function ConvertHDF5_VTK(hdf_file, vtk_prefix, varargin) % ConvertHDF5_VTK(hdf_file, vtk_prefix, varargin) % % Convert openEMS field data stored in the given hdf5 file to a vtk file. % % arguments: % hdf_file: source hdf5 file % vtk_prefix: output vtk files prefix % % optional arguments: % 'TD_Dump': activate dump for time-domain data (default is off) % 'FD_Dump': activate dump for frequency-domain data (default is on) % 'NumPhase': number of phase to dump frequency domain data animation % (default is 36 --> 10°) % % example: % % read time-domian data from hdf5, perform dft and dump as vtk % ConvertHDF5_VTK('Et.h5','Ef','NumPhase',18,'Frequency',1e9) % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % author: Thorsten Liebig % % See also ReadHDF5Dump Dump2VTK do_FD_dump = 1; do_TD_dump = 0; phase_N = 36; for n=1:2:numel(varargin) if (strcmp(varargin{n},'TD_Dump')==1); do_TD_dump = varargin{n+1}; end if (strcmp(varargin{n},'FD_Dump')==1); do_FD_dump = varargin{n+1}; end if (strcmp(varargin{n},'NumPhase')==1); phase_N = varargin{n+1}; end end [field mesh] = ReadHDF5Dump(hdf_file, varargin{:}); if (do_FD_dump) ph = linspace(0,360,phase_N+1); ph = ph(1:end-1); for n = 1:numel(field.FD.freq) for p = ph filename = [vtk_prefix '_' num2str(field.FD.freq(n)) '_' num2str(p,'%03d') '.vtk' ]; Dump2VTK(filename, real(field.FD.values{n}*exp(1j*p*pi/180)), mesh); end filename = [vtk_prefix '_' num2str(field.FD.freq(n)) '_abs.vtk' ]; Dump2VTK(filename, abs(field.FD.values{n}), mesh); filename = [vtk_prefix '_' num2str(field.FD.freq(n)) '_ang.vtk' ]; Dump2VTK(filename, angle(field.FD.values{n}), mesh); end end if (do_TD_dump) disp('dumping time domain data...') acc = ['%0' int2str(ceil(log10(numel(field.TD.time)+1))) 'd']; for n = 1:numel(field.TD.time) filename = [vtk_prefix '_TD_' num2str(n,acc) '.vtk' ]; Dump2VTK(filename, abs(field.TD.values{n}), mesh); end end