Add generic fir filters processes for RF projects

AndreiGrozav 2019-06-24 14:08:39 +01:00 committed by AndreiGrozav
parent 0261eade0c
commit 36a1767329
5 changed files with 255 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
// of various HDL (Verilog or VHDL) components. The individual modules are
// developed independently, and may be accompanied by separate and unique license
// terms.
// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
// freedoms and responsibilities that he or she has by using this source/core.
// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
// WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
// 1. The GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the
// Free Software Foundation, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_GPL2), and also online at:
// <>
// OR
// 2. An ADI specific BSD license, which can be found in the top level directory
// of this repository (LICENSE_ADIBSD), and also on-line at:
// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
// as long as it attaches to an ADI device.
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************
`timescale 1ns/100ps
module ad_bus_mux #(
// Channel data width
parameter DATA_WIDTH = 16) (
input select_path,
input valid_in_0,
input enable_in_0,
input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in_0,
input valid_in_1,
input enable_in_1,
input [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_in_1,
output valid_out,
output enable_out,
output [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_out);
assign valid_out = (select_path == 0) ? valid_in_0 : valid_in_1;
assign enable_out = (select_path == 0) ? enable_in_0 : enable_in_1;
assign data_out = (select_path == 0) ? data_in_0 : data_in_1;

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ set dac_data_width [expr 32*$TX_NUM_OF_LANES]
set dac_dma_data_width 128
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/xilinx/adi_fir_filter_bd.tcl
# adrv9009

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ set dac_data_width [expr 32*$TX_NUM_OF_LANES]
set dac_dma_data_width 128
source $ad_hdl_dir/library/jesd204/scripts/jesd204.tcl
source $ad_hdl_dir/projects/common/xilinx/adi_fir_filter_bd.tcl
# ad9371

