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dac_fmc_ebz: Add initial ZCU102 and ZC706 carrier support Add a generic project for the AD91xx-FMC-EBZ DAC boards connected to the ZCU102 and ZC706 carrier boards. The project is called dac_fmc_ebz as the intention is to support all DAC FMC evaluation boards with this project since they are sufficiently similar to be supported by the same design. This project will successively extended to add support for more boards. The desired DAC device and JESD operation mode must be selected from the following file: ./common/config.tcl This design can support the following FMC boards which are all pin compatible: * AD9135-FMC-EBZ * AD9136-FMC-EBZ * AD9144-FMC-EBZ * AD9152-FMC-EBZ * AD9154-FMC-EBZ * AD916x-FMC-EBZ * AD9171-FMC-EBZ * AD9172-FMC-EBZ * AD9173-FMC-EBZ Note that the AD9152-FMC-EBZ only uses the first 4 lanes, whereas all other boards use 8 lanes. This project assumes that the transceiver reference clock and SYSREF are provided via the clock distribution chip that is found on the ADxxxx-FMC-EBZ board. In terms of pin connections between the FPGA and the FMC board the AD9172-FMC-EBZ is very similar to the AD9144-FMC-EBZ. The main differences are: * The DAC txen signals are connected to different pins * The polarity of the spi_en signal is active low instead of active high * The maximum lane rate is up to 15.4 Gpbs To accommodate this 5 txctrl signals as well as the spi_en signal are connected to GPIOs. Software can decide how to use them depending on which FMC board is connected. Note that each carrier has a maximum supported lane rate. Modes of the AD9172 (and similar) that exceed the carrier specific limit can not be used on that carrier. The limits are as following: * ZC706: 10.3125 Gbps * ZCU102: 15.4 Gbps (max AD9172 lanerate) * SPI and GPIOs to PMOD header support Connect a SPI interface and some GPIOs to the PL PMOD headers on the zcu102 and zc706 carriers. This is can be used to control additional external hardware like a clock chip or an analog front-end. This is especially useful on FMC boards that do not feature a clock generator chip. The pin out is: PMOD 1: SPI clock PMOD 2: SPI chipselect PMOD 3: SPI MOSI PMOD 4: SPI MISO PMOD 7: GPIO 0 PMOD 8: GPIO 1 PMOD 9: GPIO 2 PMOD 10: GPIO 3 The GPIOs are mapped at offset 48-51 of the EMIO GPIOs.
2018-06-15 11:50:34 +00:00
// ***************************************************************************
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// Copyright 2014 - 2017 (c) Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
// In this HDL repository, there are many different and unique modules, consisting
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// The user should read each of these license terms, and understand the
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// This core is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
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// Redistribution and use of source or resulting binaries, with or without modification
// of this file, are permitted under one of the following two license terms:
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// This will allow to generate bit files and not release the source code,
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// ***************************************************************************
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`timescale 1ns/100ps
Interface to FMC connector overview
system_top FMC_EBZ FMC FPGA
