
panhongyang 2023-02-05 18:43:14 +08:00
parent f93d0333d5
commit 7a77c8b2cf
1 changed files with 46 additions and 82 deletions

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@ -1,92 +1,56 @@
Examples Examples
============ ============
All commands
.. code-block:: bash
Verification commands:
cec exprsim sat sim
Mapping commands:
lut_mapping lutmap techmap
Synthesis commands:
balance create_graph reduction refactor
resub resyn rewrite
I/O commands:
load read_aiger read_bench read_blif
read_genlib read_verilog write_aiger write_bench
write_blif write_dot write_genlib write_verilog
General commands:
alias convert current help
print ps quit set
show store
For more details, simply add '-h' after command to see all options of this command.
Synthesis of EPFL benchmarks Synthesis of EPFL benchmarks
---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
In the following example, we show how `phyLS` can be used to synthesize a EPFL benchamrk. In the following example, we show how `phyLS` can be used to synthesize a EPFL benchamrk.
.. .. code-black:: c++ Input:
.. code-block:: bash
.. spec spec; read_aiger ~/phyLS/benchmarks/
.. spec.verbosity = 0; ps -a
resub // any synthesis commands
ps -a
read_genlib ~/phyLS/src/mcnc.genlib
.. chain c; Output:
.. dynamic_truth_table x( 3 ), y( 3 ), z( 3 ); $ AIG i/o = 256/129 gates = 1020 level = 255
$ ntk i/o = 256/129 gates = 893 level = 256
.. create_nth_var( x, 0 ); [CPU time] 0.09 s
.. create_nth_var( y, 1 ); $ Mapped AIG into #gates = 701 area = 1849.00 delay = 204.90
.. create_nth_var( z, 2 );
.. // The sum and carry functions represent the outputs of the
.. // chain that we want to synthesize.
.. auto const sum = x ^ y ^ z;
.. auto const carry = ternary_majority( x, y, z );
.. spec[0] = sum;
.. spec[1] = carry;
.. // Call the synthesizer with the specification we've constructed.
.. auto const result = synthesize( spec, c );
.. // Ensure that synthesis was successful.
.. assert( result == success );
.. // Simulate the synthesized circuit and ensure that it
.. // computes the correct functions.
.. auto sim_fs = c.simulate();
.. assert( sim_fs[0] == sum );
.. assert( sim_fs[1] == carry );
.. In this example, we synthesize a Boolean chain for a full adder
.. specified by the two Boolean functions `sum` and `carry`. We see how
.. synthesis is invoked using the `synthesize` function that takes two
.. parameters. The first parameter is the specification `spec`, the
.. second parameter `c` references a chain. If synthesis is successful,
.. the `synthesize` function returns `success` and stores the synthesized
.. chain in `c`. Last but not least, we simulate the chain to ensure
.. that it's output functions are equivalent to the specified functions
.. of the full adder.
.. Percy offers several different encodings and synthesis methods, and
.. allows its users to select from various SAT solver backends. By
.. default all engines use ABC's `bsat` solver backend [1]_
.. (`SLV_BSAT2`), the SSV encoding (`ENC_SSV`), and the standard
.. synthesis method (`SYNTH_STD`). Suppose that this particular
.. combination is not suitable for our workflow. We can then easily
.. customize the synthesis process by cherry-picking a solver, encoder,
.. and synthesis method from the available options.
.. The next example demonstrates fence-based synthesis using the
.. corresponding encoder and synthesis method together with ABC's `bsat`
.. as solver backend:
.. .. code-black:: c++
.. percy::SolverType solver_type = percy::SLV_BSAT2;
.. percy::EncoderType encoder_type = percy::ENC_FENCE;
.. percy::SynthMethod synth_method = percy::SYNTH_FENCE;
.. auto solver = get_solver( solver_type );
.. auto encoder = get_encoder( *solver, encoder_type );
.. auto const result = synthesize( spec, c, *solver, *encoder, synth_method );
.. Enumerate (and count) partial DAGs
.. ----------------------------------
.. In the following code snippet, we use `percy` to enumerate partial
.. DAGs for a given number of nodes (up to 7 nodes), count them, and
.. print the numbers.
.. .. code-black:: c++
.. #include <percy/partial_dag.hpp>
.. for ( auto i = 1u; i < 8; ++i )
.. {
.. const auto dags = percy::pd_generate( i );
.. std::cout << i << ' ' << dags.size() << std::endl;
.. }
.. .. [1]