
Uses of Interface

Packages that use mxIGraphModel
com.mxgraph.model This package contains the classes that define a graph model. 
com.mxgraph.util This package provides utility classes such as mxConstants, mxUtils, mxPoint and mxRectangle as well as all classes for custom events and the undo history. 
com.mxgraph.view This package implements the graph component, represented by the mxGraph class. 

Uses of mxIGraphModel in com.mxgraph.model

Classes in com.mxgraph.model that implement mxIGraphModel
 class mxGraphModel
          Extends mxEventSource to implement a graph model.

Fields in com.mxgraph.model declared as mxIGraphModel
protected  mxIGraphModel mxIGraphModel.mxAtomicGraphModelChange.model
          Holds the model where the change happened.

Methods in com.mxgraph.model that return mxIGraphModel
 mxIGraphModel mxIGraphModel.mxAtomicGraphModelChange.getModel()
          Returns the model where the change happened.

Methods in com.mxgraph.model with parameters of type mxIGraphModel
static Collection<Object> mxGraphModel.filterDescendants(mxIGraphModel model, mxGraphModel.Filter filter)
          Creates a collection of cells using the visitor pattern.
static Collection<Object> mxGraphModel.filterDescendants(mxIGraphModel model, mxGraphModel.Filter filter, Object parent)
          Creates a collection of cells using the visitor pattern.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getChildCells(mxIGraphModel model, Object parent, boolean vertices, boolean edges)
          Returns the children of the given cell that are vertices and/or edges depending on the arguments.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getChildEdges(mxIGraphModel model, Object parent)
          Returns the child edges of the given parent.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getChildren(mxIGraphModel model, Object parent)
          Returns all children of the given cell regardless of their type.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getChildVertices(mxIGraphModel model, Object parent)
          Returns the child vertices of the given parent.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getConnections(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell)
          Returns all edges connected to this cell without loops.
static Collection<Object> mxGraphModel.getDescendants(mxIGraphModel model, Object parent)
          Returns a all descendants of the given cell and the cell itself as a collection.
static int mxGraphModel.getDirectedEdgeCount(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell, boolean outgoing)
          Returns the number of incoming or outgoing edges.
static int mxGraphModel.getDirectedEdgeCount(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell, boolean outgoing, Object ignoredEdge)
          Returns the number of incoming or outgoing edges, ignoring the given edge.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getEdges(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell)
          Returns all edges connected to this cell including loops.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getEdges(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell, boolean incoming, boolean outgoing, boolean includeLoops)
          Returns all distinct edges connected to this cell.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getEdgesBetween(mxIGraphModel model, Object source, Object target)
          Returns all edges from the given source to the given target.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getEdgesBetween(mxIGraphModel model, Object source, Object target, boolean directed)
          Returns all edges between the given source and target pair.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getIncomingEdges(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell)
          Returns the incoming edges of the given cell without loops.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getOpposites(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] edges, Object terminal)
          Returns all opposite cells of terminal for the given edges.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getOpposites(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] edges, Object terminal, boolean sources, boolean targets)
          Returns all opposite vertices wrt terminal for the given edges, only returning sources and/or targets as specified.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getOutgoingEdges(mxIGraphModel model, Object cell)
          Returns the outgoing edges of the given cell without loops.
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getParents(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells)
static Object[] mxGraphModel.getTopmostCells(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells)
          Function: getTopmostCells Returns the topmost cells of the hierarchy in an array that contains no desceandants for each that it contains.
 void mxIGraphModel.mxAtomicGraphModelChange.setModel(mxIGraphModel model)
          Sets the model where the change is to be carried out.
static void mxGraphModel.setTerminals(mxIGraphModel model, Object edge, Object source, Object target)
          Sets the source and target of the given edge in a single atomic change.

Constructors in com.mxgraph.model with parameters of type mxIGraphModel
mxIGraphModel.mxAtomicGraphModelChange(mxIGraphModel model)
          Constructs an atomic graph model change for the given model.

Uses of mxIGraphModel in com.mxgraph.util

Methods in com.mxgraph.util with parameters of type mxIGraphModel
static void mxUtils.setCellStyleFlags(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells, String key, int flag, Boolean value)
          Deprecated. Use mxStyleUtils.setCellStyleFlags(mxIGraphModel, Object[],String, int, Boolean) (Jan 2012)
static void mxStyleUtils.setCellStyleFlags(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells, String key, int flag, Boolean value)
          Sets or toggles the flag bit for the given key in the cell's styles.
static void mxUtils.setCellStyles(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells, String key, String value)
          Deprecated. Use mxStyleUtils.setCellStyles(mxIGraphModel, Object[], String, String) (Jan 2012)
static void mxStyleUtils.setCellStyles(mxIGraphModel model, Object[] cells, String key, String value)
          Assigns the value for the given key in the styles of the given cells, or removes the key from the styles if the value is null.

Uses of mxIGraphModel in com.mxgraph.view

Fields in com.mxgraph.view declared as mxIGraphModel
protected  mxIGraphModel mxGraph.model
          Holds the model that contains the cells to be displayed.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view that return mxIGraphModel
 mxIGraphModel mxGraph.getModel()
          Returns the graph model that contains the graph data.

Methods in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxIGraphModel
 mxRectangle mxGraph.graphModelChanged(mxIGraphModel sender, List<mxUndoableEdit.mxUndoableChange> changes)
          Called when the graph model changes.
 void mxGraph.setModel(mxIGraphModel value)
          Sets the graph model that contains the data, and fires an mxEvent.CHANGE followed by an mxEvent.REPAINT event.

Constructors in com.mxgraph.view with parameters of type mxIGraphModel
mxGraph(mxIGraphModel model)
          Constructs a new graph for the specified model.
mxGraph(mxIGraphModel model, mxStylesheet stylesheet)
          Constructs a new graph for the specified model.


Copyright (c) 2010 Gaudenz Alder, David Benson. All rights reserved.