_d1_reg}] \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_d2_reg}]
# Make sure that the device clock to sysref skew is at least somewhat
# predictable
set_property IOB TRUE \
[get_cells {i_lmfc/sysref_r_reg}]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create jesd204_tx
adi_ip_files jesd204_tx [list \
"tx_lane.v" \
"tx_ctrl.v" \
"jesd204_tx_constr.xdc" \
adi_ip_properties_lite jesd204_tx
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \
set_property display_name "ADI JESD204 Transmit" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI JESD204 Transmit" [ipx::current_core]
adi_add_bus "tx_data" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "tx_ready" "TREADY" } \
{ "tx_data" "TDATA" } \
adi_add_multi_bus 8 "tx_phy" "master" \
"" \
"" \
[list \
{"phy_data" "txdata" 32} \
{ "phy_charisk" "txcharisk" 4} \
] \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.NUM_LANES')) > {i})"
adi_add_bus "tx_cfg" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "cfg_continuous_cgs" "continuous_cgs" } \
{ "cfg_continuous_ilas" "continuous_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_skip_ilas" "skip_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_mframes_per_ilas" "mframes_per_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_disable_char_replacement" "disable_char_replacement" } \
{ "cfg_disable_scrambler" "disable_scrambler" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_ilas_config" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "ilas_config_rd" "rd" } \
{ "ilas_config_addr" "addr" } \
{ "ilas_config_data" "data" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_event" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "event_sysref_alignment_error" "sysref_alignment_error" } \
{ "event_sysref_edge" "sysref_edge" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_status" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "status_state" "state" } \
{ "status_sync" "sync" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_ctrl" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "ctrl_manual_sync_request" "manual_sync_request" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "clk" "tx_data:tx_cfg:tx_ilas_config:tx_event:tx_status:tx_ctrl" \
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_tx #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input reset,
output [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_data,
output [4*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_charisk,
input sysref,
output lmfc_edge,
output lmfc_clk,
input sync,
input [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] tx_data,
output tx_ready,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
input [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
input [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame,
input [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset,
input cfg_sysref_oneshot,
input cfg_sysref_required,
input cfg_continuous_cgs,
input cfg_continuous_ilas,
input cfg_skip_ilas,
input [7:0] cfg_mframes_per_ilas,
input cfg_disable_char_replacement,
input cfg_disable_scrambler,
output ilas_config_rd,
output [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
input [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_data,
input ctrl_manual_sync_request,
output event_sysref_edge,
output event_sysref_alignment_error,
output status_sync,
output [1:0] status_state
/* Only 4 is supported at the moment */
localparam DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4;
localparam MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 8;
(MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME * 32) > 1024 ? 1024 : (MAX_OCTETS_PER_FRAME * 32);
localparam DW = DATA_PATH_WIDTH * 8 * NUM_LANES;
wire eof_gen_reset;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] eof;
wire eomf;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_cgs_enable;
wire [DW-1:0] ilas_data;
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] ilas_charisk;
wire cfg_generate_eomf = 1'b1;
jesd204_lmfc i_lmfc (
jesd204_tx_ctrl #(
) i_tx_ctrl (
jesd204_eof_generator #(
) i_eof_gen (
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
localparam D_START = i * DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8;
localparam D_STOP = D_START + DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1;
localparam C_START = i * DATA_PATH_WIDTH;
localparam C_STOP = C_START + DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1;
jesd204_tx_lane #(
) i_lane (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_tx_ctrl #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1,
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4
) (
input clk,
input reset,
input sync,
input lmfc_edge,
output reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_cgs_enable,
output reg eof_reset,
output reg tx_ready,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_data,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] ilas_charisk,
output reg [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
output reg ilas_config_rd,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_data,
input [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
input cfg_continuous_cgs,
input cfg_continuous_ilas,
input cfg_skip_ilas,
input [7:0] cfg_mframes_per_ilas,
input cfg_disable_char_replacement,
input ctrl_manual_sync_request,
output status_sync,
output reg [1:0] status_state
reg lmfc_edge_d1 = 1'b0;
reg lmfc_edge_d2 = 1'b0;
reg ilas_reset = 1'b1;
reg ilas_data_reset = 1'b1;
reg sync_request = 1'b0;
reg sync_request_received = 1'b0;
reg [1:0] sync_sync = 2'b11;
reg [7:0] mframe_counter = 'h00;
reg [5:0] ilas_counter = 'h00;
reg ilas_config_rd_d1 = 1'b1;
reg last_ilas_mframe = 1'b0;
reg cgs_enable = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
sync_sync <= {sync_sync[0],sync};
assign status_sync = sync_sync;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sync_request <= 1'b0;
end else begin
/* TODO: SYNC must be asserted at least 4 frames before interpreted as a
* sync request and the /K28.5/ symbol generation has lasted for at
* least 1 frame + 9 octets */
if (cfg_continuous_cgs == 1'b1) begin
sync_request <= 1'b1;
end else begin
sync_request <= ~sync_sync[1] | ctrl_manual_sync_request;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sync_request == 1'b0 && sync_request_received == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_edge_d1 <= lmfc_edge;
lmfc_edge_d2 <= lmfc_edge_d1;
end else begin
lmfc_edge_d1 <= 1'b0;
lmfc_edge_d2 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
sync_request_received <= 1'b0;
end else if (sync_request == 1'b1) begin
sync_request_received <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cfg_skip_ilas == 1'b1 ||
mframe_counter == cfg_mframes_per_ilas) begin
last_ilas_mframe <= 1'b1;
end else begin
last_ilas_mframe <= 1'b0;
localparam STATE_WAIT = 2'b00;
localparam STATE_CGS = 2'b01;
localparam STATE_ILAS = 2'b10;
localparam STATE_DATA = 2'b11;
/* Timeline
* #1 lmfc_edge == 1, ilas_reset update
* #2 eof_reset update
* #3 {lane_,}cgs_enable, tx_ready update
* One multi-frame should at least be 3 clock cycles (TBD 64-bit data path)
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sync_request == 1'b1 || reset == 1'b1) begin
cgs_enable <= 1'b1;
lane_cgs_enable <= {NUM_LANES{1'b1}};
tx_ready <= 1'b0;
eof_reset <= 1'b1;
ilas_reset <= 1'b1;
ilas_data_reset <= 1'b1;
if (sync_request_received == 1'b0) begin
status_state <= STATE_WAIT;
end else begin
status_state <= STATE_CGS;
end else if (sync_request_received == 1'b1) begin
if (lmfc_edge == 1'b1 && last_ilas_mframe == 1'b1) begin
ilas_reset <= 1'b1;
status_state <= STATE_DATA;
end else if (lmfc_edge_d1 == 1'b1 && (cfg_continuous_ilas == 1'b1 ||
cgs_enable == 1'b1)) begin
ilas_reset <= 1'b0;
status_state <= STATE_ILAS;
if (lmfc_edge_d1 == 1'b1) begin
if (last_ilas_mframe == 1'b1 && cfg_continuous_ilas == 1'b0) begin
eof_reset <= cfg_disable_char_replacement;
ilas_data_reset <= 1'b1;
end else if (cgs_enable == 1'b1) begin
ilas_data_reset <= 1'b0;
if (lmfc_edge_d2 == 1'b1) begin
lane_cgs_enable <= cfg_lanes_disable;
cgs_enable <= 1'b0;
if (last_ilas_mframe == 1'b1 && cfg_continuous_ilas == 1'b0) begin
tx_ready <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_reset == 1'b1) begin
mframe_counter <= 'h00;
end else if (lmfc_edge_d1 == 1'b1) begin
mframe_counter <= mframe_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_reset == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_rd <= 1'b0;
end else if (mframe_counter == 'h00 && lmfc_edge == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_rd <= 1'b1;
end else if (ilas_config_addr == 'h3) begin
ilas_config_rd <= 1'b0;
ilas_config_rd_d1 <= ilas_config_rd;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_config_rd == 1'b0) begin
ilas_config_addr <= 'h00;
end else begin
ilas_config_addr <= ilas_config_addr + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_reset == 1'b1) begin
ilas_counter <= 'h00;
end else begin
ilas_counter <= ilas_counter + 1'b1;
wire [31:0] ilas_default_data = {
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_data_reset == 1'b1) begin
ilas_data <= {NUM_LANES{32'h00}};
ilas_charisk <= 4'b0000;
end else begin
if (ilas_config_rd_d1 == 1'b1) begin
case (ilas_config_addr)
2'h1: begin
ilas_data <= (ilas_config_data & {NUM_LANES{32'hffff0000}}) |
{NUM_LANES{16'h00,8'h9c,8'h1c}}; // /Q/ /R/
ilas_charisk <= 4'b0011;
default: begin
ilas_data <= ilas_config_data;
ilas_charisk <= 4'b0000;
end else if (lmfc_edge_d2 == 1'b1) begin
ilas_data <= {NUM_LANES{ilas_default_data[31:8],8'h1c}}; // /R/
ilas_charisk <= 4'b0001;
end else if (lmfc_edge_d1 == 1'b1) begin
ilas_data <= {NUM_LANES{8'h7c,ilas_default_data[23:0]}}; // /A/
ilas_charisk <= 4'b1000;
end else begin
ilas_data <= {NUM_LANES{ilas_default_data}};
ilas_charisk <= 4'b0000;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_tx_lane #(
parameter DATA_PATH_WIDTH = 4
) (
input clk,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] eof,
input eomf,
input cgs_enable,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] ilas_data,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] ilas_charisk,
input [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] tx_data,
input tx_ready,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] phy_data,
output reg [DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1:0] phy_charisk,
input cfg_disable_scrambler
wire [DATA_PATH_WIDTH*8-1:0] scrambled_data;
wire [7:0] scrambled_char[0:DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1];
reg [7:0] char_align[0:DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1];
jesd204_scrambler #(
) i_scrambler (
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < DATA_PATH_WIDTH; i = i + 1) begin
assign scrambled_char[i] = scrambled_data[i*8+7:i*8];
always @(*) begin
if (i == DATA_PATH_WIDTH-1 && eomf == 1'b1) begin
char_align[i] <= 8'h7c; // /A/
end else begin
char_align[i] <= 8'hfc; // /F/
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cgs_enable == 1'b1) begin
phy_charisk[i] <= 1'b1;
end else if (eof[i] == 1'b1 && scrambled_char[i] == char_align[i]) begin
phy_charisk[i] <= 1'b1;
end else begin
phy_charisk[i] <= ilas_charisk[i];
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (cgs_enable == 1'b1) begin
phy_data <= {DATA_PATH_WIDTH{8'hbc}};
end else begin
case (tx_ready)
1'b0: phy_data <= ilas_data;
default: phy_data <= scrambled_data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ilas_cfg_static.v
M_DEPS += jesd204_tx_static_config_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += tx_static_config.v
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_cfg_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config.xml
M_DEPS += ../../jesd204/interfaces/jesd204_tx_ilas_config_rtl.xml
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep jesd204_tx_static_config.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
jesd204_tx_static_config.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) jesd204_tx_static_config_ip.tcl >> jesd204_tx_static_config_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../jesd204/interfaces/