tx_ref_clk_n BR40_N D05 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_N G7 MGTREFCLK0N_229_G7
tx_ref_clk_p BR40_P D04 FMC_HPC0_GBTCLK0_M2C_C_P G8 MGTREFCLK0P_229_G8
spi_csn_dac FMC_CS1 H11 FMC_HPC0_LA04_N AA1 IO_L21N_T3L_N5_AD8N_66_AA1
spi_csn_clk FMC_CS2 D11 FMC_HPC0_LA05_P AB3 IO_L20P_T3L_N2_AD1P_66_AB3
spi_miso FMC_MISO H10 FMC_HPC0_LA04_P AA2 IO_L21P_T3L_N4_AD8P_66_AA2
spi_mosi FMC_MOSI G10 FMC_HPC0_LA03_N Y1 IO_L22N_T3U_N7_DBC_AD0N_66_Y1
spi_clk FMC_SCK G09 FMC_HPC0_LA03_P Y2 IO_L22P_T3U_N6_DBC_AD0P_66_Y2
spi_en FMC_SPI_EN D12 FMC_HPC0_LA05_N AC3 IO_L20N_T3L_N3_AD1N_66_AC3
pe_ctrl FMC_PE_CTRL H13 FMC_HPC0_LA07_P U5 IO_L18P_T2U_N10_AD2P_66_U5
txen[0] FMC_TXEN_0 C10 FMC_HPC0_LA06_P AC2 IO_L19P_T3L_N0_DBC_AD9P_66_AC2
txen[1] FMC_TXEN_1 C11 FMC_HPC0_LA06_N AC1 IO_L19N_T3L_N1_DBC_AD9N_66_AC1
tx_data_p[0] SERDIN0_N A38 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_P P6 MGTHTXP1_228_P6
tx_data_n[0] SERDIN0_P A39 FMC_HPC0_DP5_C2M_N P5 MGTHTXN1_228_P5
tx_data_p[1] SERDIN1_N B36 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_P R4 MGTHTXP0_228_R4
tx_data_n[1] SERDIN1_P B37 FMC_HPC0_DP6_C2M_N R3 MGTHTXN0_228_R3
tx_data_p[2] SERDIN2_N A34 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_P M6 MGTHTXP3_228_M6
tx_data_n[2] SERDIN2_P A35 FMC_HPC0_DP4_C2M_N M5 MGTHTXN3_228_M5
tx_data_p[3] SERDIN3_N B32 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_P N4 MGTHTXP2_228_N4
tx_data_n[3] SERDIN3_P B33 FMC_HPC0_DP7_C2M_N N3 MGTHTXN2_228_N3
tx_data_p[4] SERDIN4_P A30 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_P K6 MGTHTXP0_229_K6
tx_data_n[4] SERDIN4_N A31 FMC_HPC0_DP3_C2M_N K5 MGTHTXN0_229_K5
tx_data_p[5] SERDIN5_P A26 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_P F6 MGTHTXP3_229_F6
tx_data_n[5] SERDIN5_N A27 FMC_HPC0_DP2_C2M_N F5 MGTHTXN3_229_F5
tx_data_p[6] SERDIN6_P A22 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_P H6 MGTHTXP1_229_H6
tx_data_n[6] SERDIN6_N A23 FMC_HPC0_DP1_C2M_N H5 MGTHTXN1_229_H5
tx_data_p[7] SERDIN7_P C02 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_P G4 MGTHTXP2_229_G4
tx_data_n[7] SERDIN7_N C03 FMC_HPC0_DP0_C2M_N G3 MGTHTXN2_229_G3
tx_sync_p[0] SYNC0_P D08 FMC_HPC0_LA01_CC_P AB4 IO_L16P_T2U_N6_QBC_AD3P_66_AB4
tx_sync_n[0] SYNC0_N D09 FMC_HPC0_LA01_CC_N AC4 IO_L16N_T2U_N7_QBC_AD3N_66_AC4
NC SYNC1_N H08 FMC_HPC0_LA02_N V1 IO_L23N_T3U_N9_66_V1
NC SYNC1_P H07 FMC_HPC0_LA02_P V2 IO_L23P_T3U_N8_66_V2
tx_sysref_n SYSREF2_N G07 FMC_HPC0_LA00_CC_N Y3 IO_L13N_T2L_N1_GC_QBC_66_Y3
tx_sysref_p SYSREF2_P G06 FMC_HPC0_LA00_CC_P Y4 IO_L13P_T2L_N0_GC_QBC_66_Y4
module system_top #(
parameter JESD_L = 4,
parameter NUM_LINKS = 2,
parameter DEVICE_CODE = 0
) (
input [12:0] gpio_bd_i,
output [ 7:0] gpio_bd_o,
input tx_ref_clk_p,
input tx_ref_clk_n,
input tx_sysref_p,
input tx_sysref_n,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_p,
input [ 1:0] tx_sync_n,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_p,
output [JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] tx_data_n,
output spi_csn_dac,
output spi_csn_clk,
output spi_csn_clk2,
input spi_miso,
output spi_mosi,
output spi_clk,
output spi_en,
inout [ 4:0] dac_ctrl,
output pmod_spi_clk,
output pmod_spi_csn,
output pmod_spi_mosi,
input pmod_spi_miso,
inout [ 3:0] pmod_gpio
// internal signals
wire [94:0] gpio_i;
wire [94:0] gpio_o;
wire [94:0] gpio_t;
wire [ 2:0] spi0_csn;
wire [ 2:0] spi1_csn;
wire tx_ref_clk;
wire tx_sysref;
wire [ 1:0] tx_sync;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_p_loc;
wire [ 7:0] tx_data_n_loc;
wire tx_sysref_loc;
// spi
// spi_en is active ...
