#!/usr/bin/env python # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) <2022-Present> # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the 'Software'), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED 'AS IS', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. ''' titlebar ======== A full-featured, custom titlebar for a subwindow in an MDI area. This uses a frameless window hint with a custom titlebar, and event filter to capture titlebar and frame events. This example can also be easily applied to a top-level window. The custom titlebar supports the following: - Title text - Title bar with menu, help, min, max, restore, close, shade, and unshade. - Help, shade, and unshade are optional. - Menu contains restore, min, max, move, resize, stay on top, and close. - Custom window minimization. - Minimized windows can be placed in any corner. - Windows reposition on resize events to avoid truncating windows. - Dynamically toggle window state to keep windows above others. - Drag titlebar to move window - Double click titlebar to change window state. - Restores if maximized or minimized. - Shades or unshades if in normal state and applicable. - Otherwise, maximizes window. - Context menu move and resize events. - Click "Size" to resize from the bottom right based on cursor. - Click "Move" to move bottom-center of titlebar to cursor. - Drag to resize on window border with or without size grips. - If the window contains size grips, use the default behavior. - Otherwise, monitor mouse and hover events on window border. - If hovering over window border, draw appropriate resize cursor. - If clicked on window border, enter resize mode. - Click again to exit resize mode. - Custom border width for a window outline. The following Qt properties ensure proper styling of the UI: - `isTitlebar`: should be set on the title bar. ensures all widgets in the title bar have the correct background. - `isWindow`: set on the window to ensure there is no default border. - `hasWindowFrame`: set on a window with a border to draw the frame. The widget choice is very deliberate: any modifications can cause unexpected changes. `TitleBar` must be a `QFrame` so the background is filled, but must have a `NoFrame` shape. The window frame should have `NoFrame` without a border, but should be a `Box` with a border. Any other more elaborate style, like a `Panel`, won't be rendered correctly. ''' import enum import shared import sys from pathlib import Path parser = shared.create_parser() parser.add_argument( '--minimize-location', help='location to minimize windows to in the MDI area', default='BottomLeft', choices=['TopLeft', 'TopRight', 'BottomLeft', 'BottomRight'], ) parser.add_argument( '--border-width', help='width of the subwindow borders', type=int, choices=range(0, 6), default=1, ) args, unknown = shared.parse_args(parser) QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets = shared.import_qt(args) compat = shared.get_compat_definitions(args) colors = shared.get_colors(args, compat) ICON_MAP = shared.get_icon_map(args, compat) # 100ms between repaints, so we avoid over-repainting. # Allows us to avoid glitchy motion during drags/ REPAINT_TIMER = 100 CLICK_TIMER = 20 # Make the titlebar size too large, so we can get the real value with min. TITLEBAR_HEIGHT = 2**16 class MinimizeLocation(enum.IntEnum): '''Location where to place minimized widgets.''' TopLeft = 0 TopRight = 1 BottomLeft = 2 BottomRight = 3 class WindowEdge(enum.IntEnum): '''Enumerations for window edge positions.''' NoEdge = 0 Top = 1 Bottom = 2 Left = 3 Right = 4 TopLeft = 5 TopRight = 6 BottomLeft = 7 BottomRight = 8 MINIMIZE_LOCATION = getattr(MinimizeLocation, args.minimize_location) def standard_icon(widget, icon): '''Get a standard icon.''' return shared.standard_icon(args, widget, icon, ICON_MAP) def menu_icon(widget): '''Get the menu icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarMenuButton) def minimize_icon(widget): '''Get the minimize icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarMinButton) def maximize_icon(widget): '''Get the maximize icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarMaxButton) def restore_icon(widget): '''Get the restore icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarNormalButton) def help_icon(widget): '''Get the help icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarContextHelpButton) def shade_icon(widget): '''Get the shade icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarShadeButton) def unshade_icon(widget): '''Get the unshade icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarUnshadeButton) def close_icon(widget): '''Get the close icon depending on the stylesheet.''' return standard_icon(widget, compat.SP_TitleBarCloseButton) def transparent_icon(widget): '''Create a transparent icon.''' return QtGui.QIcon() def action(text, parent=None, icon=None, checkable=None): '''Create a custom QAction.''' value = compat.QAction(text, parent) if icon is not None: value.setIcon(icon) if checkable is not None: value.setCheckable(checkable) return value def size_greater(x, y): '''Compare 2 sizes, determining if any bounds of x are greater than y.''' return x.width() > y.width() or x.height() > y.height() def size_less(x, y): '''Compare 2 sizes, determining if any bounds of x are less than y.''' return x.width() < y.width() or x.height() < y.height() # UI WIDGETS # These are just to populate the views: these could be anything. class LargeTable(QtWidgets.QTableWidget): '''Table