axi_dmac: Disable dummy AXI ports for Xilinx IPI

The memory mapped AXI interfaces for the AXI-DMAC are uni-directional.
Which means they are either write-only or read-only. Unfortunately the
Altera tools can't handle this, so we had to add dummy signals for the
other direction.

The Xilinx tools on the other hand handle uni-directional AXI interfaces
and in fact IPI can do a better job and use less resources when creating
the AXI interconnects when it knows that the interface is uni-directional.
So always disable the dummy ports for the IPI package.

Signed-off-by: Lars-Peter Clausen <>
Lars-Peter Clausen 2015-08-20 18:12:04 +02:00
parent d59ec3b36d
commit 0d482e7ef6
1 changed files with 40 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -64,6 +64,46 @@ adi_set_bus_dependency "m_axis" "m_axis" \
adi_set_ports_dependency "fifo_rd" \ adi_set_ports_dependency "fifo_rd" \
"(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.DMA_TYPE_DEST')) = 2)" "(spirit:decode(id('MODELPARAM_VALUE.DMA_TYPE_DEST')) = 2)"
# These are in the design to keep the Altera tools happy which can't handle
# uni-directional AXI interfaces. The Xilinx tools can and do a better job when
# they know that the interface is uni-directional, so disable the ports.
set dummy_axi_ports [list \
"m_dest_axi_arvalid" \
"m_dest_axi_arready" \
"m_dest_axi_araddr" \
"m_dest_axi_arlen" \
"m_dest_axi_arsize" \
"m_dest_axi_arburst" \
"m_dest_axi_arcache" \
"m_dest_axi_arprot" \
"m_dest_axi_rready" \
"m_dest_axi_rvalid" \
"m_dest_axi_rresp" \
"m_dest_axi_rdata" \
"m_src_axi_awvalid" \
"m_src_axi_awready" \
"m_src_axi_awvalid" \
"m_src_axi_awaddr" \
"m_src_axi_awlen" \
"m_src_axi_awsize" \
"m_src_axi_awburst" \
"m_src_axi_awcache" \
"m_src_axi_awprot" \
"m_src_axi_wvalid" \
"m_src_axi_wready" \
"m_src_axi_wvalid" \
"m_src_axi_wdata" \
"m_src_axi_wstrb" \
"m_src_axi_wlast" \
"m_src_axi_bready" \
"m_src_axi_bvalid" \
"m_src_axi_bresp" \
foreach p $dummy_axi_ports {
adi_set_ports_dependency $p "0"
adi_add_bus "fifo_wr" "slave" \ adi_add_bus "fifo_wr" "slave" \
"" \ "" \
"" \ "" \