
Class mxGraphLayout

  extended by com.mxgraph.layout.mxGraphLayout
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
mxCircleLayout, mxCompactTreeLayout, mxEdgeLabelLayout, mxFastOrganicLayout, mxHierarchicalLayout, mxOrganicLayout, mxOrthogonalLayout, mxParallelEdgeLayout, mxPartitionLayout, mxStackLayout

public abstract class mxGraphLayout
extends Object
implements mxIGraphLayout

Abstract bass class for layouts

Field Summary
protected  mxGraph graph
          Holds the enclosing graph.
protected  Object parent
          The parent cell of the layout, if any
protected  boolean useBoundingBox
          Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available.
Constructor Summary
mxGraphLayout(mxGraph graph)
          Constructs a new fast organic layout for the specified graph.
Method Summary
 void arrangeGroups(Object[] groups, int border)
          Updates the bounds of the given groups to include all children.
 void execute(Object parent)
          Executes the layout for the children of the specified parent.
 Object getConstraint(Object key, Object cell)
          Returns the constraint for the given key and cell.
 Object getConstraint(Object key, Object cell, Object edge, boolean source)
          Returns the constraint for the given key and cell.
 mxGraph getGraph()
          Returns the associated graph.
 mxPoint getParentOffset(Object parent)
 mxRectangle getVertexBounds(Object vertex)
          Returns an that defines the bounds of the given cell or the bounding box if is true.
 boolean isEdgeIgnored(Object edge)
          Returns true if the given edge has no source or target terminal.
 boolean isUseBoundingBox()
 boolean isVertexIgnored(Object vertex)
          Returns true if the given vertex has no connected edges.
 boolean isVertexMovable(Object vertex)
          Returns true if the given vertex may be moved by the layout.
 void moveCell(Object cell, double x, double y)
          Notified when a cell is being moved in a parent that has automatic layout to update the cell state (eg.
 void setEdgePoints(Object edge, List<mxPoint> points)
          Sets the control points of the given edge to the given list of mxPoints.
 void setEdgeStyleEnabled(Object edge, boolean value)
          Disables or enables the edge style of the given edge.
 void setOrthogonalEdge(Object edge, boolean value)
          Disables or enables orthogonal end segments of the given edge
 void setUseBoundingBox(boolean useBoundingBox)
 mxRectangle setVertexLocation(Object vertex, double x, double y)
          Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if is true.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected mxGraph graph
Holds the enclosing graph.


protected Object parent
The parent cell of the layout, if any


protected boolean useBoundingBox
Boolean indicating if the bounding box of the label should be used if its available. Default is true.

Constructor Detail


public mxGraphLayout(mxGraph graph)
Constructs a new fast organic layout for the specified graph.

Method Detail


public void execute(Object parent)
Description copied from interface: mxIGraphLayout
Executes the layout for the children of the specified parent.

Specified by:
execute in interface mxIGraphLayout
parent - Parent cell that contains the children to be layed out.


public void moveCell(Object cell,
                     double x,
                     double y)
Description copied from interface: mxIGraphLayout
Notified when a cell is being moved in a parent that has automatic layout to update the cell state (eg. index) so that the outcome of the layout will position the vertex as close to the point (x, y) as possible.

Specified by:
moveCell in interface mxIGraphLayout
cell - Cell which is being moved.
x - X-coordinate of the new cell location.
y - Y-coordinate of the new cell location.


public mxGraph getGraph()
Returns the associated graph.


public Object getConstraint(Object key,
                            Object cell)
Returns the constraint for the given key and cell. This implementation always returns the value for the given key in the style of the given cell.

key - Key of the constraint to be returned.
cell - Cell whose constraint should be returned.


public Object getConstraint(Object key,
                            Object cell,
                            Object edge,
                            boolean source)
Returns the constraint for the given key and cell. The optional edge and source arguments are used to return inbound and outgoing routing- constraints for the given edge and vertex. This implementation always returns the value for the given key in the style of the given cell.

key - Key of the constraint to be returned.
cell - Cell whose constraint should be returned.
edge - Optional cell that represents the connection whose constraint should be returned. Default is null.
source - Optional boolean that specifies if the connection is incoming or outgoing. Default is false.


public boolean isUseBoundingBox()
the useBoundingBox


public void setUseBoundingBox(boolean useBoundingBox)
useBoundingBox - the useBoundingBox to set


public boolean isVertexMovable(Object vertex)
Returns true if the given vertex may be moved by the layout.

vertex - Object that represents the vertex to be tested.
Returns true if the vertex can be moved.


public boolean isVertexIgnored(Object vertex)
Returns true if the given vertex has no connected edges.

vertex - Object that represents the vertex to be tested.
Returns true if the vertex should be ignored.


public boolean isEdgeIgnored(Object edge)
Returns true if the given edge has no source or target terminal.

edge - Object that represents the edge to be tested.
Returns true if the edge should be ignored.


public void setEdgeStyleEnabled(Object edge,
                                boolean value)
Disables or enables the edge style of the given edge.


public void setOrthogonalEdge(Object edge,
                              boolean value)
Disables or enables orthogonal end segments of the given edge


public mxPoint getParentOffset(Object parent)


public void setEdgePoints(Object edge,
                          List<mxPoint> points)
Sets the control points of the given edge to the given list of mxPoints. Set the points to null to remove all existing points for an edge.


public mxRectangle getVertexBounds(Object vertex)
Returns an that defines the bounds of the given cell or the bounding box if is true.


public mxRectangle setVertexLocation(Object vertex,
                                     double x,
                                     double y)
Sets the new position of the given cell taking into account the size of the bounding box if is true. The change is only carried out if the new location is not equal to the existing location, otherwise the geometry is not replaced with an updated instance. The new or old bounds are returned (including overlapping labels). Parameters: cell - whose geometry is to be set. x - Integer that defines the x-coordinate of the new location. y - Integer that defines the y-coordinate of the new location.


public void arrangeGroups(Object[] groups,
                          int border)
Updates the bounds of the given groups to include all children. Call this with the groups in parent to child order, top-most group first, eg. arrangeGroups(graph, mxUtils.sortCells(Arrays.asList( new Object[] { v1, v3 }), true).toArray(), 10);

groups - the groups to adjust
border - the border applied to the adjusted groups


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.