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2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
void ADC_SetGain(){
if(ADS1015_Mode==true){ //FOR ADS1015 12-BIT ADC MODEL
if(ADC_GainSelect==0){ads.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);ADC_BitReso=3.0000;} // Gain: 2/3x Range: +/- 6.144V
else if(ADC_GainSelect==1){ads.setGain(GAIN_ONE);ADC_BitReso=2.0000;} // Gain: 1x Range: +/- 4.096V
else if(ADC_GainSelect==2){ads.setGain(GAIN_TWO);ADC_BitReso=1.0000;} // Gain: 2x Range: +/- 2.048V
else{ //FOR ADS1115 16-BIT ADC MODEL
if(ADC_GainSelect==0){ads.setGain(GAIN_TWOTHIRDS);ADC_BitReso= 0.1875;} // Gain: 2/3x Range: +/- 6.144V
else if(ADC_GainSelect==1){ads.setGain(GAIN_ONE);ADC_BitReso= 0.125;} // Gain: 1x Range: +/- 4.096V
else if(ADC_GainSelect==2){ads.setGain(GAIN_TWO);ADC_BitReso= 0.0625;} // Gain: 2x Range: +/- 2.048V
void checkConfig(INA226 &ina)
Serial.print("Mode: ");
switch (ina.getMode())
case INA226_MODE_POWER_DOWN: Serial.println("Power-Down"); break;
case INA226_MODE_SHUNT_TRIG: Serial.println("Shunt Voltage, Triggered"); break;
case INA226_MODE_BUS_TRIG: Serial.println("Bus Voltage, Triggered"); break;
case INA226_MODE_SHUNT_BUS_TRIG: Serial.println("Shunt and Bus, Triggered"); break;
case INA226_MODE_ADC_OFF: Serial.println("ADC Off"); break;
case INA226_MODE_SHUNT_CONT: Serial.println("Shunt Voltage, Continuous"); break;
case INA226_MODE_BUS_CONT: Serial.println("Bus Voltage, Continuous"); break;
case INA226_MODE_SHUNT_BUS_CONT: Serial.println("Shunt and Bus, Continuous"); break;
default: Serial.println("unknown");
Serial.print("Samples average: ");
switch (ina.getAverages())
case INA226_AVERAGES_1: Serial.println("1 sample"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_4: Serial.println("4 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_16: Serial.println("16 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_64: Serial.println("64 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_128: Serial.println("128 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_256: Serial.println("256 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_512: Serial.println("512 samples"); break;
case INA226_AVERAGES_1024: Serial.println("1024 samples"); break;
default: Serial.println("unknown");
Serial.print("Bus conversion time: ");
switch (ina.getBusConversionTime())
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_140US: Serial.println("140uS"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_204US: Serial.println("204uS"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_332US: Serial.println("332uS"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_588US: Serial.println("558uS"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_1100US: Serial.println("1.100ms"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_2116US: Serial.println("2.116ms"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_4156US: Serial.println("4.156ms"); break;
case INA226_BUS_CONV_TIME_8244US: Serial.println("8.244ms"); break;
default: Serial.println("unknown");
Serial.print("Shunt conversion time: ");
switch (ina.getShuntConversionTime())
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_140US: Serial.println("140uS"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_204US: Serial.println("204uS"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_332US: Serial.println("332uS"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_588US: Serial.println("558uS"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_1100US: Serial.println("1.100ms"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_2116US: Serial.println("2.116ms"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_4156US: Serial.println("4.156ms"); break;
case INA226_SHUNT_CONV_TIME_8244US: Serial.println("8.244ms"); break;
default: Serial.println("unknown");
Serial.print("Max possible current: ");
Serial.println(" A");
Serial.print("Max current: ");
Serial.println(" A");
Serial.print("Max shunt voltage: ");
Serial.println(" V");
Serial.print("Max power: ");
Serial.println(" W");
void resetVariables() {
secondsElapsed = 0;
energySavings = 0;
daysRunning = 0;
timeOn = 0;
* @description: NTC GND----|NTC |----|10k|VCC
* @param {*}
* @return
double GetNTCTemp(void) {
static uint32_t CoolTimer = 0;
if (millis() - CoolTimer > 1000){