// ... high for AD9135-FMC-EBZ, AD9136-FMC-EBZ, AD9144-FMC-EBZ,
// ... low for AD9171-FMC-EBZ, AD9172-FMC-EBZ, AD9173-FMC-EBZ
// If you are planning to build a bitstream for just one of those boards you
// can hardwire the logic level here.
// assign spi_en = 1'bz;
// 9135/9144/9172 916(1,2,3,4)
assign spi_csn_dac = spi0_csn[1];
assign spi_csn_clk = spi0_csn[0]; // HMC7044 AD9508
assign spi_csn_clk2 = spi0_csn[2]; // NC ADF4355
/* JESD204 clocks and control signals */
IBUFDS_GTE4 i_ibufds_tx_ref_clk (
.CEB (1'd0),
.I (tx_ref_clk_p),
.IB (tx_ref_clk_n),
.O (tx_ref_clk),
.ODIV2 ()
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sysref (
.I (tx_sysref_p),
.IB (tx_sysref_n),
.O (tx_sysref)
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_0 (
.I (tx_sync_p[0]),
.IB (tx_sync_n[0]),
.O (tx_sync[0])
IBUFDS i_ibufds_tx_sync_1 (
.I (tx_sync_p[1]),
.IB (tx_sync_n[1]),
.O (tx_sync[1])
/* FMC GPIOs */
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf (
.dio_t (gpio_t[21+:6]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[21+:6]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[21+:6]),
.dio_p ({
spi_en, /* 26 */
dac_ctrl /* 25 - 21 */
* Control signals for different FMC boards:
* dac_ctrl FMC 9144 like 9162 like 9172 like
* 1 C10 NC NC FMC_TXEN_0
* 2 C11 NC NC FMC_TXEN_1
* 3 H14 FMC_TXEN_1 NC NC
assign dac_fifo_bypass = gpio_o[40];
/* PMOD GPIOs 48-51 */
ad_iobuf #(
) i_iobuf_pmod (
.dio_t (gpio_t[48+:4]),
.dio_i (gpio_o[48+:4]),
.dio_o (gpio_i[48+:4]),
.dio_p (pmod_gpio)
/* PMOD SPI */
assign pmod_spi_csn = spi1_csn[0];
/* Board GPIOS. Buttons, LEDs, etc... */
assign gpio_i[20: 8] = gpio_bd_i;
assign gpio_bd_o = gpio_o[7:0];
assign gpio_i[94:52] = gpio_o[94:52];
assign gpio_i[47:32] = gpio_o[47:32];
assign gpio_i[31:27] = gpio_o[31:27];
assign gpio_i[ 7: 0] = gpio_o[7:0];
system_wrapper i_system_wrapper (
.gpio_i (gpio_i),
.gpio_o (gpio_o),
dac_fmc_ebz: Add initial ZCU102 and ZC706 carrier support Add a generic project for the AD91xx-FMC-EBZ DAC boards connected to the ZCU102 and ZC706 carrier boards. The project is called dac_fmc_ebz as the intention is to support all DAC FMC evaluation boards with this project since they are sufficiently similar to be supported by the same design. This project will successively extended to add support for more boards. The desired DAC device and JESD operation mode must be selected from the following file: ./common/config.tcl This design can support the following FMC boards which are all pin compatible: * AD9135-FMC-EBZ * AD9136-FMC-EBZ * AD9144-FMC-EBZ * AD9152-FMC-EBZ * AD9154-FMC-EBZ * AD916x-FMC-EBZ * AD9171-FMC-EBZ * AD9172-FMC-EBZ * AD9173-FMC-EBZ Note that the AD9152-FMC-EBZ only uses the first 4 lanes, whereas all other boards use 8 lanes. This project assumes that the transceiver reference