Examples ============ All commands ---------------- Input: :: help Output: :: ABC commands: aresub comb fraig strash Verification commands: acec cec exprsim sat sim simulator Mapping commands: lut_mapping lutmap techmap Synthesis commands: balance create_graph exact fr lutrw refactor resub resyn rewrite stpfr I/O commands: load read read_aiger read_bench read_blif read_genlib read_gia read_verilog write write_aiger write_bench write_blif write_dot write_genlib write_gia write_verilog Gia commands: Afraig Aget General commands: alias convert current help print ps quit set show store For more details, simply add '-h' after command to see all options of this command. Synthesis of EPFL benchmarks ---------------- In the following example, we show how `phyLS` can be used to synthesize a EPFL benchamrk. Input: :: read_aiger ~/phyLS/benchmarks/adder.aig ps -a resub // any synthesis commands ps -a read_genlib ~/phyLS/src/mcnc.genlib techmap Output: :: $ AIG i/o = 256/129 gates = 1020 level = 255 $ ntk i/o = 256/129 gates = 893 level = 256 [CPU time] 0.09 s $ Mapped AIG into #gates = 701 area = 1849.00 delay = 204.90