if (sampleStoreTS <= avgCountTS) { //TEMPERATURE SENSOR - Lite Averaging
TS = TS + analogRead(TempSensor);
} else {
double Ert = analogReadMilliVolts(TempSensor) / 1000.0;
double Rt = (Ert * ntcResistance) / (3.3 - Ert);
NTC_Temp = 1 / ((log(Rt / ntcResistance)) / (3950)+1 / (25 + 273.15)) - 273.15;
CoolTimer = millis();
return NTC_Temp;
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
void Read_Sensors() {
/////////// TEMPERATURE SENSOR /////////////
if (sampleStoreTS <= avgCountTS) { //TEMPERATURE SENSOR - Lite Averaging
TS = TS + analogRead(TempSensor);
} else {
TS = TS / sampleStoreTS;
TSlog = log(ntcResistance * (4095.00 / TS - 1.00));
temperature = (1.0 / (1.009249522e-03 + 2.378405444e-04 * TSlog + 2.019202697e-07 * TSlog * TSlog * TSlog)) - 273.15+10;
sampleStoreTS = 0;
TS = 0;
3.3= ADC/(Rb/(Ra+Rb))
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
/////////// VOLTAGE & CURRENT SENSORS /////////////
VSI = 0.0000; //Clear Previous Input Voltage
VSO = 0.0000; //Clear Previous Output Voltage
CSI = 0.0000; //Clear Previous Input Current
CSO = 0.0000; //Clear Previous Output Current
//VOLTAGE SENSOR - Instantenous Averaging
for (int i = 0; i < avgCountVS; i++) {
VSI = VSI + ads.computeVolts(ads.readADC_SingleEnded(3));
VSO = VSO + ads.computeVolts(ads.readADC_SingleEnded(1));
VSI = VSI + ina1.readBusVoltage()*(R1_VOLTAGE1+R2_VOLTAGE1)/R1_VOLTAGE1;
VSO = VSO + ina2.readBusVoltage()*(R1_VOLTAGE2+R2_VOLTAGE2)/R1_VOLTAGE2;
voltageInput = (VSI/avgCountVS)*inVoltageDivRatio;
voltageOutput = (VSO/avgCountVS)*outVoltageDivRatio;
voltageInput = VSI/avgCountVS;
voltageOutput = VSO/avgCountVS;
voltageInput = ina1.readBusVoltage() * inVoltageDivRatio;
voltageOutput = ina2.readBusVoltage() * outVoltageDivRatio;
//CURRENT SENSOR - Instantenous Averaging
for (int i = 0; i < avgCountCS; i++) {
CSI = CSI + ads.computeVolts(ads.readADC_SingleEnded(2));
CSI_converted = (CSI/avgCountCS)*1.3300;
currentInput = ((CSI_converted-currentMidPoint)*-1)/currentSensV;
= /(R*R3/R4)
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
CSI_converted = ina1.readShuntCurrent();
CSO_converted = ina2.readShuntCurrent();
currentInput = CSI_converted;
if (currentInput < 0) {
currentInput = 0.0000;
if (voltageOutput <= 0) {
currentOutput = 0.0000;
//else{currentOutput = (voltageInput*currentInput)/voltageOutput;}
else {
currentOutput = CSO_converted;
if (voltageInput <= 3 && voltageOutput <= 3) {
inputSource = 0; //System is only powered by USB port
else if (voltageInput > voltageOutput) {
inputSource = 1; //System is running on solar as power source
else if (voltageInput < voltageOutput) {
inputSource = 2; //System is running on batteries as power source
if (buckEnable == 0 && FLV == 0 && OOV == 0) {
//currentMidPoint = ((CSI/avgCountCS)*1.3300)-0.003;
currentMidPoint = (CSI / avgCountCS) - 0.003;
//POWER COMPUTATION - Through computation
//powerInput = voltageInput*currentInput;
powerInput = ina1.readBusPower() * inVoltageDivRatio;
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
//powerOutput = voltageInput*currentInput*efficiencyRate;
powerOutput = ina2.readBusPower() * outVoltageDivRatio;
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
outputDeviation = (voltageOutput / voltageBatteryMax) * 100.000;
buckEfficiency = powerOutput/powerInput * 100.000;
2022-07-19 02:57:13 +00:00
//STATE OF CHARGE - Battery Percentage
batteryPercent = ((voltageOutput - voltageBatteryMin) / (voltageBatteryMax - voltageBatteryMin)) * 101;
batteryPercent = constrain(batteryPercent, 0, 100);
currentRoutineMillis = millis();
if (currentRoutineMillis - prevRoutineMillis >= millisRoutineInterval) { //Run routine every millisRoutineInterval (ms)
prevRoutineMillis = currentRoutineMillis; //Store previous time
Wh = Wh + (powerInput / (3600.000 * (1000.000 / millisRoutineInterval))); //Accumulate and compute energy harvested (3600s*(1000/interval))
kWh = Wh / 1000.000;
MWh = Wh / 1000000.000;
daysRunning = timeOn / (86400.000 * (1000.000 / millisRoutineInterval)); //Compute for days running (86400s*(1000/interval))
timeOn++; //Increment time counter
secondsElapsed = millis() / 1000; //Gets the time in seconds since the was turned on and active
energySavings = electricalPrice * (Wh / 1000.0000); //Computes the solar energy saving in terms of money (electricity flag rate)