
136 lines
3.6 KiB

#include <geometry_msgs/msg/point_stamped.hpp>
#include <geometry_msgs/msg/polygon_stamped.hpp>
#include <rclcpp/rclcpp.hpp>
#include "nav2_costmap_2d/costmap_2d_ros.hpp"
namespace frontier_exploration
* @brief Determine 4-connected neighbourhood of an input cell, checking for map
* edges
* @param idx input cell index
* @param costmap Reference to map data
* @return neighbour cell indexes
std::vector<unsigned int> nhood4(unsigned int idx,
const nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap)
// get 4-connected neighbourhood indexes, check for edge of map
std::vector<unsigned int> out;
unsigned int size_x_ = costmap.getSizeInCellsX(),
size_y_ = costmap.getSizeInCellsY();
if (idx > size_x_ * size_y_ - 1) {
RCLCPP_WARN(rclcpp::get_logger("FrontierExploration"), "Evaluating nhood "
"for offmap point");
return out;
if (idx % size_x_ > 0) {
out.push_back(idx - 1);
if (idx % size_x_ < size_x_ - 1) {
out.push_back(idx + 1);
if (idx >= size_x_) {
out.push_back(idx - size_x_);
if (idx < size_x_ * (size_y_ - 1)) {
out.push_back(idx + size_x_);
return out;
* @brief Determine 8-connected neighbourhood of an input cell, checking for map
* edges
* @param idx input cell index
* @param costmap Reference to map data
* @return neighbour cell indexes
std::vector<unsigned int> nhood8(unsigned int idx,
const nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap)
// get 8-connected neighbourhood indexes, check for edge of map
std::vector<unsigned int> out = nhood4(idx, costmap);
unsigned int size_x_ = costmap.getSizeInCellsX(),
size_y_ = costmap.getSizeInCellsY();
if (idx > size_x_ * size_y_ - 1) {
return out;
if (idx % size_x_ > 0 && idx >= size_x_) {
out.push_back(idx - 1 - size_x_);
if (idx % size_x_ > 0 && idx < size_x_ * (size_y_ - 1)) {
out.push_back(idx - 1 + size_x_);
if (idx % size_x_ < size_x_ - 1 && idx >= size_x_) {
out.push_back(idx + 1 - size_x_);
if (idx % size_x_ < size_x_ - 1 && idx < size_x_ * (size_y_ - 1)) {
out.push_back(idx + 1 + size_x_);
return out;
* @brief Find nearest cell of a specified value
* @param result Index of located cell
* @param start Index initial cell to search from
* @param val Specified value to search for
* @param costmap Reference to map data
* @return True if a cell with the requested value was found
bool nearestCell(unsigned int& result, unsigned int start, unsigned char val,
const nav2_costmap_2d::Costmap2D& costmap)
const unsigned char* map = costmap.getCharMap();
const unsigned int size_x = costmap.getSizeInCellsX(),
size_y = costmap.getSizeInCellsY();
if (start >= size_x * size_y) {
return false;
// initialize breadth first search
std::queue<unsigned int> bfs;
std::vector<bool> visited_flag(size_x * size_y, false);
// push initial cell
visited_flag[start] = true;
// search for neighbouring cell matching value
while (!bfs.empty()) {
unsigned int idx = bfs.front();
// return if cell of correct value is found
if (map[idx] == val) {
result = idx;
return true;
// iterate over all adjacent unvisited cells
for (unsigned nbr : nhood8(idx, costmap)) {
if (!visited_flag[nbr]) {
visited_flag[nbr] = true;
return false;
} // namespace frontier_exploration