/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Liebig (Thorsten.Liebig@gmx.de) * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef OPERATOR_H #define OPERATOR_H #include "tools/AdrOp.h" #include "tools/constants.h" #include "excitation.h" #include "Common/operator_base.h" class Operator_Extension; class Engine; class TiXmlElement; //! Basic FDTD-operator class Operator : public Operator_Base { friend class Engine; friend class Engine_Interface_FDTD; friend class Operator_Ext_LorentzMaterial; //we need to find a way around this... friend class Operator_Extension only would be nice friend class Operator_Ext_PML_SF_Plane; friend class Operator_Ext_Excitation; friend class Operator_Ext_UPML; friend class Operator_Ext_Cylinder; public: enum DebugFlags {None=0,debugMaterial=1,debugOperator=2,debugPEC=4}; //! Create a new operator static Operator* New(); virtual ~Operator(); virtual Engine* CreateEngine() const; virtual bool SetGeometryCSX(ContinuousStructure* geo); virtual int CalcECOperator( DebugFlags debugFlags = None ); virtual bool SetupExcitation(TiXmlElement* Excite, unsigned int maxTS) {return Exc->setupExcitation(Excite,maxTS);}; virtual void DumpExciationSignals(); // the next four functions need to be reimplemented in a derived class inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetVV( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z ) const { return vv[n][x][y][z]; } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetVI( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z ) const { return vi[n][x][y][z]; } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetII( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z ) const { return ii[n][x][y][z]; } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetIV( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z ) const { return iv[n][x][y][z]; } // convenient access functions inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetVV( unsigned int n, unsigned int pos[3] ) const { return GetVV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetVI( unsigned int n, unsigned int pos[3] ) const { return GetVI(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetII( unsigned int n, unsigned int pos[3] ) const { return GetII(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } inline virtual FDTD_FLOAT GetIV( unsigned int n, unsigned int pos[3] ) const { return GetIV(n,pos[0],pos[1],pos[2]); } // the next four functions need to be reimplemented in a derived class inline virtual void SetVV( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, FDTD_FLOAT value ) { vv[n][x][y][z] = value; } inline virtual void SetVI( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, FDTD_FLOAT value ) { vi[n][x][y][z] = value; } inline virtual void SetII( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, FDTD_FLOAT value ) { ii[n][x][y][z] = value; } inline virtual void SetIV( unsigned int n, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int z, FDTD_FLOAT value ) { iv[n][x][y][z] = value; } virtual void ApplyElectricBC(bool* dirs); //applied by default to all boundaries virtual void ApplyMagneticBC(bool* dirs); //! Set a forced timestep to use by the operator virtual void SetTimestep(double ts) {dT = ts;} bool GetTimestepValid() const {return !m_InvaildTimestep;} virtual double GetNumberCells() const; virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfNyquistTimesteps() const {return Exc->GetNyquistNum();} virtual unsigned int GetNumberOfLines(int ny) const {return numLines[ny];} //! Returns the number of lines as needed for the engine etc. (for post-processing etc, use GetNumLines()) virtual unsigned int GetOriginalNumLines(int ny) const {return numLines[ny];} virtual void ShowStat() const; virtual void ShowExtStat() const; virtual double GetGridDelta() const {return gridDelta;} //! Get the disc line in \a n direction (in drawing units) virtual double GetDiscLine(int n, unsigned int pos, bool dualMesh=false) const; //! Get the coordinates for a given node index and component, according to the yee-algorithm. Returns true if inside the FDTD domain. virtual bool GetYeeCoords(int ny, unsigned int pos[3], double* coords, bool dualMesh) const; //! Get the node width for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos virtual double GetNodeWidth(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const {return GetEdgeLength(ny,pos,!dualMesh);} //! Get the node width for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos virtual double GetNodeWidth(int ny, const int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const; //! Get the node area for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos virtual double GetNodeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const; //! Get