clock and SYSREF are provided via the clock distribution chip that is found on the ADxxxx-FMC-EBZ board. In terms of pin connections between the FPGA and the FMC board the AD9172-FMC-EBZ is very similar to the AD9144-FMC-EBZ. The main differences are: * The DAC txen signals are connected to different pins * The polarity of the spi_en signal is active low instead of active high * The maximum lane rate is up to 15.4 Gpbs To accommodate this 5 txctrl signals as well as the spi_en signal are connected to GPIOs. Software can decide how to use them depending on which FMC board is connected. Note that each carrier has a maximum supported lane rate. Modes of the AD9172 (and similar) that exceed the carrier specific limit can not be used on that carrier. The limits are as following: * ZC706: 10.3125 Gbps * ZCU102: 15.4 Gbps (max AD9172 lanerate) * SPI and GPIOs to PMOD header support Connect a SPI interface and some GPIOs to the PL PMOD headers on the zcu102 and zc706 carriers. This is can be used to control additional external hardware like a clock chip or an analog front-end. This is especially useful on FMC boards that do not feature a clock generator chip. The pin out is: PMOD 1: SPI clock PMOD 2: SPI chipselect PMOD 3: SPI MOSI PMOD 4: SPI MISO PMOD 7: GPIO 0 PMOD 8: GPIO 1 PMOD 9: GPIO 2 PMOD 10: GPIO 3 The GPIOs are mapped at offset 48-51 of the EMIO GPIOs.
2018-06-15 11:50:34 +00:00
.spi0_csn (spi0_csn),
.spi0_miso (spi_miso),
.spi0_mosi (spi_mosi),
.spi0_sclk (spi_clk),
.spi1_csn (spi1_csn),
.spi1_miso (pmod_spi_miso),
.spi1_mosi (pmod_spi_mosi),
.spi1_sclk (pmod_spi_clk),
.tx_data_0_n (tx_data_n_loc[0]),
.tx_data_0_p (tx_data_p_loc[0]),
.tx_data_1_n (tx_data_n_loc[1]),
.tx_data_1_p (tx_data_p_loc[1]),
.tx_data_2_n (tx_data_n_loc[2]),
.tx_data_2_p (tx_data_p_loc[2]),
.tx_data_3_n (tx_data_n_loc[3]),
.tx_data_3_p (tx_data_p_loc[3]),
.tx_data_4_n (tx_data_n_loc[4]),
.tx_data_4_p (tx_data_p_loc[4]),
.tx_data_5_n (tx_data_n_loc[5]),
.tx_data_5_p (tx_data_p_loc[5]),
.tx_data_6_n (tx_data_n_loc[6]),
.tx_data_6_p (tx_data_p_loc[6]),
.tx_data_7_n (tx_data_n_loc[7]),
.tx_data_7_p (tx_data_p_loc[7]),
.tx_ref_clk (tx_ref_clk),
.tx_sync_0 (tx_sync[NUM_LINKS-1:0]),
.tx_sysref_0 (tx_sysref));
assign tx_data_p[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_p_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
assign tx_data_n[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0] = tx_data_n_loc[JESD_L*NUM_LINKS-1:0];
// AD9161/2/4-FMC-EBZ works only in single link,
// The FMC connector instead of SYNC1 has SYSREF connected to it
assign tx_sysref_loc = (DEVICE_CODE == 3) ? tx_sync[1] : tx_sysref;
// ***************************************************************************
// ***************************************************************************