View File

@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
# ad_add_decimation_filter - Creates a subsystem based on the Xilinx fir_compiler IP.
# \param[name] - Subsystem name
# \param[filter_rate] - Filter rate. E.g., 8
# \param[n_chan] - Number of channels to filter
# \param[parallel_paths] - Number of paralell paths. For scenarios where
# the sampling rate is x times the core clock.
# \param[core_clk_mhz] - Core clock in MHz
# \param[sampl_freq_mhz] - Sampling frequency in MHz
proc ad_add_decimation_filter {name filter_rate n_chan parallel_paths \
core_clk_mhz sampl_freq_mhz coe_file} {
global ad_hdl_dir
create_bd_cell -type hier $name
set filter_name "fir_decimation"
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/aclk
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/active
# Adding the ad_bus_axis.v file in the project fileset sources_1 will not work
add_files -norecurse $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_bus_mux.v
# add filter instances for n channels
for {set i 0} {$i < $n_chan} {incr i} {
ad_ip_instance fir_compiler $name/${filter_name}_${i} [ list \
Decimation_Rate $filter_rate \
Filter_Type "Decimation" \
Interpolation_Rate 1 \
Number_Paths $parallel_paths \
Clock_Frequency $core_clk_mhz \
Sample_Frequency $sampl_freq_mhz \
CoefficientSource COE_File \
Coefficient_File $coe_file \
Coefficient_Fractional_Bits 0 \
Data_Fractional_Bits 15 \
Coefficient_Sets 1 \
Coefficient_Sign Signed \
Coefficient_Structure Inferred \
Coefficient_Width 16 \
ColumnConfig 5 \
Filter_Architecture Systolic_Multiply_Accumulate \
Number_Channels 1 \
Output_Rounding_Mode Symmetric_Rounding_to_Zero \
Output_Width 16 \
Quantization Integer_Coefficients \
RateSpecification Frequency_Specification \
Zero_Pack_Factor 1
ad_connect $name/aclk $name/${filter_name}_${i}/aclk
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/valid_in_$i
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/enable_in_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O $name/valid_out_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O $name/enable_out_$i
create_bd_pin -dir I -from [expr 16*$parallel_paths-1] -to 0 $name/data_in_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O -from [expr 16*$parallel_paths-1] -to 0 $name/data_out_$i
create_bd_cell -type module -reference ad_bus_mux $name/out_mux_$i
set_property -dict [list \
CONFIG.DATA_WIDTH [expr 16 * $parallel_paths]] [get_bd_cells $name/out_mux_$i]
ad_connect $name/valid_in_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_in_0
ad_connect $name/enable_in_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_in_0
ad_connect $name/data_in_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/data_in_0
ad_connect $name/valid_in_$i $name/${filter_name}_${i}/s_axis_data_tvalid
ad_connect $name/enable_in_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_in_1
ad_connect $name/data_in_$i $name/${filter_name}_${i}/s_axis_data_tdata
ad_connect $name/${filter_name}_${i}/m_axis_data_tvalid $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_in_1
ad_connect $name/${filter_name}_${i}/m_axis_data_tdata $name/out_mux_${i}/data_in_1
ad_connect $name/valid_out_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_out
ad_connect $name/enable_out_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_out
ad_connect $name/data_out_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/data_out
ad_connect $name/out_mux_${i}/select_path $name/active
# ad_add_interpolation_filter - Creates a subsystem based on the Xilinx fir_compiler IP.
# \param[name] - Subsystem name
# \param[filter_rate] - Filter rate. E.g., 8
# \param[n_chan] - Number of channels to filter
# \param[parallel_paths] - Number of paralell paths. For scenarios where
# the sampling rate is x times the core clock.
# \param[core_clk_mhz] - Core clock in MHz
# \param[sampl_freq_mhz] - Sampling frequency in MHz
proc ad_add_interpolation_filter {name filter_rate n_chan parallel_paths \
core_clk_mhz sampl_freq_mhz coe_file} {
global ad_hdl_dir
create_bd_cell -type hier $name
set filter_name "fir_interpolation"
add_files -norecurse $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/ad_bus_mux.v
add_files -norecurse $ad_hdl_dir/library/common/util_pulse_gen.v
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/aclk
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/active
# Create pulse generator for ready/valid signals - This is required because
# there is only one clock domain for the slave and master data paths.
# The generator will give a 1 clock cycle pulse every N clock cycle periods.
# N = data rate.
create_bd_cell -type module -reference util_pulse_gen $name/rate_gen
set_property -dict [list \
CONFIG.PULSE_PERIOD [expr $filter_rate -1]] [get_bd_cells $name/rate_gen]
ad_connect $name/aclk $name/rate_gen/clk
ad_connect $name/rate_gen/pulse_width GND
ad_connect $name/rate_gen/pulse_period GND
ad_connect $name/rate_gen/load_config GND
ad_connect $name/active $name/rate_gen/rstn
# add filter instances for n channels
for {set i 0} {$i < $n_chan} {incr i} {
ad_ip_instance fir_compiler $name/${filter_name}_${i} [ list \
Decimation_Rate 1 \
Filter_Type "Interpolation" \
Interpolation_Rate $filter_rate \
Number_Paths $parallel_paths \
Clock_Frequency $core_clk_mhz \
Sample_Frequency $sampl_freq_mhz \
CoefficientSource COE_File \
Coefficient_File $coe_file \
Coefficient_Fractional_Bits 0 \
Data_Fractional_Bits 15 \
Coefficient_Sets 1 \
Coefficient_Sign Signed \
Coefficient_Structure Inferred \
Coefficient_Width 16 \
ColumnConfig 5 \
Filter_Architecture Systolic_Multiply_Accumulate \
Number_Channels 1 \
Output_Rounding_Mode Symmetric_Rounding_to_Zero \
Output_Width 16 \
Quantization Integer_Coefficients \
RateSpecification Frequency_Specification \
Zero_Pack_Factor 1
ad_connect $name/aclk $name/${filter_name}_${i}/aclk
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/dac_valid_$i
create_bd_pin -dir I $name/dac_enable_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O $name/valid_out_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O $name/enable_out_$i
create_bd_pin -dir I -from [expr 16*$parallel_paths-1] -to 0 $name/data_in_$i
create_bd_pin -dir O -from [expr 16*$parallel_paths-1] -to 0 $name/data_out_$i
ad_ip_instance util_vector_logic $name/logic_and_$i [list \
create_bd_cell -type module -reference ad_bus_mux $name/out_mux_$i
set_property -dict [list \
CONFIG.DATA_WIDTH [expr 16 * $parallel_paths]] [get_bd_cells $name/out_mux_$i]
ad_connect $name/rate_gen/pulse $name/logic_and_$i/Op1
ad_connect $name/dac_valid_$i $name/logic_and_$i/Op2
ad_connect $name/logic_and_$i/Res $name/${filter_name}_${i}/s_axis_data_tvalid
ad_connect $name/${filter_name}_${i}/s_axis_data_tdata $name/data_in_$i
ad_connect $name/rate_gen/pulse $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_in_1
ad_connect $name/dac_enable_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_in_1
ad_connect $name/${filter_name}_${i}/m_axis_data_tdata $name/out_mux_${i}/data_in_1
ad_connect $name/dac_valid_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_in_0
ad_connect $name/dac_enable_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_in_0
ad_connect $name/data_in_$i $name/out_mux_${i}/data_in_0
ad_connect $name/out_mux_${i}/valid_out $name/valid_out_$i
ad_connect $name/out_mux_${i}/enable_out $name/enable_out_$i
ad_connect $name/out_mux_${i}/data_out $name/data_out_$i
ad_connect $name/active $name/out_mux_${i}/select_path

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@ -335,6 +335,9 @@ proc ad_xcvrpll {m_src m_dst} {
## Create an memory mapped interface connection to a MIG or PS7/8 IP, using a
# HP0 high speed interface in case of PSx.