matlab: AddLumpedPort completely rewritten
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
function [CSX,port] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename )
% [CSX,port] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename )
function [CSX] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename, varargin )
% [CSX] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, excitename, varargin )
% Add a 3D lumped port as an excitation.
% CSX: CSX-object created by InitCSX()
% prio: priority for substrate and probe boxes
@ -7,149 +9,69 @@ function [CSX,port] = AddLumpedPort( CSX, prio, portnr, R, start, stop, dir, exc
% R: internal resistance of the port
% start: 3D start rowvector for port definition
% stop: 3D end rowvector for port definition
% dir: direction of of port (choices: [1 0 0], [0 1 0] or [0 0 1])
% dir: direction/amplitude of port (e.g.: [1 0 0], [0 1 0] or [0 0 1])
% excitename (optional): if specified, the port will be switched on (see AddExcitation())
% the mesh must be already initialized
% varargin (optional): additional excitations options, see also AddExcitation
% example:
% start = [0 0 height]; stop = [length width height]; dir = [1 0 0];
% this defines a lumped port in x-direction (dir)
% the excitation/probe is placed between start(1) and stop(1)
% start = [-0.1 -width/2 0];
% stop = [ 0.1 width/2 height];
% [CSX] = AddLumpedPort(CSX, 5 ,1 , 50, start, stop, [0 0 1], 'excite');
% this defines a lumped port in z-direction (dir)
% openEMS matlab interface
% -----------------------
% Sebastian Held <>
% Jun 1 2010
% Thorsten Liebig
% Jul 13 2011
% See also InitCSX AddExcitation
% check dir
if ~(dir(1) == dir(2) == 0) && ~(dir(1) == dir(3) == 0) && ~(dir(2) == dir(3) == 0) || (sum(dir) == 0)
if (dir(1)~=0) && (dir(2) == 0) && (dir(3)==0)
n_dir = 1;
elseif (dir(1)==0) && (dir(2) ~= 0) && (dir(3)==0)
n_dir = 2;
elseif (dir(1)==0) && (dir(2) == 0) && (dir(3)~=0)
n_dir = 3;
error 'dir must have exactly one component ~= 0'
dir = dir ./ sum(dir); % dir is now a unit vector
if (~isfield(CSX,'RectilinearGrid'))
error('openEMS:AddLumpedPort','Mesh not found in CSX structure... use DefineRectGrid() first!!');
if (sum(start==stop)>0)
error 'start/stop in must not be equal in any direction --> lumped port needs a 3D box'
% get grid
mesh{1} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.XLines);
mesh{2} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.YLines);
mesh{3} = sort(CSX.RectilinearGrid.ZLines);
drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
% snap to grid
idx_plane = 0;
for n=1:3
start_idx = interp1( mesh{n}, 1:numel(mesh{n}), start(n), 'nearest' );
stop_idx = interp1( mesh{n}, 1:numel(mesh{n}), stop(n), 'nearest' );
if start_idx == stop_idx
idx_plane = n; % two dimensional port: this is the correct index
start(n) = mesh{n}(start_idx);
stop(n) = mesh{n}(stop_idx);
if idx_plane == 0
error( 'the port must be two-dimensional!' );
% normalize start and stop
nstart = min( [start;stop] );
nstop = max( [start;stop] );
% determine index (1, 2 or 3) of calibration (e-) line
idx_cal = dir * [1;2;3];
% direction of calibration line
if stop(idx_cal)-start(idx_cal) > 0
if (stop(n_dir)-start(n_dir)) > 0
direction = +1;
direction = -1;
% determine the other direction (FIXME is there a better way?)