View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_ilas_config_static #(
parameter DID = 8'h00,
parameter BID = 4'h0,
parameter L = 5'h3,
parameter SCR = 1'b1,
parameter F = 8'h01,
parameter K = 5'h1f,
parameter M = 8'h3,
parameter N = 5'h0f,
parameter CS = 2'h0,
parameter NP = 5'h0f,
parameter SUBCLASSV = 3'h1,
parameter S = 5'h00,
parameter JESDV = 3'h1,
parameter CF = 5'h00,
parameter HD = 1'b1,
parameter NUM_LANES = 1
) (
input clk,
input [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
input ilas_config_rd,
output reg [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_data
wire [31:0] ilas_mem[0:3];
assign ilas_mem[0][15:0] = 8'h00;
assign ilas_mem[0][23:16] = DID; // DID
assign ilas_mem[0][27:24] = BID; // BID
assign ilas_mem[0][31:28] = 4'h0; // ADJCNT
assign ilas_mem[1][4:0] = 5'h00; // LID
assign ilas_mem[1][5] = 1'b0; // PHADJ
assign ilas_mem[1][6] = 1'b0; // ADJDIR
assign ilas_mem[1][7] = 1'b0; // X
assign ilas_mem[1][12:8] = L; // L
assign ilas_mem[1][14:13] = 2'b00; // X
assign ilas_mem[1][15] = SCR; // SCR
assign ilas_mem[1][23:16] = F; // F
assign ilas_mem[1][28:24] = K; // K
assign ilas_mem[1][31:29] = 3'b000; // X
assign ilas_mem[2][7:0] = M; // M
assign ilas_mem[2][12:8] = N; // N
assign ilas_mem[2][13] = 1'b0; // X
assign ilas_mem[2][15:14] = CS; // CS
assign ilas_mem[2][20:16] = NP; // N'
assign ilas_mem[2][23:21] = SUBCLASSV; // SUBCLASSV
assign ilas_mem[2][28:24] = S; // S
assign ilas_mem[2][31:29] = JESDV; // JESDV
assign ilas_mem[3][4:0] = CF; // CF
assign ilas_mem[3][6:5] = 2'b00; // X
assign ilas_mem[3][7] = HD; // HD
assign ilas_mem[3][23:8] = 16'h0000; // X
assign ilas_mem[3][31:24] = ilas_mem[0][23:16] + ilas_mem[0][31:24] +
ilas_mem[1][4:0] + ilas_mem[1][5] + ilas_mem[1][6] + ilas_mem[1][12:8] +
ilas_mem[1][15] + ilas_mem[1][23:16] + ilas_mem[1][28:24] +
ilas_mem[2][7:0] + ilas_mem[2][12:8] + ilas_mem[2][15:14] +
ilas_mem[2][20:16] + ilas_mem[2][23:21] + ilas_mem[2][28:24] +
ilas_mem[2][31:29] + ilas_mem[3][4:0] + ilas_mem[3][7];
genvar i;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (ilas_config_rd == 1'b1) begin
ilas_config_data[i*32+31:i*32] <= ilas_mem[ilas_config_addr];
/* Overwrite special cases */
case (ilas_config_addr)
'h1: ilas_config_data[i*32+4:i*32] <= i;
'h3: ilas_config_data[i*32+31:i*32+24] <= ilas_mem[ilas_config_addr][31:24] + i;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
source ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create jesd204_tx_static_config
adi_ip_files jesd204_tx_static_config [list \
"tx_static_config.v" \
"ilas_cfg_static.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite jesd204_tx_static_config
adi_add_bus "tx_cfg" "master" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "cfg_lanes_disable" "lanes_disable" } \
{ "cfg_beats_per_multiframe" "beats_per_multiframe" } \
{ "cfg_octets_per_frame" "octets_per_frame" } \
{ "cfg_lmfc_offset" "lmfc_offset" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_oneshot" "sysref_oneshot" } \
{ "cfg_sysref_required" "sysref_required" } \
{ "cfg_continuous_cgs" "continuous_cgs" } \
{ "cfg_continuous_ilas" "continuous_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_skip_ilas" "skip_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_mframes_per_ilas" "mframes_per_ilas" } \
{ "cfg_disable_char_replacement" "disable_char_replacement" } \
{ "cfg_disable_scrambler" "disable_scrambler" } \
adi_add_bus "tx_ilas_config" "slave" \
"" \
"" \
{ \
{ "ilas_config_rd" "rd" } \
{ "ilas_config_addr" "addr" } \
{ "ilas_config_data" "data" } \
adi_add_bus_clock "core_clk" "tx_cfg:tx_ilas_config"
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module jesd204_tx_static_config #(
parameter NUM_LANES = 1,
parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 1,
parameter NUM_CONVERTERS = 1,
parameter N = 16,
parameter NP = 16,
parameter HIGH_DENSITY = 1,
parameter SCR = 1
) (
input clk,
output [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable,
output [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe,
output [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame,
output [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset,
output cfg_sysref_oneshot,
output cfg_sysref_required,
output cfg_continuous_cgs,
output cfg_continuous_ilas,
output cfg_skip_ilas,
output [7:0] cfg_mframes_per_ilas,
output cfg_disable_char_replacement,
output cfg_disable_scrambler,
input ilas_config_rd,
input [1:0] ilas_config_addr,
output [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] ilas_config_data
assign cfg_beats_per_multiframe = (FRAMES_PER_MULTIFRAME * OCTETS_PER_FRAME / 4) - 1;
assign cfg_octets_per_frame = OCTETS_PER_FRAME - 1;
assign cfg_lmfc_offset = 3;
assign cfg_sysref_oneshot = 1'b0;
assign cfg_sysref_required = 1'b1;
assign cfg_continuous_cgs = 1'b0;
assign cfg_continuous_ilas = 1'b0;
assign cfg_skip_ilas = 1'b0;
assign cfg_mframes_per_ilas = 3;
assign cfg_disable_scrambler = SCR ? 1'b0 : 1'b1;
assign cfg_disable_char_replacement = cfg_disable_scrambler;
assign cfg_lanes_disable = {NUM_LANES{1'b0}};
jesd204_ilas_config_static #(
.L(NUM_LANES - 1),
) i_ilas_config (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
# The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
# different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
# Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
# by using this source code/core.
# The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
# This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
# questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
# binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
# source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
# tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
# License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
# along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
# <>.
# Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
# available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
# do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
# core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
# purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
# interested in such a license should contact for
# more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
# chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
# purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
# license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
# source code).
# In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
# or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
# to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
# with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
# The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
# is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
proc adi_axi_jesd204_tx_create {ip_name num_lanes} {
if {$num_lanes < 1 || $num_lanes > 8} {
return -code 1 "ERROR: Invalid number of JESD204B lanes. (Supported range 1-8)"
set result [catch {
create_bd_cell -type hier $ip_name
ad_ip_instance axi_jesd204_tx "${ip_name}/tx_axi"
ad_ip_instance jesd204_tx "${ip_name}/tx"
ad_ip_parameter "${ip_name}/tx_axi" CONFIG.NUM_LANES $num_lanes
ad_ip_parameter "${ip_name}/tx" CONFIG.NUM_LANES $num_lanes
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx_axi/core_reset" "${ip_name}/tx/reset"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx_axi/tx_ctrl" "${ip_name}/tx/tx_ctrl"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx_axi/tx_cfg" "${ip_name}/tx/tx_cfg"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx/tx_event" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/tx_event"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx/tx_status" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/tx_status"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx/tx_ilas_config" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/tx_ilas_config"
# Control interface
create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk "${ip_name}/s_axi_aclk"
create_bd_pin -dir I -type rst "${ip_name}/s_axi_aresetn"
create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave -vlnv "${ip_name}/s_axi"
create_bd_pin -dir O -type intr "${ip_name}/irq"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi_aclk" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/s_axi_aclk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi_aresetn" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/s_axi_aresetn"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/s_axi"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx_axi/irq" "${ip_name}/irq"
# JESD204 processing
create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk "${ip_name}/device_clk"
create_bd_pin -dir I "${ip_name}/sync"
create_bd_pin -dir I "${ip_name}/sysref"
create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave -vlnv "${ip_name}/tx_data"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/device_clk" "${ip_name}/tx_axi/core_clk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/device_clk" "${ip_name}/tx/clk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/sync" "${ip_name}/tx/sync"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/sysref" "${ip_name}/tx/sysref"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx_data" "${ip_name}/tx/tx_data"
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_lanes} {incr i} {
create_bd_intf_pin -mode Master -vlnv "${ip_name}/tx_phy${i}"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/tx/tx_phy${i}" "${ip_name}/tx_phy${i}"
} resulttext resultoptions]
dict unset resultoptions -level
if {$result != 0} {
undo -quiet
return -options $resultoptions $resulttext
proc adi_axi_jesd204_rx_create {ip_name num_lanes} {
if {$num_lanes < 1 || $num_lanes > 8} {
return -code 1 "ERROR: Invalid number of JESD204B lanes. (Supported range 1-8)"
set result [catch {
create_bd_cell -type hier $ip_name
ad_ip_instance axi_jesd204_rx "${ip_name}/rx_axi"
ad_ip_instance jesd204_rx "${ip_name}/rx"
ad_ip_parameter "${ip_name}/rx_axi" CONFIG.NUM_LANES $num_lanes
ad_ip_parameter "${ip_name}/rx" CONFIG.NUM_LANES $num_lanes
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx_axi/core_reset" "${ip_name}/rx/reset"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx_axi/rx_cfg" "${ip_name}/rx/rx_cfg"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_event" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/rx_event"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_status" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/rx_status"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_ilas_config" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/rx_ilas_config"
# Control interface
create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk "${ip_name}/s_axi_aclk"
create_bd_pin -dir I -type rst "${ip_name}/s_axi_aresetn"
create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave -vlnv "${ip_name}/s_axi"
create_bd_pin -dir O -type intr "${ip_name}/irq"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi_aclk" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/s_axi_aclk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi_aresetn" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/s_axi_aresetn"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/s_axi" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/s_axi"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx_axi/irq" "${ip_name}/irq"
# JESD204 processing
create_bd_pin -dir I -type clk "${ip_name}/device_clk"
create_bd_pin -dir O "${ip_name}/sync"
create_bd_pin -dir I "${ip_name}/sysref"
create_bd_pin -dir O "${ip_name}/phy_en_char_align"
# create_bd_pin -dir I "${ip_name}/phy_ready"
create_bd_pin -dir O -from 3 -to 0 "${ip_name}/rx_eof"
create_bd_pin -dir O -from 3 -to 0 "${ip_name}/rx_sof"
# create_bd_intf_pin -mode Master -vlnv "${ip_name}/rx_data"
create_bd_pin -dir O "${ip_name}/rx_data_tvalid"
create_bd_pin -dir O -from [expr $num_lanes * 32 - 1] -to 0 "${ip_name}/rx_data_tdata"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/device_clk" "${ip_name}/rx_axi/core_clk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/device_clk" "${ip_name}/rx/clk"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/sync" "${ip_name}/sync"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/sysref" "${ip_name}/rx/sysref"
# ad_connect "${ip_name}/phy_ready" "${ip_name}/rx/phy_ready"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/phy_en_char_align" "${ip_name}/phy_en_char_align"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_data" "${ip_name}/rx_data_tdata"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_valid" "${ip_name}/rx_data_tvalid"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_eof" "${ip_name}/rx_eof"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_sof" "${ip_name}/rx_sof"
for {set i 0} {$i < $num_lanes} {incr i} {
create_bd_intf_pin -mode Slave -vlnv "${ip_name}/rx_phy${i}"
ad_connect "${ip_name}/rx/rx_phy${i}" "${ip_name}/rx_phy${i}"
} resulttext resultoptions]
dict unset resultoptions -level
if {$result != 0} {
undo -quiet
return -options $resultoptions $resulttext

