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zcy 2023-07-06 21:55:10 +08:00
parent 18ef368c38
commit d0c9ee1cc5
1 changed files with 275 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,16 +1,281 @@
#include "websocket_client.h"
// #include "websocket_client.h"
#include <iostream>
// #include <iostream>
int main(int argc,char **argv){
// int main(int argc,char **argv) {
// std::cout<<"dfasdfasd"<<std::endl;
for(int i = 0; i < 100;i++){
WebsocketClient *p = new WebsocketClient("ws://",false);
// for(int i = 0; i < 500;i++) {
// WebsocketClient *p = new WebsocketClient(false);
// p->Connect("ws://");
// }
// while(1) {
// Sleep(1000);
// }
// return 0;
// }
#include <Windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define BUF_SIZE 4096
std::wstring String2WString(const std::string& str_in)
if (str_in.empty())
std::cout << "str_in is empty" << std::endl;
return L"";
// 获取待转换的数据的长度
int len_in = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)str_in.c_str(), -1, NULL, 0);
if (len_in <= 0)
std::cout << "The result of WideCharToMultiByte is Invalid!" << std::endl;
return L"";
return 0;
// 为输出数据申请空间
std::wstring wstr_out;
wstr_out.resize(len_in - 1, L'\0');
// 数据格式转换
int to_result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, (LPCSTR)str_in.c_str(), -1, (LPWSTR)wstr_out.c_str(), len_in);
// 判断转换结果
if (0 == to_result)
std::cout << "Can't transfer String to WString" << std::endl;
return wstr_out;
std::vector<std::string> splitString(std::string srcStr, std::string delimStr,bool repeatedCharIgnored)
std::vector<std::string> resultStringVector;
std::replace_if(srcStr.begin(), srcStr.end(), [&](const char& c){if(delimStr.find(c)!=std::string::npos){return true;}else{return false;}}/*pred*/,;//将出现的所有分隔符都替换成为一个相同的字符(分隔符字符串的第一个)
size_t pos=srcStr.find(;
std::string addedString="";
while (pos!=std::string::npos) {
if (!addedString.empty()||!repeatedCharIgnored) {
srcStr.erase(srcStr.begin(), srcStr.begin()+pos+1);
if (!addedString.empty()||!repeatedCharIgnored) {
return resultStringVector;
int StartProcessCommand(std::string path)
HANDLE PipeReadHandle;
HANDLE PipeWriteHandle;
BOOL Success;
auto pos = path.find(".exe");
if(pos != std::string::npos)
std::cout << "find it" << std::endl;
return -1;
auto tmp = splitString(path,"\\",true);
std::string path1;
for (auto itr = tmp.begin();itr != tmp.end();itr++){
if(itr->find(".exe") == std::string::npos ){
path1 += *itr +"\\";
// Zero the structures.
ZeroMemory( &StartupInfo, sizeof( StartupInfo ));
ZeroMemory( &ProcessInfo, sizeof( ProcessInfo ));
ZeroMemory( &SecurityAttributes, sizeof( SecurityAttributes ));
// Create a pipe for the child's STDOUT.
SecurityAttributes.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
SecurityAttributes.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
SecurityAttributes.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
Success = CreatePipe
&PipeReadHandle, // address of variable for read handle
&PipeWriteHandle, // address of variable for write handle
&SecurityAttributes, // pointer to security attributes
0 // number of bytes reserved for pipe (use default size)
if ( !Success )
//ShowLastError(_T("Error creating pipe"));
return -1;
// Set up members of STARTUPINFO structure.
StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
StartupInfo.hStdOutput = PipeWriteHandle;
StartupInfo.hStdError = PipeWriteHandle;
// Create the child process.
Success = CreateProcessA
NULL, // pointer to name of executable module
LPSTR(path.c_str()), // command line
NULL, // pointer to process security attributes
NULL, // pointer to thread security attributes (use primary thread security attributes)
TRUE, // inherit handles
0, // creation flags
NULL, // pointer to new environment block (use parent's)
path1.c_str(), // pointer to current directory name
&StartupInfo, // pointer to STARTUPINFO
&ProcessInfo // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION
if ( !Success )
//ShowLastError(_T("Error creating process"));
return -1;
DWORD BytesLeftThisMessage = 0;
DWORD NumBytesRead;
TCHAR PipeData[BUF_SIZE] = {0};
DWORD TotalBytesAvailable = 0;
for ( ; ; )
NumBytesRead = 0;
Success = PeekNamedPipe
PipeReadHandle, // handle to pipe to copy from
PipeData, // pointer to data buffer
1, // size, in bytes, of data buffer
&NumBytesRead, // pointer to number of bytes read
&TotalBytesAvailable, // pointer to total number of bytes available
&BytesLeftThisMessage // pointer to unread bytes in this message
if ( !Success )
if ( NumBytesRead )
Success = ReadFile
PipeReadHandle, // handle to pipe to copy from
PipeData, // address of buffer that receives data
BUF_SIZE - 1, // number of bytes to read
&NumBytesRead, // address of number of bytes read
NULL // address of structure for data for overlapped I/O
if ( !Success )
// Zero-terminate the data.
PipeData[NumBytesRead] = '\0';
// Replace backspaces with spaces.
for ( DWORD ii = 0; ii < NumBytesRead; ii++ )
if ( PipeData[ii] == _T('\b') )
PipeData[ii] = ' ';
// If we're running a batch file that contains a pause command,
// assume it is the last output from the batch file and remove it.
TCHAR *ptr = _tcsstr(PipeData, _T("Press any key to continue . . ."));
if ( ptr )
*ptr = '\0';
// wstring data = String2WString(std::string(PipeData));
std::cout << (PipeData);
// If the child process has completed, break out.
if ( WaitForSingleObject(ProcessInfo.hProcess, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0 ) //lint !e1924 (warning about C-style cast)
// Close handles.
Success = CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread);
if ( !Success )
Success = CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess);
if ( !Success )
Success = CloseHandle(PipeReadHandle);
if ( !Success )
Success = CloseHandle(PipeWriteHandle);
if ( !Success )
int main(int argc, wchar_t* argv[])