clear; close all; warning('off','MATLAB:system:ObsoleteSystemObjectMixin'); % Key Parameters signal_freq = 10.145e9; % this is the HB100 frequency %signal_freq = findTxFrequency(); plutoURI = 'ip:'; phaserURI = 'ip:phaser.local'; run_calibration = true; use_calibration = true; %% Run Calibration if run_calibration == true CalibrationData = calibrationRoutine(signal_freq); finalcalweights = CalibrationData.CalibrationWeights.FinalCalibrationWeights; save("calibration_data.mat", "finalcalweights"); else if isfile("calibration_data.mat") == true load("calibration_data.mat", "finalcalweights"); else use_calibration = false; end end %% Load the measured gain profiles load('GainProfile.mat','subArray1_NormalizedGainProfile','subArray2_NormalizedGainProfile','gaincode'); % Setup the pluto rx = setupPluto(plutoURI); % Setup the phaser bf = setupPhaser(rx,phaserURI,signal_freq); bf.RxPowerDown(:) = 0; bf.RxGain(:) = 127; % Create the model of the phaser, which consists of 2 4-element subarrays nElements = 4; subarrayModel = phased.ULA('NumElements',nElements,'ElementSpacing',bf.ElementSpacing); nSubarrays = 2; arrayModel = phased.ReplicatedSubarray("Subarray",subarrayModel,"GridSize",[1,nSubarrays],'SubarraySteering','Custom'); % Create the steering vector for the subarray and the main array subarraySteer = phased.SteeringVector("SensorArray",subarrayModel,'NumPhaseShifterBits',7); arraySteer = phased.SteeringVector("SensorArray",arrayModel); % Set the analog and digital calibration weights. To see the uncalibrated % array factor, all weights are set to 1. if use_calibration == true % These will need to be set based on the calibration routine analogWeights = finalcalweights.AnalogWeights; digitalWeights = finalcalweights.DigitalWeights; else % Weights all equal to 1 is an uncalibrated antenna analogWeights = ones(4,2); digitalWeights = ones(2,1); end %% Sweep the steering angle and capture data steeringAngle = -90 : 90; ArrayFactor = zeros(size(steeringAngle)); for ii = 1 : numel(steeringAngle) currentangle = steeringAngle(ii); % Get the steering weights for the subarray elements subarraysteerweights = subarraySteer(signal_freq,currentangle); adjustedsubarrayweights = subarraysteerweights .* analogWeights; % Get element phase from steering weights sub1weights = adjustedsubarrayweights(:,1); sub2weights = adjustedsubarrayweights(:,2); sub1phase = rad2deg(angle(sub1weights)); sub2phase = rad2deg(angle(sub2weights)); phases = [sub1phase',sub2phase']; phases = phases - phases(1); phases = wrapTo360(phases); % Get the element gain from steering weights sub1gain = mag2db(abs(sub1weights)); sub2gain = mag2db(abs(sub2weights)); calibGainCode = zeros(1,8); for nch = 1 : 4 % Set gain codes for array 1 xp = sub1gain(nch); if xp == -Inf calibGainCode(nch) = 0; else calibGainCode(nch) = round(interp1(subArray1_NormalizedGainProfile(:,nch),gaincode,xp)); end % Set gain codes for array 2 xp = sub2gain(nch); if xp == -Inf calibGainCode(nch+4) = 0; else calibGainCode(nch+4) = round(interp1(subArray2_NormalizedGainProfile(:,nch),gaincode,xp)); end % Make sure the values of the gain code is always <= 127 calibGainCode(calibGainCode>127 | isnan(calibGainCode)) = 127; end % Set element phase and gain bf.RxPhase(:) = phases; bf.RxGain(:) = calibGainCode; % Collect data bf.LatchRxSettings(); receivedSig_HW = rx(); % Get the steering weights for the digital channels, we need to flip % them before applying the steering vector because the receive data is % out of order flipdigitalweights = [digitalWeights(2);digitalWeights(1)]; arraysteerweights = arraySteer(signal_freq,currentangle); adjustedarrayweights = arraysteerweights .* flipdigitalweights; adjustedarrayweights = [adjustedarrayweights(2);adjustedarrayweights(1)]; % Apply the digital steering weights receivedSig_HW_sum = receivedSig_HW * conj(adjustedarrayweights); % Get the array factor receivedFFT = fft(receivedSig_HW_sum); ArrayFactor(ii) = (max(abs(receivedFFT))); end %% Compare the measured array factor and model [~,ind] = max(ArrayFactor); EmitterAz = steeringAngle(ind); figure(101) subarrayWeights = conj(subarraySteer(signal_freq,EmitterAz)); arrayWeights = arraySteer(signal_freq,EmitterAz); pattern(arrayModel,signal_freq,-90:90,0,'CoordinateSystem', ... 'Rectangular','Type','powerdb','ElementWeights',[subarrayWeights,subarrayWeights],'Weights',arrayWeights) hold on; % Plot the measured data and the model plot(steeringAngle,mag2db(ArrayFactor./max(abs(ArrayFactor)))) %% bf.release(); rx.release();