library/jesd204/tb/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_rx/axi_jesd204_rx.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_rx/jesd204_up_rx.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_rx/jesd204_up_rx_lane.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_rx/jesd204_up_ilas_mem.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_common/jesd204_up_common.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_common/jesd204_up_sysref.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../common/up_clock_mon.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../common/up_axi.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../util_cdc/sync_bits.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../util_cdc/sync_data.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module axi_jesd204_rx_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "axi_jesd204_rx_regmap_tb.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 2;
`define TIMEOUT 1000000
`include "tb_base.v"
wire s_axi_aclk = clk;
wire s_axi_aresetn = ~reset;
reg s_axi_awvalid = 1'b0;
reg s_axi_wvalid = 1'b0;
reg [13:0] s_axi_awaddr = 'h00;
reg [31:0] s_axi_wdata = 'h00;
wire [1:0] s_axi_bresp;
wire s_axi_awready;
wire s_axi_wready;
wire s_axi_bready = 1'b1;
wire [3:0] s_axi_wstrb = 4'b1111;
wire [2:0] s_axi_awprot = 3'b000;
wire [2:0] s_axi_arprot = 3'b000;
wire [1:0] s_axi_rresp;
wire [31:0] s_axi_rdata;
task write_reg;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
s_axi_awvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_wvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_awaddr <= addr;
s_axi_wdata <= value;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
while (s_axi_awvalid || s_axi_wvalid) begin
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
if (s_axi_awready)
s_axi_awvalid <= 1'b0;
if (s_axi_wready)
s_axi_wvalid <= 1'b0;
reg [13:0] s_axi_araddr = 'h0;
reg s_axi_arvalid = 'h0;
reg s_axi_rready = 'h0;
wire s_axi_arready;
wire s_axi_rvalid;
task read_reg;
input [31:0] addr;
output [31:0] value;
s_axi_arvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_araddr <= addr;
s_axi_rready <= 1'b1;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
while (s_axi_arvalid) begin
if (s_axi_arready == 1'b1) begin
s_axi_arvalid <= 1'b0;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
while (s_axi_rready) begin
if (s_axi_rvalid == 1'b1) begin
value <= s_axi_rdata;
s_axi_rready <= 1'b0;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
task read_reg_check;
input [31:0] addr;
output match;
reg [31:0] value;
reg [31:0] expected;
read_reg(addr, value);
expected = expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]];
match <= value === expected;
reg read_match = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (read_match == 1'b0) begin
failed <= 1'b1;
reg [31:0] expected_reg_mem[0:1023];
task set_reset_reg_value;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]] <= value;
task initialize_expected_reg_mem;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i = i + 1)
expected_reg_mem[i] <= 'h00;
/* Non zero power-on-reset values */
set_reset_reg_value('h00, 32'h00010061); /* PCORE version register */
set_reset_reg_value('h0c, 32'h32303452); /* PCORE magic register */
set_reset_reg_value('h10, NUM_LANES); /* Number of lanes */
set_reset_reg_value('h40, 32'h00000100); /* Elastic buffer size */
set_reset_reg_value('h14, 'h2); /* Datapath width */
set_reset_reg_value('hc0, 'h1); /* Core reset */
set_reset_reg_value('hc4, 'h1); /* Core state */
// set_reset_reg_value('hc8, 'h28000); /* clock monitor */
set_reset_reg_value('h210, 'h3); /* OCTETS_PER_MULTIFRAME */
task check_all_registers;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 'h400; i = i + 4) begin
read_reg_check(i, read_match);
task write_reg_and_update;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
integer i;
write_reg(addr, value);
expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]] <= value;
if (addr == 'hc0) begin
expected_reg_mem['hc4/4][0] <= value[0];
task invert_register;
input [31:0] addr;
reg [31:0] value;
read_reg(addr, value);
write_reg(addr, ~value);
task invert_all_registers;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 'h400; i = i + 4) begin
integer i;
initial begin
@(posedge s_axi_aresetn)
/* Check scratch */
write_reg_and_update('h08, 32'h12345678);
/* Check IRQ mask */
write_reg_and_update('h80, 32'h0);
/* Check lanes enable */
write_reg_and_update('h200, {NUM_LANES{1'b1}});
/* Check JESD common config */
write_reg_and_update('h210, 32'hff03ff);
write_reg_and_update('h214, 32'h03);
/* Check JESD RX configuration */
write_reg_and_update('h240, 32'h103fc);
/* Reset core */
write_reg_and_update('hc0, 32'h0);
/* Should be read-only when core is out of reset */
/* Check that reset works for all registers */
reg core_clk = 1'b0;
always @(*) #4 core_clk <= ~core_clk;
axi_jesd204_rx #(
) i_axi (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_tx/axi_jesd204_tx.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_tx/jesd204_up_tx.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_common/jesd204_up_common.v"
SOURCE+=" ../axi_jesd204_common/jesd204_up_sysref.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../common/up_axi.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../common/up_clock_mon.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../util_cdc/sync_bits.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../util_cdc/sync_data.v"
SOURCE+=" ../../util_cdc/sync_event.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module axi_jesd204_tx_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "axi_jesd204_tx_regmap_tb.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 2;
`define TIMEOUT 1000000
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [1:0] core_status_state = 2'b00;
reg core_status_sync = 1'b0;
wire s_axi_aclk = clk;
wire s_axi_aresetn = ~reset;
reg s_axi_awvalid = 1'b0;
reg s_axi_wvalid = 1'b0;
reg [13:0] s_axi_awaddr = 'h00;
reg [31:0] s_axi_wdata = 'h00;
wire [1:0] s_axi_bresp;
wire s_axi_awready;
wire s_axi_wready;
wire s_axi_bready = 1'b1;
wire [3:0] s_axi_wstrb = 4'b1111;
wire [2:0] s_axi_awprot = 3'b000;
wire [2:0] s_axi_arprot = 3'b000;
wire [1:0] s_axi_rresp;
wire [31:0] s_axi_rdata;
task write_reg;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
s_axi_awvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_wvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_awaddr <= addr;
s_axi_wdata <= value;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
while (s_axi_awvalid || s_axi_wvalid) begin
@(posedge s_axi_aclk)
if (s_axi_awready)
s_axi_awvalid <= 1'b0;
if (s_axi_wready)
s_axi_wvalid <= 1'b0;
reg [13:0] s_axi_araddr = 'h0;
reg s_axi_arvalid = 'h0;
reg s_axi_rready = 'h0;
wire s_axi_arready;
wire s_axi_rvalid;
task read_reg;
input [31:0] addr;
output [31:0] value;
s_axi_arvalid <= 1'b1;
s_axi_araddr <= addr;
s_axi_rready <= 1'b1;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
while (s_axi_arvalid) begin
if (s_axi_arready == 1'b1) begin
s_axi_arvalid <= 1'b0;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
while (s_axi_rready) begin
if (s_axi_rvalid == 1'b1) begin
value <= s_axi_rdata;
s_axi_rready <= 1'b0;
@(posedge s_axi_aclk) #0;
task read_reg_check;
input [31:0] addr;
output match;
reg [31:0] value;
reg [31:0] expected;
read_reg(addr, value);
expected = expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]];
match <= value === expected;
reg read_match = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (read_match == 1'b0) begin
failed <= 1'b1;
reg [31:0] expected_reg_mem[0:1023];
task set_reset_reg_value;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]] <= value;
task initialize_expected_reg_mem;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 1024; i = i + 1)
expected_reg_mem[i] <= 'h00;
/* Non zero power-on-reset values */
set_reset_reg_value('h00, 32'h00010061); /* PCORE version register */
set_reset_reg_value('h0c, 32'h32303454); /* PCORE magic register */
set_reset_reg_value('h10, NUM_LANES); /* Number of lanes */
set_reset_reg_value('h14, 'h2); /* Datapath width */
set_reset_reg_value('hc0, 'h1); /* Link disable */
set_reset_reg_value('hc4, 'h1); /* Core state */
// set_reset_reg_value('hc8, 'h80000); /* clock monitor */
set_reset_reg_value('h210, 'h3); /* OCTETS_PER_MULTIFRAME */
set_reset_reg_value('h244, 'h3); /* MFRAMES_PER_ILAS */
task check_all_registers;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 'h400; i = i + 4) begin
read_reg_check(i, read_match);
task write_reg_and_update;
input [31:0] addr;
input [31:0] value;
integer i;
write_reg(addr, value);
expected_reg_mem[addr[13:2]] <= value;
/* Special case for ILAS */
if (addr >= 'h310 && addr < 'h310 + 32 * NUM_LANES) begin
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
case (addr[3:2])
2'b01: expected_reg_mem['h310/4 + i * 8 + 1][31:5] <= value[31:5];
2'b11: expected_reg_mem['h310/4 + i * 8 + 3][23:0] <= value[23:0];
default: expected_reg_mem['h310/4 + i * 8 + addr[3:2]] <= value;
if (addr == 'hc0) begin
expected_reg_mem['hc4/4][0] <= value[0];
task invert_register;
input [31:0] addr;
reg [31:0] value;
read_reg(addr, value);
write_reg(addr, ~value);
task invert_all_registers;
integer i;
for (i = 0; i < 'h400; i = i + 4) begin
integer i;
initial begin
@(posedge s_axi_aresetn)
/* Check scratch */
write_reg_and_update('h08, 32'h12345678);
/* Check IRQ mask */
write_reg_and_update('h80, 32'h0);
/* Check lanes disable */
write_reg_and_update('h200, {NUM_LANES{1'b1}});
/* Check JESD common config */
write_reg_and_update('h210, 32'hff03ff);
write_reg_and_update('h214, 32'h03);
/* Check JESD TX configuration */
write_reg_and_update('h240, 32'h07);
/* Check mframes per ILAS - RO at the moment */
write_reg('h244, 32'hff);
/* Check status register */
core_status_state = 2'b01;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000001);
core_status_state = 2'b10;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000002);
core_status_state = 2'b11;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000003);
core_status_state = 2'b00;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000000);
core_status_sync = 1'b1;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000010);
core_status_sync = 1'b0;
set_reset_reg_value('h280, 32'h00000000);
/* ILAS register */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
write_reg_and_update('h310 + i * 32, 32'h0fff0000);
write_reg_and_update('h314 + i * 32, 32'h1fff9f1f ^ i);
write_reg_and_update('h318 + i * 32, 32'hffffdfff ^ i);
write_reg_and_update('h31c + i * 32, 32'h0f00009f ^ (2 << 24));
/* Reset core */
write_reg_and_update('hc0, 32'h0);
/* Should be read-only when core is out of reset */
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
invert_register('h310 + i * 32);
invert_register('h314 + i * 32);
invert_register('h318 + i * 32);
invert_register('h31c + i * 32);
/* Check that reset works for all registers */
reg core_clk = 1'b0;
always @(*) #4 core_clk <= ~core_clk;
axi_jesd204_tx #(
) i_axi (

