function [CSX] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename, varargin ) % [CSX] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename, varargin ) % % Add a 3D lumped port as an excitation. % % CSX: CSX-object created by InitCSX() % prio: priority for substrate and probe boxes % portnr: (integer) number of the port % R: internal resistance of the port % start: 3D start rowvector for port definition % stop: 3D end rowvector for port definition % dir: direction/amplitude of port (e.g.: [1 0 0], [0 1 0] or [0 0 1]) % excitename (optional): if specified, the port will be switched on (see AddExcitation()) % varargin (optional): additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation % % example: % start = [-0.1 -width/2 0]; % stop = [ 0.1 width/2 height]; % [CSX] = AddLumpedPort(CSX, 5 ,1 , 50, start, stop, [0 0 1], 'excite'); % this defines a lumped port in z-direction (dir) % % openEMS matlab interface % ----------------------- % Sebastian Held % Jun 1 2010 % Thorsten Liebig % Jul 13 2011 % % See also InitCSX AddExcitation % check dir if (dir(1)~=0) && (dir(2) == 0) && (dir(3)==0) n_dir = 1; elseif (dir(1)==0) && (dir(2) ~= 0) && (dir(3)==0) n_dir = 2; elseif (dir(1)==0) && (dir(2) == 0) && (dir(3)~=0) n_dir = 3; else error 'dir must have exactly one component ~= 0' end if (sum(start==stop)>0) error 'start/stop in must not be equal in any direction --> lumped port needs a 3D box' end if (stop(n_dir)-start(n_dir)) > 0 direction = +1; else direction = -1; end if (R>0) CSX = AddLumpedElement(CSX,['port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], n_dir-1, 'Caps', 1, 'R', R); CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], prio, start, stop); end % create excitation if (nargin >= 7) && ~isempty(excitename) CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, excitename, R<=0, -dir*direction, varargin{:}); CSX = AddBox( CSX, excitename, prio, start, stop ); end u_start = 0.5*(start + stop); u_stop = 0.5*(start + stop); u_start(n_dir) = start(n_dir); u_stop(n_dir) = stop(n_dir); CSX = AddProbe(CSX,['port_ut' int2str(portnr)], 0, -direction); CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_ut' int2str(portnr)], prio, u_start, u_stop); i_start = start; i_stop = stop; i_start(n_dir) = 0.5*(start(n_dir)+stop(n_dir)); i_stop(n_dir) = 0.5*(start(n_dir)+stop(n_dir)); CSX = AddProbe(CSX,['port_it' int2str(portnr)], 1, direction); CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_it' int2str(portnr)], prio, i_start, i_stop);