the node area for a given direction \a n and a given mesh position \a pos virtual double GetNodeArea(int ny, const int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const; //! Get the length of an FDTD edge (unit is meter). virtual double GetEdgeLength(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const; //! Get the volume of an FDTD cell virtual double GetCellVolume(const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const; //! Get the area around an edge for a given direction \a n and a given mesh posisition \a pos /*! This will return the area around an edge with a given direction, measured at the middle of the edge. In a cartesian mesh this is equal to the NodeArea, may be different in other coordinate systems. */ virtual double GetEdgeArea(int ny, const unsigned int pos[3], bool dualMesh = false) const {return GetNodeArea(ny,pos,dualMesh);} virtual unsigned int SnapToMeshLine(int ny, double coord, bool &inside, bool dualMesh=false) const; //! Snap the given coodinates to mesh indices virtual bool SnapToMesh(const double* coord, unsigned int* uicoord, bool dualMesh=false, bool* inside=NULL) const; //! Snap a given box to the FDTD mesh virtual int SnapBox2Mesh(const double* start, const double* stop, unsigned int* uiStart, unsigned int* uiStop, bool dualMesh=false, int SnapMethod=0, bool* bStartIn=NULL, bool* bStopIn=NULL) const; virtual void AddExtension(Operator_Extension* op_ext); virtual void DeleteExtension(Operator_Extension* op_ext); virtual size_t GetNumberOfExtentions() const {return m_Op_exts.size();} virtual Operator_Extension* GetExtension(size_t index) const {return m_Op_exts.at(index);} virtual void CleanupMaterialStorage(); virtual double GetDiscMaterial(int type, int ny, const unsigned int pos[3]) const; protected: //! use New() for creating a new Operator Operator(); virtual void Init(); void Delete(); virtual void Reset(); virtual void InitOperator(); virtual void InitDataStorage(); virtual void InitExcitation(); virtual bool SetupCSXGrid(CSRectGrid* grid); struct Grid_Path { vector posPath[3]; vector dir; }; struct Grid_Path FindPath(double start[], double stop[]); // debug virtual void DumpOperator2File(string filename); virtual void DumpMaterial2File(string filename); virtual void DumpPEC2File( string filename ); unsigned int m_Nr_PEC[3]; //count PEC edges virtual bool CalcPEC(); virtual void CalcPEC_Range(unsigned int startX, unsigned int stopX, unsigned int* counter); //internal to CalcPEC virtual void CalcPEC_Curves(); //internal to CalcPEC //Calc timestep only internal use int m_TimeStepVar; virtual double CalcTimestep(); double opt_dT; bool m_InvaildTimestep; string m_Used_TS_Name; double CalcTimestep_Var1(); double CalcTimestep_Var3(); //! Calculate the FDTD equivalent circuit parameter for the given position and direction ny. \sa Calc_EffMat_Pos virtual bool Calc_ECPos(int ny, const unsigned int* pos, double* EC) const; //! Get the FDTD raw disc delta, needed by Calc_EffMatPos() \sa Calc_EffMatPos /*! Get the raw disc delta for a given position and direction. The result will be positive if a disc delta inside the simulation domain is requested. The result will be the negative value of the first or last disc delta respectivly if the position is outside the field domain. */ virtual double GetRawDiscDelta(int ny, const int pos) const; //! Get the material at a given coordinate, direction and type from CSX (internal use only) virtual double GetMaterial(int ny, const double coords[3], int MatType, bool markAsUsed=true) const; //! Calculate the effective/averaged material properties at the given position and direction ny. virtual bool Calc_EffMatPos(int ny, const unsigned int* pos, double* EffMat) const; //! Calc operator at certain \a pos virtual void Calc_ECOperatorPos(int n, unsigned int* pos); //! Calculate and setup lumped elements virtual bool Calc_LumpedElements(); //store material properties for post-processing float**** m_epsR; float**** m_kappa; float**** m_mueR; float**** m_sigma; //EC elements, internal only! virtual void Init_EC(); virtual bool Calc_EC(); double* EC_C[3]; double* EC_G[3]; double* EC_L[3]; double* EC_R[3]; AdrOp* MainOp; vector m_Op_exts; // engine/post-proc needs access public: //EC operator FDTD_FLOAT**** vv; //calc new voltage from old voltage FDTD_FLOAT**** vi; //calc new voltage from old current FDTD_FLOAT**** ii; //calc new current from old current FDTD_FLOAT**** iv; //calc new current from old voltage Excitation* Exc; }; inline Operator::DebugFlags operator|( Operator::DebugFlags a, Operator::DebugFlags b ) { return static_cast(static_cast(a) | static_cast(b)); } inline Operator::DebugFlags& operator|=( Operator::DebugFlags& a, const Operator::DebugFlags& b ) { return a = a | b; } #endif // OPERATOR_H