library/jesd204/tb/loopback_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/lmfc.v ../jesd204_common/scrambler.v ../jesd204_common/eof.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/pipeline_stage.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx.v ../jesd204_rx/rx_lane.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/ilas_monitor.v ../jesd204_rx/align_mux.v ../jesd204_rx/rx_cgs.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx_ctrl.v ../jesd204_rx/elastic_buffer.v ../jesd204_rx/lane_latency_monitor.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx_static_config/rx_static_config.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx/tx.v ../jesd204_tx/tx_ctrl.v ../jesd204_tx/tx_lane.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx_static_config/tx_static_config.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx_static_config/ilas_cfg_static.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module loopback_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "loopback_tb.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 4;
parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 4;
parameter ENABLE_SCRAMBLER = 1;
parameter LANE_DELAY = 1;
localparam TX_LATENCY = 3;
localparam RX_LATENCY = 3;
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [5:0] tx_counter = 'h00;
reg [5:0] rx_counter = 'h00;
reg [NUM_LANES*32-1:0] rx_mask = 'hffff0000;
wire tx_ready;
wire rx_valid;
wire [NUM_LANES*32-1:0] rx_data;
reg data_mismatch = 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sync == 1'b0) begin
tx_counter <= 'h00000000;
end else if (tx_ready == 1'b1) begin
tx_counter <= tx_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sync == 1'b0) begin
rx_counter <= 'h00000000;
if (ENABLE_SCRAMBLER == 1'b1) begin
rx_mask <= {NUM_LANES{32'hffff0000}}; // First two octets are invalid due to scrambling
end else begin
rx_mask <= {NUM_LANES{32'hffffffff}};
end else if (rx_valid == 1'b1) begin
rx_counter <= rx_counter + 1'b1;
rx_mask <= {NUM_LANES{32'hffffffff}};
wire [31:0] tx_data = {tx_counter,2'h3,tx_counter,2'h2,tx_counter,2'h1,tx_counter,2'h0};
wire [31:0] rx_ref_data = {rx_counter,2'h3,rx_counter,2'h2,rx_counter,2'h1,rx_counter,2'h0};
wire [NUM_LANES*32-1:0] phy_data_out;
wire [NUM_LANES*4-1:0] phy_charisk_out;
wire [NUM_LANES*32-1:0] phy_data_in;
wire [NUM_LANES*4-1:0] phy_charisk_in;
wire sync;
reg [5:0] sysref_counter = 'h00;
reg sysref_rx = 1'b0;
reg sysref_tx = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sysref_counter == 'h2f)
sysref_rx <= ~sysref_rx;
sysref_counter <= sysref_counter + 1'b1;
sysref_tx <= sysref_rx;
reg [10:0] phy_delay_fifo_wr;
reg [36*NUM_LANES-1:0] phy_delay_fifo[0:MAX_LANE_DELAY-1];
always @(posedge clk) begin
phy_delay_fifo[phy_delay_fifo_wr] <= {phy_charisk_out,phy_data_out};
if (reset == 1'b1 || phy_delay_fifo_wr == MAX_LANE_DELAY-1) begin
phy_delay_fifo_wr <= 'h00;
end else begin
phy_delay_fifo_wr <= phy_delay_fifo_wr + 1'b1;
genvar i;
generate for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
localparam OFF = MAX_LANE_DELAY - (i + LANE_DELAY);
assign phy_data_in[32*i+31:32*i] =
phy_delay_fifo[(phy_delay_fifo_wr + OFF) % MAX_LANE_DELAY][32*i+31:32*i];
assign phy_charisk_in[4*i+3:4*i] =
phy_delay_fifo[(phy_delay_fifo_wr + OFF) % MAX_LANE_DELAY][4*i+3+NUM_LANES*32:4*i+32*NUM_LANES];
end endgenerate
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] tx_cfg_lanes_disable;
wire [7:0] tx_cfg_beats_per_multiframe;
wire [7:0] tx_cfg_octets_per_frame;
wire [7:0] tx_cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire tx_cfg_sysref_required;
wire tx_cfg_continuous_cgs;
wire tx_cfg_continuous_ilas;
wire tx_cfg_skip_ilas;
wire [7:0] tx_cfg_mframes_per_ilas;
wire tx_cfg_disable_char_replacement;
wire tx_cfg_disable_scrambler;
wire tx_ilas_config_rd;
wire [1:0] tx_ilas_config_addr;
wire [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] tx_ilas_config_data;
jesd204_tx_static_config #(
) i_tx_cfg (
jesd204_tx #(
) i_tx (
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] rx_cfg_lanes_disable;
wire [7:0] rx_cfg_beats_per_multiframe;
wire [7:0] rx_cfg_octets_per_frame;
wire [7:0] rx_cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire rx_sysref_required;
wire rx_cfg_disable_scrambler;
wire rx_cfg_disable_char_replacement;
wire rx_cfg_buffer_early_release;
wire [7:0] rx_cfg_buffer_delay;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] rx_status_lane_ifs_ready;
wire [NUM_LANES*14-1:0] rx_status_lane_latency;
jesd204_rx_static_config #(
) i_rx_cfg (
jesd204_rx #(
) i_rx (
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
data_mismatch <= 1'b0;
end else if (rx_valid == 1'b1) begin
if ((rx_data & rx_mask) !== ({NUM_LANES{rx_ref_data}} & rx_mask)) begin
data_mismatch <= 1'b1;
reg [NUM_LANES-1:0] lane_latency_match;
generate for (i = 0; i < NUM_LANES; i = i + 1) begin
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rx_status_lane_ifs_ready[i] == 1'b1 &&
rx_status_lane_latency[i*14+13:i*14+10] == LANE_OFFSET_MFRAMES &&
rx_status_lane_latency[i*14+9:i*14+2] == LANE_OFFSET_BEATS) begin
lane_latency_match[i] <= 1'b1;
end else begin
lane_latency_match[i] <= 1'b0;
end endgenerate
always @(*) begin
if (rx_valid !== 1'b1 || tx_ready !== 1'b1 || data_mismatch == 1'b1 ||
&lane_latency_match != 1'b1) begin
failed <= 1'b1;
end else begin
failed <= 1'b0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
NAME=`basename $0`
mkdir -p run
mkdir -p vcd
iverilog ${SOURCE} -o run/run_${NAME} $1 || exit 1
cd vcd

