
255 lines
6.8 KiB

// NOTE: This is a custom JSON file, where lines leading
// with `//` are removed. No other comments are valid.
// There's 3 different ways to provide valid replacement colors for
// icons:
// 1. Provide a dict of the icon suffix to the color replacements.
// This will do index-based replacement, so, for example,
// `"down_arrow": { "default": ["foreground"] }` will
// replace the `down_arrow` template and create an icon
// named `down_arrow.svg` with `^0^` replaced by the
// theme's foreground color.
// 2. Provide a list to the color replacements.
// This will do name-based replacement, so, for example,
// `"down_arrow": ["foreground"]` will replace the
// `down_arrow` template and create an icon named
// `down_arrow.svg` with `^foreground^` replaced by
// the theme's foreground color.
// 3. Don't provide an entry for the icon.
// The replacements will be auto-deduced from the file,
// and will use name-based replacement like above.
// Arrows
"down_arrow": {
"default": ["foreground:hex", "foreground:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"],
"disabled": ["midtone:light:hex", "midtone:light:opacity"]
"left_arrow": {
"default": ["foreground:hex", "foreground:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"],
"disabled": ["midtone:light:hex", "midtone:light:opacity"]
"right_arrow": {
"default": ["foreground:hex", "foreground:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"],
"disabled": ["midtone:light:hex", "midtone:light:opacity"]
"up_arrow": {
"default": ["foreground:hex", "foreground:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"],
"disabled": ["midtone:light:hex", "midtone:light:opacity"]
// Abstract buttons.
"checkbox_checked": {
"default": ["checkbox:light"],
"disabled": ["checkbox:disabled"]
"checkbox_indeterminate": {
"default": ["checkbox:light"],
"disabled": ["checkbox:disabled"]
"checkbox_unchecked": {
"default": ["checkbox:light"],
"disabled": ["checkbox:disabled"]
"radio_checked": {
"default": ["checkbox:light"],
"disabled": ["checkbox:disabled"]
"radio_unchecked": {
"default": ["checkbox:light"],
"disabled": ["checkbox:disabled"]
// Dock/Tab widgets
"close": {
"default": ["midtone:dark:hex", "midtone:dark:opacity"],
"hover": ["close:hover:hex", "close:hover:opacity"],
"pressed": ["highlight:dark:hex", "highlight:dark:opacity"]
"undock": {
"default": ["dock:float:hex", "dock:float:opacity"]
"undock_hover": {
"default": ["close:hover:hex", "close:hover:opacity"],
"pressed": ["highlight:dark:hex", "highlight:dark:opacity"]
// Tree views.
"branch_open": {
"default": ["tree:hex", "tree:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"]
"branch_closed": {
"default": ["tree:hex", "tree:opacity"],
"hover": ["highlight:hex", "highlight:opacity"]
"branch_end": {
"default": ["tree"]
"branch_end_arrow": {
"default": ["tree"]
"branch_more": {
"default": ["tree"]
"branch_more_arrow": {
"default": ["tree"]
"vline": {
"default": ["tree"]
"calendar_next": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"calendar_previous": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"transparent": {
"default": []
"hmovetoolbar": {
"default": ["midtone:light"]
"vmovetoolbar": {
"default": ["midtone:light"]
"hseptoolbar": {
"default": ["midtone:light"]
"vseptoolbar": {
"default": ["midtone:light"]
"sizegrip": {
"default": ["midtone:light"]
// DialogButtonBox icons
"dialog_cancel": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_close": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_ok": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_open": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_save": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_reset": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_help": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_no": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"dialog_discard": {
"default": ["foreground"]
// File icons.
"file": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"file_dialog_contents": {
"default": ["foreground", "highlight:alternate", "midtone"]
"file_dialog_detailed": {
"default": ["foreground", "midtone:light"]
"file_dialog_end": {
"default": ["foreground", "midtone:light"]
"file_dialog_info": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"file_dialog_list": {
"default": ["foreground", "midtone:light"]
"file_dialog_start": {
"default": ["foreground", "midtone:light"]
"file_link": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"folder": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"folder_link": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"folder_open": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"home_directory": {
"default": ["foreground"]
// Computer icons
"computer": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"desktop": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"disc_drive": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"floppy_drive": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"hard_drive": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"network_drive": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"trash": {
"default": ["foreground"]
// Titlebar icons
"help": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"maximize": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"menu": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"minimize": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"restore": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"shade": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"unshade": {
"default": ["foreground"]
"window_close": {
"default": ["foreground"]
// Message icons
"message_critical": {
"default": ["critical", "foreground"]
"message_information": {
"default": ["information", "foreground"]
"message_question": {
"default": ["question", "foreground"]
"message_warning": {
"default": ["warning", "foreground"]
// Other icons
"clear_text": {
"default": ["foreground"]