Interface | Description |
mxEdgeStyle.mxEdgeStyleFunction |
Defines the requirements for an edge style function.
mxGraph.mxICellVisitor | |
mxPerimeter.mxPerimeterFunction |
Defines the requirements for a perimeter function.
Class | Description |
mxCellState |
Represents the current state of a cell in a given graph view.
mxConnectionConstraint |
Defines an object that contains the constraints about how to connect one
side of an edge to its terminal.
mxEdgeStyle |
Provides various edge styles to be used as the values for
mxConstants.STYLE_EDGE in a cell style.
mxGraph |
Implements a graph object that allows to create diagrams from a graph model
and stylesheet.
mxGraphSelectionModel |
Implements the selection model for a graph.
mxGraphSelectionModel.mxSelectionChange | |
mxGraphView |
Implements a view for the graph.
mxGraphView.mxCurrentRootChange |
Action to change the current root in a view.
mxLayoutManager |
Implements a layout manager that updates the layout for a given transaction.
mxMultiplicity | |
mxPerimeter |
Provides various perimeter functions to be used in a style
as the value of mxConstants.STYLE_PERIMETER.
mxStyleRegistry |
Singleton class that acts as a global converter from string to object values
in a style.
mxStylesheet |
Defines the appearance of the cells in a graph.
mxSwimlaneManager |
Manager for swimlanes and nested swimlanes that sets the size of newly added
swimlanes to that of their siblings, and propagates changes to the size of a
swimlane to its siblings, if siblings is true, and its ancestors, if
bubbling is true.
mxTemporaryCellStates |
Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Gaudenz Alder, JGraph Ltd. All rights reserved.