library/jesd204/tb/rx_cgs_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx_cgs.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module rx_cgs_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "rx_cgs_tb.vcd";
`define TIMEOUT 1000
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [3:0] char_is_error = 4'b0000;
reg [3:0] char_is_cgs = 4'b1111;
integer counter = 'h00;
wire ready;
reg ready_prev = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if ($random % 2 == 0)
char_is_error <= 4'b1111;
char_is_error <= 4'b0000;
always @(posedge clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1;
if (counter == 'h20) begin
char_is_cgs <= 4'b0001;
end else if (counter > 'h20) begin
char_is_cgs <= 4'b0000;
jesd204_rx_cgs i_rx_cgs (
reg lost_sync = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
ready_prev <= ready;
if (ready_prev == 1'b1 && ready == 1'b0) begin
lost_sync <= 1'b1;
failed <= lost_sync | ~ready;

library/jesd204/tb/rx_ctrl_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx_ctrl.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module rx_ctrl_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "rx_ctrl_tb.vcd";
`include "tb_base.v"
integer phy_reset_counter = 'h00;
integer align_counter = 'h00;
integer cgs_counter = 'h00;
reg phy_ready = 1'b0;
reg aligned = 1'b0;
reg cgs_ready = 1'b0;
wire en_align;
wire cgs_reset;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
phy_reset_counter <= 'h00;
phy_ready <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (phy_reset_counter == 'h7) begin
phy_ready <= 1'b1;
end else begin
phy_reset_counter <= phy_reset_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
aligned <= 1'b0;
align_counter <= 'h00;
end else if (phy_ready == 1'b1) begin
if (en_align == 1'b1) begin
if (align_counter == 'h20) begin
aligned <= 1'b1;
end else begin
align_counter <= align_counter + 1;
always @(posedge clk or posedge cgs_reset) begin
if (cgs_reset == 1'b1) begin
cgs_counter <= 'h00;
cgs_ready <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (cgs_counter == 'h20) begin
cgs_ready <= 1'b1;
end else begin
cgs_counter <= cgs_counter + 1;
jesd204_rx_ctrl i_rx_ctrl (

library/jesd204/tb/rx_lane_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
SOURCE="rx_lane_tb.v "
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx_lane.v ../jesd204_rx/rx_cgs.v ../jesd204_rx/elastic_buffer.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/align_mux.v ../jesd204_rx/ilas_monitor.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/scrambler.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/pipeline_stage.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module rx_lane_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "rx_lane_tb.vcd";
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [31:0] data = {4{{3'd5,5'd28}}};
reg [3:0] disperr = 4'b0000;
reg [3:0] charisk = 4'b1111;
integer counter = 'h00;
wire [31:0] counter2 = (counter - 'h20) * 4;
/* always @(posedge clk) begin
if ($random % 10 == 0)
disperr <= 4'b1111;
disperr <= 4'b0000;
always @(posedge clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1;
if (counter == 'h20) begin
charisk <= 'h0001;
data[31:8] <= {{24'h020100}};
end else if (counter == 'h21) begin
charisk <= 'h0000;
data[31:0] <= {{32'h06050403}};
end else if (counter > 'h21) begin
data <= (counter2 + 'h2) << 24 |
(counter2 + 'h1) << 16 |
(counter2 + 'h0) << 8 |
(counter2 - 'h1);
charisk <= 4'b0000;
reg buffer_release_n = 1'b0;
wire buffer_ready_n;
always @(posedge clk) begin
buffer_release_n <= buffer_ready_n;
jesd204_rx_lane i_rx_lane (

library/jesd204/tb/rx_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/lmfc.v ../jesd204_common/scrambler.v ../jesd204_common/eof.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/pipeline_stage.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx_static_config/rx_static_config.v "
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx.v ../jesd204_rx/rx_lane.v ../jesd204_rx/lane_latency_monitor.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/ilas_monitor.v ../jesd204_rx/align_mux.v ../jesd204_rx/rx_cgs.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_rx/rx_ctrl.v ../jesd204_rx/elastic_buffer.v"
cd `dirname $0`

