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2023-07-24 15:14:00 +00:00
function txFrequency = findTxFrequency()
% Setup:
% Place the HB100 in front of the Phaser - 0 degree azimuth.
% Notes:
% The frequency of the phaser is swept between 10 and 10.5 GHz. The peak
% frequency is measured. This is assumed to be the frequency of the HB100.
% Setup the frequencies to scan.
f_start = 10.e9;
f_stop = 10.5e9;
f_step = 5e6;
fvec = f_start : f_step : f_stop;
% Setup the antenna, setting the frequency to f_start.
[rx,bf,~] = setupAntenna(f_start);
% Setup variables for capturing scan amplitude and frequency.
full_ampl = [];
full_freqs = [];
N = rx.SamplesPerFrame;
% Loop through the frequency vector and save receive data at each center
% frequency.
for centerfrequency = fvec
% The LO is set to 4x the Frequency setting.
bf.Frequency = (centerfrequency + rx.CenterFrequency)/4;
% Capture the data, sum the channels, and convert to the frequency domain
data = rx();
data = sum(data,2);
famplitude = mag2db(1/N * fftshift(abs(fft(data))));
full_ampl = [full_ampl, famplitude];
% Get the frequency span for this data sample
df = rx.SamplingRate/N;
band = (-rx.SamplingRate/2 : df : rx.SamplingRate/2 - df);
freqspan = centerfrequency-band;
full_freqs = [full_freqs, freqspan'];
% Get the max amplitude for each measurement
[maxamplitudes,maxidxs] = max(full_ampl);
% Get the max amplitude in the whole dataset
[~,maxframeidx] = max(maxamplitudes);
maxdatapointidx = maxidxs(maxframeidx);
txFrequency = full_freqs(maxdatapointidx,maxframeidx);
ax = axes(figure);
plot(ax,full_freqs/1e9,full_ampl); xlabel('Frequency (GHz)'); ylabel('Amplitude (dB)');
title(ax,['HB100 Frequency = ' num2str(txFrequency/1e9) 'GHz']);