with a large number of elements.''' def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setColumnCount(100) self.setRowCount(100) for index in range(100): row = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(f'Row {index + 1}') self.setVerticalHeaderItem(index, row) column = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(f'Column {index + 1}') self.setHorizontalHeaderItem(index, column) class SortableTree(QtWidgets.QTreeWidget): '''Tree with checkboxes and a sort indicator on the header.''' def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.item0 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self) self.item1 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self) self.item2 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item1) self.item2.setText(0, 'subitem') self.item3 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item2, ['Row 2.1']) self.item3.setFlags(self.item3.flags() | compat.ItemIsUserCheckable) self.item3.setCheckState(0, compat.Unchecked) self.item4 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item2, ['Row 2.2']) self.item5 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item4, ['Row 2.2.1']) self.item6 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item5, ['Row']) self.item7 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item5, ['Row']) self.item3.setFlags(self.item7.flags() | compat.ItemIsUserCheckable) self.item7.setCheckState(0, compat.Checked) self.item8 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item2, ['Row 2.3']) self.item8.setFlags(self.item8.flags() | compat.ItemIsUserTristate) self.item8.setCheckState(0, compat.PartiallyChecked) self.item9 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self, ['Row 3']) self.item10 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self.item9, ['Row 3.1']) self.item11 = QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem(self, ['Row 4']) self.headerItem().setText(0, 'qdz') self.setSortingEnabled(False) self.topLevelItem(0).setText(0, 'qzd') self.topLevelItem(1).setText(0, 'effefe') self.setSortingEnabled(True) class SettingTabs(QtWidgets.QTabWidget): '''Sample setting widget with a tab view.''' def __init__(self, parent=None): super().__init__(parent) self.setTabPosition(compat.North) self.general = QtWidgets.QWidget() self.addTab(self.general, 'General') self.addTab(QtWidgets.QWidget(), 'Colors') self.general_layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.general) self.general_layout.setColumnStretch(3, 10) for row in range(1, 10): self.general_layout.setRowStretch(row, 1) self.general_layout.setRowStretch(7, 10) # Add the data folder hboxlayout self.general_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Data Folder'), 0, 0) self.data_folder = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(Path.home())) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.data_folder, 0, 1, 1, 3) self.file_dialog = QtWidgets.QPushButton('...', checkable=False) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.file_dialog, 0, 4) self.file_dialog.clicked.connect(self.launch_filedialog) # Add default font. app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() self.general_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Default Font'), 1, 0) self.font_value = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(app.font().family()) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.font_value, 1, 1, 1, 3) self.font_dialog = QtWidgets.QPushButton('...', checkable=False) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.font_dialog, 1, 4) self.font_dialog.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.launch_fontdialog(self.font_value)) # Add item label font self.general_layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Item Label Font'), 2, 0) self.item_label_value = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(app.font().family()) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.item_label_value, 2, 1, 1, 3) self.item_label_dialog = QtWidgets.QPushButton('...', checkable=False) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.item_label_dialog, 2, 4) self.item_label_dialog.clicked.connect(lambda _: self.launch_fontdialog(self.item_label_value)) # Add the "Show Grid" QCheckbox. self.grid = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Show grid', self.general) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.grid, 3, 2, 1, 1) # Grid square size. self.grid_size = QtWidgets.QLabel('Grid Square Size', self.general) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.grid_size, 4, 0, 1, 2) self.grid_spin = QtWidgets.QSpinBox(self.general) self.grid_spin.setValue(16) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.grid_spin, 4, 2, 1, 1) # Add units of measurement self.units = QtWidgets.QLabel('Default length unit of measurement', self.general) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.units, 5, 0, 1, 2) self.units_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.units_combo.addItem('Inches') self.units_combo.addItem('Foot') self.units_combo.addItem('Meter') self.general_layout.addWidget(self.units_combo, 5, 2, 1, 1) # Add the alignment options self.align_combo = QtWidgets.QComboBox() self.align_combo.addItem('Align Top') self.align_combo.addItem('Align Bottom') self.align_combo.addItem('Align Left') self.align_combo.addItem('Align Right') self.align_combo.addItem('Align Center') self.general_layout.addWidget(self.align_combo, 6, 0, 1, 2) self.word_wrap = QtWidgets.QCheckBox('Word Wrap', self.general) self.general_layout.addWidget(self.word_wrap, 6, 2, 1, 1) def launch_filedialog(self): '''Launch the file dialog and store the folder.''' dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog() dialog.setFileMode(compat.Directory) dialog.setOption(compat.FileDontUseNativeDialog) dialog.setDirectory(self.data_folder.text()) if shared.execute(args, dialog): self.data_folder.setText(dialog.selectedFiles()[0]) def launch_fontdialog(self, edit): initial = QtGui.QFont() initial.setFamily(edit.text()) font, ok = QtWidgets.QFontDialog.getFont(initial) if ok: edit.setText(font.family()) # WINDOW WIDGETS class Label(QtWidgets.QLabel): '''Custom QLabel-like class that allows text elision.''' def __init__( self, text='', parent=None, elide=compat.ElideNone, width_cb=None, ): super().