library/jesd204/tb/rx_tb.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module rx_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "rx_tb.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 1;
parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 8;
`include "tb_base.v"
integer phy_reset_counter = 'h00;
integer align_counter = 'h00;
reg phy_ready = 1'b0;
reg aligned = 1'b0;
wire en_align;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
phy_reset_counter <= 'h00;
phy_ready <= 1'b0;
end else begin
if (phy_reset_counter == 'h40) begin
phy_ready <= 1'b1;
end else begin
phy_reset_counter <= phy_reset_counter + 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
aligned <= 1'b0;
align_counter <= 'h00;
end else if (phy_ready == 1'b1) begin
if (en_align == 1'b1) begin
if (align_counter == 'h20) begin
aligned <= 1'b1;
end else begin
align_counter <= align_counter + 1;
localparam KCHAR_ILAS_START = {3'd0,5'd28};
localparam KCHAR_LANE_ALIGN = {3'd3,5'd28};
localparam KCHAR_ILAS_CONFIG = {3'd4,5'd28};
localparam KCHAR_CGS = {3'd5,5'd28};
localparam KCHAR_FRAME_ALIGN = {3'd7,5'd28};
reg [31:0] data = KCHAR_CGS;
reg [3:0] charisk = 4'b1111;
reg [3:0] disperr = 4'b0000;
reg [3:0] notintable = 4'b0000;
integer counter = 'h00;
wire [31:0] counter2 = (counter - 'h10) * 4;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (sync == 1'b0) begin
counter <= 'h00;
charisk <= 4'b1111;
end else begin
counter <= counter + 1;
if (counter >= 'h8 && counter < 'h28) begin
if (counter % 'h8 == 'h0) begin
if (counter != 'h10) begin
data <= {24'h00,KCHAR_ILAS_START};
charisk <= 4'b0001;
end else begin
charisk <= 4'b0011;
end else if (counter % 'h8 == 'h7) begin
data <= {KCHAR_LANE_ALIGN,24'h00};
charisk <= 4'b1000;
end else begin
data <= {32'h00};
charisk <= 4'b0000;
end else if (counter > 'h10) begin
data <= (counter2 + 'h2) << 24 |
(counter2 + 'h1) << 16 |
(counter2 + 'h0) << 8 |
(counter2 - 'h1);
charisk <= 4'b0000;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable;
wire [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe;
wire [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame;
wire [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire cfg_sysref_oneshot;
wire cfg_sysref_required;
wire cfg_buffer_early_release;
wire cfg_disable_scrambler;
jesd204_rx_static_config #(
) i_cfg (
jesd204_rx #(
) i_rx (

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/scrambler.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module scrambler_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "scrambler_tb.vcd";
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [31:0] data_in;
reg [31:0] data_out_expected;
wire [31:0] data_scrambled;
wire [31:0] data_out;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
data_in <= 'h03020100;
end else begin
data_in <= data_in + {4{8'h04}};
jesd204_scrambler #(
) i_scrambler (
jesd204_scrambler #(
) i_descrambler (
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (data_in != data_out && failed == 1'b0) begin
failed <= 1'b1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
reg clk = 1'b1;
reg [3:0] reset_shift = 4'b1111;
reg trigger_reset = 1'b0;
wire reset;
reg failed = 1'b0;
reg sysref = 1'b0;
$dumpfile (VCD_FILE);
`ifdef TIMEOUT
if (failed == 1'b0)
always @(*) #10 clk <= ~clk;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (trigger_reset == 1'b1) begin
reset_shift <= 3'b111;
end else begin
reset_shift <= {reset_shift[2:0],1'b0};
assign reset = reset_shift[3];
initial begin
@(posedge clk) sysref <= 1'b1;
@(posedge clk) sysref <= 1'b0;
task do_trigger_reset;
@(posedge clk) trigger_reset <= 1'b1;
@(posedge clk) trigger_reset <= 1'b0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx/tx_ctrl.v"
cd `dirname $0`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
* Regardless of the phase relationship between LMFC and sync the output of the
* ctrl core should be the same as long as the sync signal is in the same lmfc
* cycle.
module tx_ctrl_phase_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "tx_ctrl_phase.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 1;
parameter BEATS_PER_LMFC = 20;
`include "tb_base.v"
reg lmfc_edge = 1'b0;
reg a_sync = 1'b0;
reg b_sync = 1'b0;
wire [31:0] a_ilas_data;
wire [3:0] a_ilas_charisk;
wire [1:0] a_ilas_config_addr;
wire a_ilas_config_rd;
wire a_tx_ready;
wire a_lane_cgs_enable;
wire [31:0] b_ilas_data;
wire [3:0] b_ilas_charisk;
wire [1:0] b_ilas_config_addr;
wire b_ilas_config_rd;
wire b_tx_ready;
wire b_lane_cgs_enable;
reg reset2 = 1'b1;
integer reset_counter = 0;
integer beat_counter = 0;
integer lmfc_counter = 0;
integer b_offset = 0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset2 == 1'b1) begin
if (reset_counter == 7) begin
reset2 <= 1'b0;
reset_counter <= 0;
end else begin
reset_counter <= reset_counter + 1;
if (reset2 == 1'b1) begin
beat_counter <= 0;
a_sync <= 1'b0;
b_sync <= 1'b0;
end else begin
beat_counter <= beat_counter + 1'b1;
if (beat_counter == BEATS_PER_LMFC*2) begin
a_sync <= 1'b1;
if (beat_counter == BEATS_PER_LMFC*2 + b_offset) begin
b_sync <= 1'b1;
if (beat_counter == BEATS_PER_LMFC*9) begin
b_offset <= b_offset + 1;
reset2 <= 1'b1;
if (reset2 == 1'b1) begin
lmfc_counter <= BEATS_PER_LMFC-3;
end else begin
lmfc_counter <= lmfc_counter + 1;
if (lmfc_counter == BEATS_PER_LMFC-1) begin
lmfc_counter <= 0;
lmfc_edge <= 1'b1;
end else begin
lmfc_edge <= 1'b0;
jesd204_tx_ctrl i_tx_ctrl_a (
jesd204_tx_ctrl i_tx_ctrl_b (
reg status = 1'b1;
always @(*) begin
if (reset2 == 1'b1) begin
status <= 1'b1;
end else if (a_ilas_data != b_ilas_data ||
a_ilas_charisk != b_ilas_charisk ||
a_ilas_config_addr != b_ilas_config_addr ||
a_ilas_config_rd != b_ilas_config_rd ||
a_lane_cgs_enable != b_lane_cgs_enable ||
a_tx_ready != b_tx_ready) begin
status <= 1'b0;
reg message_shown = 1'b0;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (status == 1'b0 && message_shown == 1'b0 && b_offset < BEATS_PER_LMFC) begin
$display("FAILED at offset %0d", b_offset);
message_shown <= 1'b1;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (b_offset == BEATS_PER_LMFC+1) begin
if (message_shown == 1'b0)

library/jesd204/tb/tx_tb Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_common/lmfc.v ../jesd204_common/scrambler.v ../jesd204_common/eof.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx/tx.v ../jesd204_tx/tx_ctrl.v ../jesd204_tx/tx_lane.v"
SOURCE+=" ../jesd204_tx_static_config/tx_static_config.v ../jesd204_tx_static_config/ilas_cfg_static.v"
cd `dirname $0`

