
91 lines
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package route
import (
pkgContainer ""
const WebBuildPath = "./cmd/hummingbird-ui/build"
const WebBuildPath2 = "/var/build"
// WebBootstrap contains references to dependencies required by the BootstrapHandler.
type WebBootstrap struct {
router *gin.Engine
AppMode string
// NewWebBootstrap is a factory method that returns an initialized WebBootstrap receiver struct.
func NewWebBootstrap() *WebBootstrap {
// 不做路由日志输出
g := gin.New()
g.Use(gin.Recovery(), gin.Logger())
return &WebBootstrap{
router: g,
// BootstrapHandler fulfills the BootstrapHandler contract and performs initialization needed by the resource service.
func (b *WebBootstrap) BootstrapHandler(ctx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup, _ startup.Timer, dic *di.Container) bool {
configuration := container.ConfigurationFrom(dic.Get)
lc := pkgContainer.LoggingClientFrom(dic.Get)
lc.Infof("start WebBootstrap BootstrapHandler in...")
//pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
LoadWebProxyRoutes(b.router, WebBuildPath, dic)
if configuration.WebServer.Host == "" || configuration.WebServer.Port == 0 {
lc.Errorf("WebServer Host is null OR port is 0")
return false
port := strconv.Itoa(configuration.WebServer.Port)
addr := configuration.WebServer.Host + ":" + port
timeout := time.Second * time.Duration(configuration.WebServer.Timeout)
server := &http.Server{
Addr: addr,
Handler: b.router,
WriteTimeout: timeout,
ReadTimeout: timeout,
go func() {
defer wg.Done()
lc.Info("WebProxy server shutting down")
_ = server.Shutdown(context.Background())
lc.Info("WebProxy server shut down")
lc.Info("WebProxy server starting (" + addr + ")")
go func() {
defer func() {
err := server.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil {
lc.Errorf("WebProxy server failed: %v", err)
cancel := pkgContainer.CancelFuncFrom(dic.Get)
cancel() // this will caused the service to stop
} else {
lc.Info("WebProxy server stopped")
return true