function [CSX,port] = AddCoaxialPort( CSX, prio, portnr, pec_name, materialname, start, stop, dir, r_i, r_o, r_os, varargin ) % function [CSX,port] = AddCoaxialPort( CSX, prio, portnr, pec_name, materialname, start, stop, dir, r_i, r_o, r_os, varargin ) % % CSX: CSX-object created by InitCSX() % prio: priority for excitation and probe boxes % portnr: (integer) number of the port % pec_name: metal property for coaxial inner/outer conductor (created by AddMetal()) % materialname: substrate property for coaxial line (created by AddMaterial()) % Note: this may be empty for an "air filled" coaxial line % start: 3D start rowvector for coaxial cable axis % stop: 3D end rowvector for coaxial cable axis % dir: direction of wave propagation (choices: 0, 1, 2 or 'x','y','z') % r_i: inner coaxial radius (in drawing unit) % r_o: outer coaxial radius (in drawing unit) % r_os: outer shell coaxial radius (in drawing unit) % % variable input: % varargin: optional additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation % 'ExciteAmp' excitation amplitude of transversal electric field profile, % set to 0 (default) for a passive port % 'FeedShift' shift to port from start by a given distance in drawing % units. Default is 0. Only active if 'ExciteAmp' is set! % 'Feed_R' Specifiy a lumped port resistance. Default is no lumped % port resistance --> port has to end in an ABC. % 'MeasPlaneShift' Shift the measurement plane from start t a given distance % in drawing units. Default is the middle of start/stop. % 'PortNamePrefix' a prefix to the port name % % the mesh must be already initialized % % example: % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % Thorsten Liebig (c) 2013 % % See also InitCSX AddMetal AddMaterial AddExcitation calcPort %% validate arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %check mesh if ~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid') error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!'; end if (~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'XLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'YLines') || ~isfield(CSX.RectilinearGrid,'ZLines')) error 'mesh needs to be defined! Use DefineRectGrid() first!'; end % check dir dir = DirChar2Int(dir); %set defaults feed_shift = 0; feed_R = inf; %(default is open, no resitance) excite_amp = 0; measplanepos = nan; PortNamePrefix = ''; excite_args = {}; %% read optional arguments %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% for n=1:2:numel(varargin) if (strcmp(varargin{n},'FeedShift')==1); feed_shift = varargin{n+1}; if (numel(feed_shift)>1) error 'FeedShift must be a scalar value' end elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'Feed_R')==1); feed_R = varargin{n+1}; if (numel(feed_shift)>1) error 'Feed_R must be a scalar value' end elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'MeasPlaneShift')==1); measplanepos = varargin{n+1}; if (numel(feed_shift)>1) error 'MeasPlaneShift must be a scalar value' end elseif (strcmp(varargin{n},'ExciteAmp')==1); excite_amp = varargin{n+1}; elseif (strcmpi(varargin{n},'PortNamePrefix')) PortNamePrefix = varargin{n+1}; else excite_args{end+1} = varargin{n}; excite_args{end+1} = varargin{n+1}; end end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % determine index (1, 2 or 3) of propagation (length of MSL) idx_prop_n = dir + 1; idx_prop_nP = mod((dir+1),3)+1; idx_prop_nPP = mod((dir+2),3)+1; % direction of propagation if stop(idx_prop_n)-start(idx_prop_n) > 0 direction = +1; else direction = -1; end % create the metal for the coaxial line CSX = AddCylinder( CSX, pec_name, prio, start, stop, r_i ); CSX = AddCylindricalShell( CSX, pec_name, prio, start, stop, 0.5*(r_o+r_os), r_os-r_o ); % create the material filling for the coaxial line if (~isempty(materialname)) CSX = AddCylindricalShell( CSX, materialname, prio-1, start, stop, 0.5*(r_o+r_i), r_o-r_i ); end if isnan(measplanepos) measplanepos = (start(idx_prop_n)+stop(idx_prop_n))/2; else measplanepos = start(idx_prop_n)+direction*measplanepos; end % calculate position of the voltage probes mesh{1} = sort(unique(CSX.RectilinearGrid.XLines)); mesh{2} = sort(unique(CSX.RectilinearGrid.YLines)); mesh{3} = sort(unique(CSX.RectilinearGrid.ZLines)); meshlines = interp1( mesh{idx_prop_n}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop_n}), measplanepos, 'nearest' ); meshlines = mesh{idx_prop_n}(meshlines-1:meshlines+1); % get three lines (approx. at center) if direction == -1 meshlines = fliplr(meshlines); end v1_start(idx_prop_n) = meshlines(1); v1_start(idx_prop_nP) = start(idx_prop_nP)+r_i; v1_start(idx_prop_nPP) = start(idx_prop_nPP); v1_stop = v1_start; v1_stop(idx_prop_nP) = start(idx_prop_nP)+r_o; v2_start = v1_start; v2_stop = v1_stop; v2_start(idx_prop_n) = meshlines(2); v2_stop(idx_prop_n) = meshlines(2); v3_start = v2_start; v3_stop = v2_stop; v3_start(idx_prop_n) = meshlines(3); v3_stop(idx_prop_n) = meshlines(3); % calculate position of the current probes i1_start(idx_prop_n) = 0.5*(meshlines(1)+meshlines(2)); i1_start(idx_prop_nP) = start(idx_prop_nP)-r_i-0.1*(r_o-r_i); i1_start(idx_prop_nPP) = start(idx_prop_nPP)-r_i-0.1*(r_o-r_i); i1_stop = i1_start; i1_stop(idx_prop_nP) = start(idx_prop_nP)+r_i+0.1*(r_o-r_i); i1_stop(idx_prop_nPP) = start(idx_prop_nPP)+r_i+0.1*(r_o-r_i); i2_start = i1_start; i2_stop = i1_stop; i2_start(idx_prop_n) = 0.5*(meshlines(2)+meshlines(3)); i2_stop(idx_prop_n) = 0.5*(meshlines(2)+meshlines(3)); % create the probes port.U_filename{1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'A']; weight = 1; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{1}, 0, 'weight', weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{1}, prio, v1_start, v1_stop ); port.U_filename{2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'B']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{2}, 0, 'weight', weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{2}, prio, v2_start, v2_stop ); port.U_filename{3} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'C']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.U_filename{3}, 0, 'weight', weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.U_filename{3}, prio, v3_start, v3_stop ); weight = direction; port.I_filename{1} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_it' num2str(portnr) 'A']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.I_filename{1}, 1, 'weight', weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.I_filename{1}, prio, i1_start, i1_stop ); port.I_filename{2} = [PortNamePrefix 'port_it' num2str(portnr) 'B']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, port.I_filename{2}, 1,'weight', weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, port.I_filename{2}, prio, i2_start, i2_stop ); % create port structure port.LengthScale = 1; = portnr; port.type = 'Coaxial'; port.drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit; port.v_delta = diff(meshlines)*port.LengthScale; port.i_delta = diff( meshlines(1:end-1) + diff(meshlines)/2 )*port.LengthScale; port.direction = direction; port.excite = 0; port.measplanepos = abs(v2_start(idx_prop_n) - start(idx_prop_n))*port.LengthScale; port.r_i = r_i; port.r_o = r_o; % create excitation (if enabled) and port resistance meshline = interp1( mesh{idx_prop_n}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop_n}), start(idx_prop_n) + feed_shift*direction, 'nearest' ); min_cell_prop = min(diff(mesh{idx_prop_n})); ex_start = start; ex_start(idx_prop_n) = mesh{idx_prop_n}(meshline) - 0.01*min_cell_prop; ex_stop = ex_start; ex_stop(idx_prop_n) = mesh{idx_prop_n}(meshline) + 0.01*min_cell_prop; port.excite = 0; if (excite_amp~=0) dir_names={'x','y','z'}; nameX = ['(' dir_names{idx_prop_nP} '-' num2str(start(idx_prop_nP)) ')']; nameY = ['(' dir_names{idx_prop_nPP} '-' num2str(start(idx_prop_nPP)) ')']; func_Ex = [ nameX '/(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ') * (sqrt(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ')<' num2str(r_o) ') * (sqrt(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ')>' num2str(r_i) ')']; func_Ey = [ nameY '/(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ') * (sqrt(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ')<' num2str(r_o) ') * (sqrt(' nameX '*' nameX '+' nameY '*' nameY ')>' num2str(r_i) ')']; func_E{idx_prop_n} = 0; func_E{idx_prop_nP} = func_Ex; func_E{idx_prop_nPP} = func_Ey; port.excite = 1; evec = [1 1 1]; evec(idx_prop_n) = 0; CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_' num2str(portnr)], 0, evec, excite_args{:} ); CSX = SetExcitationWeight(CSX, [PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_' num2str(portnr)], func_E ); CSX = AddCylindricalShell(CSX,[PortNamePrefix 'port_excite_' num2str(portnr)],0 ,ex_start,ex_stop,0.5*(r_i+r_o),(r_o-r_i)); end %% resitance at start of coaxial line ex_start = start; ex_stop = stop; ex_stop(idx_prop_n) = ex_start(idx_prop_n); if (feed_R > 0) && ~isinf(feed_R) error 'feed_R not yet implemented' elseif isinf(feed_R) % do nothing --> open port elseif feed_R == 0 %port "resistance" as metal CSX = AddBox( CSX, pec_name, prio, ex_start, ex_stop ); CSX = AddCylindricalShell(CSX, pec_name, prio ,ex_start, ex_stop, 0.5*(r_i+r_o),(r_o-r_i)); else error('openEMS:AddMSLPort','MSL port with resitance <= 0 it not possible'); end end