library/jesd204/tb/tx_tb.v Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
// The ADI JESD204 Core is released under the following license, which is
// different than all other HDL cores in this repository.
// Please read this, and understand the freedoms and responsibilities you have
// by using this source code/core.
// The JESD204 HDL, is copyright © 2016-2017 Analog Devices Inc.
// This core is free software, you can use run, copy, study, change, ask
// questions about and improve this core. Distribution of source, or resulting
// binaries (including those inside an FPGA or ASIC) require you to release the
// source of the entire project (excluding the system libraries provide by the
// tools/compiler/FPGA vendor). These are the terms of the GNU General Public
// License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 2
// along with this source code, and binary. If not, see
// <>.
// Commercial licenses (with commercial support) of this JESD204 core are also
// available under terms different than the General Public License. (e.g. they
// do not require you to accompany any image (FPGA or ASIC) using the JESD204
// core with any corresponding source code.) For these alternate terms you must
// purchase a license from Analog Devices Technology Licensing Office. Users
// interested in such a license should contact for
// more information. This commercial license is sub-licensable (if you purchase
// chips from Analog Devices, incorporate them into your PCB level product, and
// purchase a JESD204 license, end users of your product will also have a
// license to use this core in a commercial setting without releasing their
// source code).
// In addition, we kindly ask you to acknowledge ADI in any program, application
// or publication in which you use this JESD204 HDL core. (You are not required
// to do so; it is up to your common sense to decide whether you want to comply
// with this request or not.) For general publications, we suggest referencing :
// The design and implementation of the JESD204 HDL Core used in this project
// is copyright © 2016-2017, Analog Devices, Inc.
module tx_tb;
parameter VCD_FILE = "tx_tb.vcd";
parameter NUM_LANES = 1;
parameter OCTETS_PER_FRAME = 4;
`include "tb_base.v"
reg [31:0] tx_data = 'h00000000;
wire tx_ready;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (reset == 1'b1) begin
tx_data <= 'h00000000;
end else if (tx_ready == 1'b1) begin
tx_data <= tx_data + 1'b1;
reg sync = 1'b1;
reg [31:0] counter = 'h00;
always @(posedge clk) begin
counter <= counter + 1'b1;
if (counter >= 'h10 && counter <= 'h30) begin
sync <= 1'b0;
end else begin
sync <= 1'b1;
wire [NUM_LANES-1:0] cfg_lanes_disable;
wire [7:0] cfg_beats_per_multiframe;
wire [7:0] cfg_octets_per_frame;
wire [7:0] cfg_lmfc_offset;
wire cfg_sysref_oneshot;
wire cfg_sysref_required;
wire cfg_continuous_cgs;
wire cfg_continuous_ilas;
wire cfg_skip_ilas;
wire [7:0] cfg_mframes_per_ilas;
wire cfg_disable_char_replacement;
wire cfg_disable_scrambler;
wire tx_ilas_config_rd;
wire [1:0] tx_ilas_config_addr;
wire [32*NUM_LANES-1:0] tx_ilas_config_data;
jesd204_tx_static_config #(
) i_cfg (
jesd204_tx #(
) i_tx (

View File

@ -80,6 +80,31 @@ proc adi_add_bus {bus_name mode abs_type bus_type port_maps} {
proc adi_add_multi_bus {num bus_name_prefix mode abs_type bus_type port_maps dependency} {
for {set i 0} {$i < 8} {incr i} {
set bus_name [format "%s%d" $bus_name_prefix $i]
set bus [ipx::add_bus_interface $bus_name [ipx::current_core]]
set_property "ABSTRACTION_TYPE_VLNV" $abs_type $bus
set_property "BUS_TYPE_VLNV" $bus_type $bus
set_property "INTERFACE_MODE" $mode $bus
if {$dependency ne ""} {
set bus_dependency [string map [list "{i}" $i] $dependency]
set_property ENABLEMENT_DEPENDENCY $bus_dependency $bus
foreach port_map $port_maps {
lassign $port_map phys logic width
set map [ipx::add_port_map $phys $bus]
set_property "PHYSICAL_NAME" $phys $map
set_property "LOGICAL_NAME" $logic $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_RIGHT" [expr $i*$width] $map
set_property "PHYSICAL_LEFT" [expr ($i+1)*$width-1] $map
proc adi_add_bus_clock {clock_signal_name bus_inf_name {reset_signal_name ""} {reset_signal_mode "slave"}} {
set bus_inf_name_clean [string map {":" "_"} $bus_inf_name]
set clock_inf_name [format "%s%s" $bus_inf_name_clean "_signal_clock"]
@ -107,7 +132,11 @@ proc adi_add_bus_clock {clock_signal_name bus_inf_name {reset_signal_name ""} {r
set_property physical_name $reset_signal_name $reset_map
set reset_polarity [ipx::add_bus_parameter "POLARITY" $reset_inf]
set_property value "ACTIVE_LOW" $reset_polarity
if {[string match {*[Nn]} $reset_signal_name] == 1} {
set_property value "ACTIVE_LOW" $reset_polarity
} else {
set_property value "ACTIVE_HIGH" $reset_polarity
@ -183,6 +212,7 @@ proc adi_ip_properties_lite {ip_name} {
global ip_constr_files
ipx::package_project -root_dir . -vendor -library user -taxonomy /Analog_Devices
set_property name $ip_name [ipx::current_core]
set_property vendor_display_name {Analog Devices} [ipx::current_core]
set_property company_url {} [ipx::current_core]
@ -211,6 +241,7 @@ proc adi_ip_properties_lite {ip_name} {
set i_module [file tail $i_file]
regsub {_constr\.xdc} $i_module {} i_module
ipx::add_file $i_file $i_filegroup
set_property PROCESSING_ORDER LATE [ipx::get_files $i_file -of_objects $i_filegroup]
set_property SCOPED_TO_REF $i_module [ipx::get_files $i_file -of_objects $i_filegroup]

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
M_DEPS += ../../common/ad_rst.v
M_DEPS += ../../common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../common/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../../common/up_axi.v
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
@ -15,6 +13,7 @@ M_DEPS += axi_spi_engine.v
M_DEPS += axi_spi_engine_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../util_axis_fifo/util_axis_fifo.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_ctrl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_ctrl_rtl.xml
@ -55,5 +54,6 @@ axi_spi_engine.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
make -C ../../util_axis_fifo/
make -C ../../util_cdc/

View File

@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create axi_spi_engine
adi_ip_files axi_spi_engine [list \
"axi_spi_engine.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_gray.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/up_axi.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_rst.v" \
@ -20,6 +18,7 @@ ipx::remove_bus_interface spi_signal_reset [ipx::current_core]
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \ \
adi_add_bus "spi_engine_ctrl" "master" \

View File

@ -5,12 +5,13 @@
M_DEPS += ../../common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += spi_engine_offload.v
M_DEPS += spi_engine_offload_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_ctrl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_ctrl_rtl.xml
M_DEPS += ../../spi_engine/interfaces/spi_engine_offload_ctrl.xml
@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: spi_engine_offload.xpr
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep spi_engine_offload.xpr
@ -48,5 +49,7 @@ spi_engine_offload.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) spi_engine_offload_ip.tcl >> spi_engine_offload_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../../util_cdc/

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create spi_engine_offload
adi_ip_files spi_engine_offload [list \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v" \
"spi_engine_offload.v" \
@ -11,6 +10,10 @@ adi_ip_properties_lite spi_engine_offload
# Remove all inferred interfaces
ipx::remove_all_bus_interface [ipx::current_core]
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \
adi_add_bus "spi_engine_ctrl" "master" \
"" \
"" \

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
M_DEPS += ../common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../common/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += address_gray.v
@ -15,6 +13,8 @@ M_DEPS += address_sync.v
M_DEPS += util_axis_fifo.v
M_DEPS += util_axis_fifo_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += ../util_cdc/util_cdc.xpr
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: util_axis_fifo.xpr
.PHONY: all dep clean clean-all
all: dep util_axis_fifo.xpr
@ -47,5 +47,7 @@ util_axis_fifo.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) util_axis_fifo_ip.tcl >> util_axis_fifo_ip.log 2>&1
make -C ../util_cdc/

View File

@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create util_axis_fifo
adi_ip_files util_axis_fifo [list \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_bits.v" \
"$ad_hdl_dir/library/common/sync_gray.v" \
"address_gray.v" \
"address_gray_pipelined.v" \
"address_sync.v" \
@ -14,6 +12,10 @@ adi_ip_files util_axis_fifo [list \
adi_ip_properties_lite util_axis_fifo
adi_ip_add_core_dependencies { \ \
adi_add_bus "s_axis" "slave" \
"" \
"" \

