function [CSX,port] = AddMSLPort( CSX, portnr, materialname, start, stop, dir, evec, refplaneshift, excitename ) % [CSX,port] = AddMSLPort( CSX, portnr, materialname, start, stop, dir, evec, refplaneshift, excitename ) % % CSX: CSX-object created by InitCSX() % portnr: (integer) number of the port % materialname: property for the MSL (created by AddMetal() or AddMaterial()) % start: 3D start rowvector for port definition % stop: 3D end rowvector for port definition % dir: direction of wave propagation (choices: [1 0 0], [0 1 0] or [0 0 1]) % evec: excitation vector, which defines the direction of the e-field (must be the same as used in AddExcitation()) % refplaneshift (optional): if not specified or empty, the measurement % plane is used; if specified, reference plane is shifted by % starting from (thus refplaneshift is normally % positive) % excitename (optional): if specified, the port will be switched on (see AddExcitation()) % % the mesh must be already initialized % % example: % start = [0 0 height]; stop = [length width 0]; dir = [1 0 0]; evec = [0 0 -1] % this defines a MSL in x-direction (dir) with an e-field excitation in -z-direction (evec) % the excitation is placed at x=start(1); the wave travels towards x=stop(1) % the MSL-metal is created in xy-plane at z=start(3) % % Sebastian Held % May 13 2010 % % See also InitCSX AddMetal AddMaterial AddExcitation calcMSLPort % check dir if ~(dir(1) == dir(2) == 0) && ~(dir(1) == dir(3) == 0) && ~(dir(2) == dir(3) == 0) || (sum(dir) == 0) error 'dir must have exactly one component ~= 0' end dir = dir ./ sum(dir); % dir is now a unit vector % check evec if ~(evec(1) == evec(2) == 0) && ~(evec(1) == evec(3) == 0) && ~(evec(2) == evec(3) == 0) || (sum(evec) == 0) error 'evec must have exactly one component ~= 0' end evec0 = evec ./ sum(evec); % evec0 is a unit vector % normalize start and stop nstart = min( [start;stop] ); nstop = max( [start;stop] ); % determine index (1, 2 or 3) of propagation (length of MSL) idx_prop = dir * [1;2;3]; % determine index (1, 2 or 3) of width of MSL idx_width = abs(cross(dir,evec0)) * [1;2;3]; % determine index (1, 2 or 3) of height idx_height = abs(evec0) * [1;2;3]; % direction of propagation if stop(idx_prop)-start(idx_prop) > 0 direction = +1; else direction = -1; end % create the metal/material for the MSL MSL_start = start; MSL_stop = stop; MSL_stop(idx_height) = MSL_start(idx_height); CSX = AddBox( CSX, materialname, 999, MSL_start, MSL_stop ); % FIXME % openEMS v0.0.7 does not snap PEC % calculate position of the voltage probes mesh{1} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.XLines); mesh{2} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.YLines); mesh{3} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.ZLines); meshlines = interp1( mesh{idx_prop}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop}), (nstart(idx_prop)+nstop(idx_prop))/2, 'nearest' ); meshlines = mesh{idx_prop}(meshlines-1:meshlines+1); % get three lines (approx. at center) if direction == -1 meshlines = fliplr(meshlines); end MSL_w2 = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), (nstart(idx_width)+nstop(idx_width))/2, 'nearest' ); MSL_w2 = mesh{idx_width}(MSL_w2); % get e-line at center of MSL (MSL_width/2) v1_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(1); v1_start(idx_width) = MSL_w2; v1_start(idx_height) = nstop(idx_height); v1_stop = v1_start; v1_stop(idx_height) = nstart(idx_height); v2_start = v1_start; v2_stop = v1_stop; v2_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(2); v2_stop(idx_prop) = meshlines(2); v3_start = v2_start; v3_stop = v2_stop; v3_start(idx_prop) = meshlines(3); v3_stop(idx_prop) = meshlines(3); % calculate position of the current probes idx = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), nstart(idx_width), 'nearest' ); i1_start(idx_width) = mesh{idx_width}(idx) - diff(mesh{idx_width}(idx-1:idx))/2; idx = interp1( mesh{idx_height}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_height}), start(idx_height), 'nearest' ); i1_start(idx_height) = mesh{idx_height}(idx-1) - diff(mesh{idx_height}(idx-2:idx-1))/2; i1_stop(idx_height) = mesh{idx_height}(idx+1) + diff(mesh{idx_height}(idx+1:idx+2))/2; i1_start(idx_prop) = sum(meshlines(1:2))/2; i1_stop(idx_prop) = i1_start(idx_prop); idx = interp1( mesh{idx_width}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_width}), nstop(idx_width), 'nearest' ); i1_stop(idx_width) = mesh{idx_width}(idx) + diff(mesh{idx_width}(idx:idx+1))/2; i2_start = i1_start; i2_stop = i1_stop; i2_start(idx_prop) = sum(meshlines(2:3))/2; i2_stop(idx_prop) = i2_start(idx_prop); % create the probes name = ['port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'A']; weight = sum(evec); CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 0, weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, 999, v1_start, v1_stop ); name = ['port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'B']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 0, weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, 999, v2_start, v2_stop ); name = ['port_ut' num2str(portnr) 'C']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 0, weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, 999, v3_start, v3_stop ); name = ['port_it' num2str(portnr) 'A']; weight = direction; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 1, weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, 999, i1_start, i1_stop ); name = ['port_it' num2str(portnr) 'B']; CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 1, weight ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, 999, i2_start, i2_stop ); % create port structure = portnr; port.drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit; % port.start = start; % port.stop = stop; % port.v1_start = v1_start; % port.v1_stop = v1_stop; % port.v2_start = v2_start; % port.v2_stop = v2_stop; % port.v3_start = v3_start; % port.v3_stop = v3_stop; port.v_delta = diff(meshlines); % port.i1_start = i1_start; % port.i1_stop = i1_stop; % port.i2_start = i2_start; % port.i2_stop = i2_stop; port.i_delta = diff( meshlines(1:end-1) + diff(meshlines)/2 ); port.direction = direction; % port.dir = dir; % port.evec = evec; % port.idx_prop = idx_prop; % port.idx_width = idx_width; % port.idx_height = idx_height; port.excite = 0; port.refplaneshift = 0; port.measplanepos = abs(v2_start(idx_prop) - start(idx_prop)); if (nargin >= 8) && (~isempty(refplaneshift)) % refplaneshift counts from start of port port.refplaneshift = refplaneshift - direction*(v2_start(idx_prop) - start(idx_prop)); end % create excitation if nargin >= 9 % excitation of this port is enabled port.excite = 1; meshline = interp1( mesh{idx_prop}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_prop}), start(idx_prop), 'nearest' ); ex_start(idx_prop) = mesh{idx_prop}(meshline+direction); ex_start(idx_width) = nstart(idx_width); ex_start(idx_height) = nstart(idx_height); ex_stop(idx_prop) = ex_start(idx_prop); ex_stop(idx_width) = nstop(idx_width); ex_stop(idx_height) = nstop(idx_height); CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, excitename, 0, evec ); CSX = AddBox( CSX, excitename, 999, ex_start, ex_stop ); end