idx1 = [1 2 3];
idx1 = idx1(idx1 ~= idx_plane);
idx1 = idx1(idx1 ~= idx_cal);
% calculate position of resistive material
idx = interp1( mesh{idx_plane}, 1:numel(mesh{idx_plane}), nstart(idx_plane), 'nearest' );
delta2_n = mesh{idx_plane}(idx) - mesh{idx_plane}(idx-1);
delta2_p = mesh{idx_plane}(idx+1) - mesh{idx_plane}(idx);
m_start = nstart;
m_stop = nstop;
m_start(idx_plane) = m_start(idx_plane) - delta2_n/2;
m_stop(idx_plane) = m_stop(idx_plane) + delta2_p/2;
% calculate kappa
l = (m_stop(idx_cal) - m_start(idx_cal)) * drawingunit; % length of the "sheet"
A = (m_stop(idx1) - m_start(idx1)) * (m_stop(idx_plane) - m_start(idx_plane)) * drawingunit^2; % area of the "sheet"
kappa = l/A / R; % [kappa] = S/m
CSX = AddMaterial( CSX, ['port' num2str(portnr) '_sheet_resistance'], 'Isotropy', 0 );
kappa_cell = {};
kappa_cell{1} = kappa*dir(1);
kappa_cell{2} = kappa*dir(2);
kappa_cell{3} = kappa*dir(3);
CSX = SetMaterialProperty( CSX, ['port' num2str(portnr) '_sheet_resistance'], 'Kappa', kappa_cell );
CSX = AddBox( CSX, ['port' num2str(portnr) '_sheet_resistance'], prio, m_start, m_stop );
% calculate position of the voltage probe
v_start(idx_plane) = start(idx_plane);
center1 = interp1( mesh{idx1}, 1:numel(mesh{idx1}), (nstart(idx1)+nstop(idx1))/2, 'nearest' );
v_start(idx1) = mesh{idx1}(center1);
v_stop = v_start;
v_start(idx_cal) = nstart(idx_cal);
v_stop(idx_cal) = nstop(idx_cal);
% calculate position of the current probe
idx = interp1( mesh{idx1}, 1:numel(mesh{idx1}), nstart(idx1), 'nearest' );
delta1_n = mesh{idx1}(idx) - mesh{idx1}(idx-1);
idx = interp1( mesh{idx1}, 1:numel(mesh{idx1}), nstop(idx1), 'nearest' );
delta1_p = mesh{idx1}(idx+1) - mesh{idx1}(idx);
h_offset = diff(mesh{idx_cal});
idx = interp1( mesh{idx_cal} + [h_offset h_offset(end)]/2, 1:numel(mesh{idx_cal}), (nstart(idx_cal)+nstop(idx_cal))/2, 'nearest' );
i_start(idx_cal) = mesh{idx_cal}(idx) + h_offset(idx)/2;
i_stop(idx_cal) = i_start(idx_cal);
i_start(idx1) = nstart(idx1) - delta1_n/2;
i_start(idx_plane) = nstart(idx_plane) - delta2_n/2;
i_stop(idx1) = nstop(idx1) + delta1_p/2;
i_stop(idx_plane) = nstop(idx_plane) + delta2_p/2;
% create the probes
name = ['port_ut' num2str(portnr)];
weight = -direction;
CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 0, weight );
CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, prio, v_start, v_stop );
name = ['port_it' num2str(portnr)];
weight = direction;
CSX = AddProbe( CSX, name, 1, weight );
CSX = AddBox( CSX, name, prio, i_start, i_stop );
% create port structure
|||| = portnr;
port.drawingunit = CSX.RectilinearGrid.ATTRIBUTE.DeltaUnit;
% port.start = start;
% port.stop = stop;
% port.v_start = v_start;
% port.v_stop = v_stop;
% port.i_start = i_start;
% port.i_stop = i_stop;
% port.dir = dir;
port.direction = direction;
% port.idx_cal = idx_cal;
% port.idx1 = idx1;
% port.idx1 = idx1;
port.excite = 0;
CSX = AddLumpedElement(CSX,['port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], n_dir-1, 'Caps', 1, 'R', R);
CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_resist_' int2str(portnr)], prio, start, stop);
% create excitation
if (nargin >= 7) && ~isempty(excitename)
% excitation of this port is enabled
port.excite = 1;
e_start = nstart;
e_stop = nstop;
e_start(idx_plane) = start(idx_plane); % excitation-plane is determined by start vector
e_stop(idx_plane) = start(idx_plane);
CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, excitename, 0, -dir*direction);
CSX = AddBox( CSX, excitename, prio, e_start, e_stop );
CSX = AddExcitation( CSX, excitename, 0, -dir*direction, varargin{:});
CSX = AddBox( CSX, excitename, prio, start, stop );
u_start = 0.5*(start + stop);
u_stop = 0.5*(start + stop);
u_start(n_dir) = start(n_dir);
u_stop(n_dir) = stop(n_dir);
CSX = AddProbe(CSX,['port_ut' int2str(portnr)], 0, -direction);
CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_ut' int2str(portnr)], prio, u_start, u_stop);
i_start = start;
i_stop = stop;
i_start(n_dir) = 0.5*(start(n_dir)+stop(n_dir));
i_stop(n_dir) = 0.5*(start(n_dir)+stop(n_dir));
CSX = AddProbe(CSX,['port_it' int2str(portnr)], 1, direction);
CSX = AddBox(CSX,['port_it' int2str(portnr)], prio, i_start, i_stop);
@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ stop(3) =0;
CSX = AddBox(CSX,'gnd',10,start,stop);
%% apply the excitation & resist as a current source
start = [feed.pos -feed.width/2 0];
stop = [feed.pos +feed.width/2 substrate.thickness];
[CSX port] = AddLumpedPort(CSX,5,1,feed.R, start, stop,[0 0 1],'excite');
start = [feed.pos-.1 -feed.width/2 0];
stop = [feed.pos+.1 +feed.width/2 substrate.thickness];
[CSX] = AddLumpedPort(CSX, 5 ,1 ,feed.R, start, stop, [0 0 1], 'excite');
%% dump magnetic field over the patch antenna
CSX = AddDump( CSX, 'Ht_', 'DumpType', 1, 'DumpMode', 2); % cell interpolated
Reference in New Issue