library/util_cdc/Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
## Copyright 2011(c) Analog Devices, Inc.
## Auto-generated, do not modify!
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_env.tcl
M_DEPS += ../scripts/adi_ip.tcl
M_DEPS += sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += sync_data.v
M_DEPS += sync_event.v
M_DEPS += sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += util_cdc_ip.tcl
M_VIVADO := vivado -mode batch -source
M_FLIST := *.cache
M_FLIST += *.data
M_FLIST += *.xpr
M_FLIST += *.log
M_FLIST += component.xml
M_FLIST += *.jou
M_FLIST += xgui
M_FLIST += *.ip_user_files
M_FLIST += *.srcs
M_FLIST += *.hw
M_FLIST += *.sim
M_FLIST += .Xil
.PHONY: all clean clean-all
all: util_cdc.xpr
rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
util_cdc.xpr: $(M_DEPS)
-rm -rf $(M_FLIST)
$(M_VIVADO) util_cdc_ip.tcl >> util_cdc_ip.log 2>&1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
// The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
// with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either
// (at the option of the user):
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at:
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at:
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
module sync_data #(
parameter NUM_OF_BITS = 1,
parameter ASYNC_CLK = 1
) (
input in_clk,
input [NUM_OF_BITS-1:0] in_data,
input out_clk,
output reg [NUM_OF_BITS-1:0] out_data
if (ASYNC_CLK == 1) begin
wire out_toggle;
wire in_toggle;
reg out_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
reg in_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
reg [NUM_OF_BITS-1:0] cdc_hold;
sync_bits i_sync_out (
sync_bits i_sync_in (
wire in_load = in_toggle == in_toggle_d1;
wire out_load = out_toggle ^ out_toggle_d1;
always @(posedge in_clk) begin
if (in_load == 1'b1) begin
cdc_hold <= in_data;
in_toggle_d1 <= ~in_toggle_d1;
always @(posedge out_clk) begin
if (out_load == 1'b1) begin
out_data <= cdc_hold;
out_toggle_d1 <= out_toggle;
end else begin
always @(*) begin
out_data <= in_data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
// The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
// with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either
// (at the option of the user):
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at:
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at:
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
module sync_event #(
parameter NUM_OF_EVENTS = 1,
parameter ASYNC_CLK = 1
) (
input in_clk,
input [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] in_event,
input out_clk,
output reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] out_event
if (ASYNC_CLK == 1) begin
wire out_toggle;
wire in_toggle;
reg out_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
reg in_toggle_d1 = 1'b0;
sync_bits i_sync_out (
sync_bits i_sync_in (
wire in_ready = in_toggle == in_toggle_d1;
wire load_out = out_toggle ^ out_toggle_d1;
reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] cdc_hold = 'h00;
reg [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] in_event_sticky = 'h00;
wire [NUM_OF_EVENTS-1:0] pending_events = in_event_sticky | in_event;
always @(posedge in_clk) begin
if (in_ready == 1'b1) begin
cdc_hold <= pending_events;
in_event_sticky <= {NUM_OF_EVENTS{1'b0}};
if (|pending_events == 1'b1) begin
in_toggle_d1 <= ~in_toggle_d1;
end else begin
in_event_sticky <= pending_events;
always @(posedge out_clk) begin
if (load_out == 1'b1) begin
// When there is only one event, we know that it is set.
out_event <= NUM_OF_EVENTS == 1 ? 1'b1 : cdc_hold;
end else begin
out_event <= {NUM_OF_EVENTS{1'b0}};
out_toggle_d1 <= out_toggle;
end else begin
always @(*) begin
out_event <= in_event;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
# ***************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************
# Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Each core or library found in this collection may have its own licensing terms.
# The user should keep this in in mind while exploring these cores.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms,
# with or without modification of this file, are permitted under the terms of either
# (at the option of the user):
# 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory, or at:
# OR
# 2. An ADI specific BSD license as noted in the top level directory, or on-line at:
# ***************************************************************************
# ***************************************************************************
source ../scripts/adi_env.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/scripts/adi_ip.tcl
adi_ip_create util_cdc
adi_ip_files util_cdc [list \
"sync_gray.v" \
"sync_bits.v" \
"sync_data.v" \
"sync_event.v" \
adi_ip_properties_lite util_cdc
set_property name "util_cdc" [ipx::current_core]
set_property display_name "ADI Clock-Domain-Crossing Utils" [ipx::current_core]
set_property description "ADI Clock-Domain-Crossing Utils" [ipx::current_core]
set_property hide_in_gui {1} [ipx::current_core]
ipx::save_core [ipx::current_core]

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_toggle_m*}]
set_property ASYNC_REG TRUE [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_toggle_m*}]
set_property ASYNC_REG true [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_running_m*}]
set_property ASYNC_REG true [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_run_m*}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_toggle_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_toggle_m1_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_toggle_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_toggle_m1_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_hold* && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_d_count* && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_run_m3_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_running_m1_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_count_run_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count_run_m1_reg && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]
set_false_path -from [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *d_count* && IS_SEQUENTIAL}] -to [get_cells -hier -filter {name =~ *up_d_count* && IS_SEQUENTIAL}]

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
# adc peripherals
ad_ip_instance axi_adxcvr axi_ad6676_xcvr
@ -9,9 +11,7 @@ ad_ip_parameter axi_ad6676_xcvr CONFIG.LPM_OR_DFE_N 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_ad6676_xcvr CONFIG.SYS_CLK_SEL "00"
ad_ip_parameter axi_ad6676_xcvr CONFIG.OUT_CLK_SEL "100"
ad_ip_instance jesd204 axi_ad6676_jesd
ad_ip_parameter axi_ad6676_jesd CONFIG.C_NODE_IS_TRANSMIT 0
ad_ip_parameter axi_ad6676_jesd CONFIG.C_LANES 2
adi_axi_jesd204_rx_create axi_ad6676_jesd 2
ad_ip_instance axi_ad6676 axi_ad6676_core
@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ ad_connect sys_cpu_clk util_ad6676_xcvr/up_clk
ad_xcvrcon util_ad6676_xcvr axi_ad6676_xcvr axi_ad6676_jesd
ad_connect util_ad6676_xcvr/rx_out_clk_0 axi_ad6676_core/rx_clk
ad_connect util_ad6676_xcvr/rx_out_clk_0 rx_core_clk
ad_connect axi_ad6676_jesd/rx_start_of_frame axi_ad6676_core/rx_sof
ad_connect axi_ad6676_jesd/rx_tdata axi_ad6676_core/rx_data
ad_connect axi_ad6676_jesd/rx_sof axi_ad6676_core/rx_sof
ad_connect axi_ad6676_jesd/rx_data_tdata axi_ad6676_core/rx_data
ad_connect util_ad6676_xcvr/rx_out_clk_0 axi_ad6676_cpack/adc_clk
ad_connect axi_ad6676_jesd_rstgen/peripheral_reset axi_ad6676_cpack/adc_rst
ad_connect axi_ad6676_core/adc_enable_0 axi_ad6676_cpack/adc_enable_0
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ ad_connect axi_ad6676_core/adc_dovf axi_ad6676_dma/fifo_wr_overflow
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A60000 axi_ad6676_xcvr
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A10000 axi_ad6676_core
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44A91000 axi_ad6676_jesd
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x44AA0000 axi_ad6676_jesd
ad_cpu_interconnect 0x7c420000 axi_ad6676_dma
# xcvr uses hp3, and 100MHz clock for both DRP and AXI4

View File

@ -17,10 +17,13 @@ M_DEPS += ../../common/vc707/vc707_system_mig.prj
M_DEPS += ../../common/vc707/vc707_system_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += ../../common/vc707/vc707_system_bd.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/common/ad_iobuf.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_sysref_gen.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_ad6676/axi_ad6676.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/axi_adxcvr/axi_adxcvr.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_dmac/axi_dmac.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx/axi_jesd204_rx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx/jesd204_rx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr/util_adxcvr.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack.xpr
@ -54,6 +57,8 @@ clean-all:clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_ad6676 clean
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/axi_adxcvr clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_dmac clean
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx clean
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx clean
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr clean
make -C ../../../library/util_cpack clean
@ -67,6 +72,8 @@ lib:
make -C ../../../library/axi_ad6676
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/axi_adxcvr
make -C ../../../library/axi_dmac
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr
make -C ../../../library/util_cpack

View File

@ -16,13 +16,16 @@ M_DEPS += ../../scripts/adi_board.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../common/zc706/zc706_system_constr.xdc
M_DEPS += ../../common/zc706/zc706_system_bd.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/common/ad_iobuf.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_sysref_gen.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_ad6676/axi_ad6676.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/axi_adxcvr/axi_adxcvr.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_clkgen/axi_clkgen.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_dmac/axi_dmac.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_hdmi_tx/axi_hdmi_tx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx/axi_jesd204_rx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/axi_spdif_tx/axi_spdif_tx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx/jesd204_rx.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr/util_adxcvr.xpr
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack.xpr
@ -58,7 +61,9 @@ clean-all:clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_clkgen clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_dmac clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_hdmi_tx clean
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx clean
make -C ../../../library/axi_spdif_tx clean
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx clean
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr clean
make -C ../../../library/util_cpack clean
@ -74,7 +79,9 @@ lib:
make -C ../../../library/axi_clkgen
make -C ../../../library/axi_dmac
make -C ../../../library/axi_hdmi_tx
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/axi_jesd204_rx
make -C ../../../library/axi_spdif_tx
make -C ../../../library/jesd204/jesd204_rx
make -C ../../../library/xilinx/util_adxcvr
make -C ../../../library/util_cpack

View File

@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_iqcor.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_mem.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_rst.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_xcvr_rx_if.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_adc_channel.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_adc_common.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_axi.v
@ -91,6 +89,8 @@ M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/address_gray_pipelined.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/address_sync.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/util_axis_fifo.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_resize/util_axis_resize.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cdc/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cdc/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack_dsf.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack_hw.tcl

View File

@ -81,8 +81,6 @@ M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_g2b.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_iqcor.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_rst.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/ad_xcvr_rx_if.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_adc_channel.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_adc_common.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/common/up_axi.v
@ -103,6 +101,8 @@ M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/address_gray_pipelined.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/address_sync.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_fifo/util_axis_fifo.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_axis_resize/util_axis_resize.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cdc/sync_bits.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cdc/sync_gray.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack_dsf.v
M_DEPS += ../../../library/util_cpack/util_cpack_hw.tcl

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More