__init__(text, parent) self._text = text self._elide = elide self._width_cb = width_cb self._timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._timer.setSingleShot(True) self._timer.timeout.connect(self.elide) def text(self): '''Get the internal text for the label.''' return self._text def setText(self, text): '''Override the set text event to store the text internally.''' # Need to set the text first, otherwise # the `width()` might be too small. self._text = text super().setText(text) self.elide() def elideMode(self): '''Get the elide mode for the label.''' return self._elide def setElideMode(self, elide): self._elide = elide def elide(self): '''Elide the text in the QLabel.''' # The width estimate might not be valid: check the callback. width = self.width() if self._width_cb is not None: width = self._width_cb() metrics = QtGui.QFontMetrics(self.font()) elided = metrics.elidedText(self._text, self._elide, width) super().setText(elided) class TitleButton(QtWidgets.QToolButton): '''An icon-only button, without borders, for the titlebar.''' def __init__(self, icon, parent=None): super().__init__() self.setIcon(icon) self.setAutoRaise(True) class Titlebar(QtWidgets.QFrame): '''Custom instance of a QTitlebar''' def __init__(self, subwindow, parent=None, flags=None): super().__init__(parent) # Get and set some properties. self.setProperty('isTitlebar', True) self._subwindow = subwindow self._state = compat.WindowNoState self._subwindow_rect = None self._has_help = False self._has_shade = False self._is_shaded = False self._has_shown = False self._title_column = None self._move_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._move_timer.setSingleShot(True) self._move_timer.timeout.connect(self.menu_move) self._size_timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._size_timer.setSingleShot(True) self._size_timer.timeout.connect(self.menu_size) if flags is not None: self._has_help = bool(flags & compat.WindowContextHelpButtonHint) self._has_shade = bool(flags & compat.WindowShadeButtonHint) # Create our widgets. self._layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self) self._menu = TitleButton(menu_icon(self)) self._title = Label('', self, compat.ElideRight, self.title_width) self._min = TitleButton(minimize_icon(self)) self._max = TitleButton(maximize_icon(self)) self._restore= TitleButton(restore_icon(self)) self._close = TitleButton(close_icon(self)) if self._has_help: self._help = TitleButton(help_icon(self)) if self._has_shade: self._shade = TitleButton(shade_icon(self)) self._unshade = TitleButton(unshade_icon(self)) # Add actions to our menu. self._menu.setPopupMode(compat.InstantPopup) self._main_menu = menu = QtWidgets.QMenu(self) self._restore_action = action('&Restore', self, restore_icon(self)) self._restore_action.triggered.connect(self.restore) self._move_action = action('&Move', self, transparent_icon(self)) self._move_action.triggered.connect(self.move_timer) self._size_action = action('&Size', self, transparent_icon(self)) self._size_action.triggered.connect(self.size_timer) self._min_action = action('Mi&nimize', self, minimize_icon(self)) self._min_action.triggered.connect(self.minimize) self._max_action = action('Ma&ximize', self, maximize_icon(self)) self._max_action.triggered.connect(self.maximize) self._top_action = action('Stay on &Top', self, checkable=True) self._top_action.toggled.connect(self.toggle_keep_above) self._close_action = action('&Close', self, close_icon(self)) self._close_action.triggered.connect(self._subwindow.close) self._main_menu.addActions([ self._restore_action, self._move_action, self._size_action, self._min_action, self._max_action, self._top_action, ]) self._main_menu.addSeparator() self._main_menu.addAction(self._close_action) self._menu.setMenu(self._main_menu) # Customize the enabled items. self._restore_action.setEnabled(False) # Create our layout. col = 0 self._layout.addWidget(self._menu, 0, col) col += 1 self._layout.addWidget(self._title, 0, col, compat.AlignHCenter) self._layout.setColumnStretch(col, 1) self._title_column = col col += 1 if self._has_help: self._layout.addWidget(self._help, 0, col) col += 1 self._layout.addWidget(self._min, 0, col) col += 1 self._layout.addWidget(self._max, 0, col) col += 1 if self._has_shade: self._layout.addWidget(self._shade, 0, col) col += 1 self._layout.addWidget(self._close, 0, col) self._restore.hide() if self._has_shade: self._unshade.hide() # Add in our event triggers. self._min.clicked.connect(self.minimize) self._max.clicked.connect(self.maximize) self._restore.clicked.connect(self.restore) self._close.clicked.connect(self._subwindow.close) if self._has_help: self._help.clicked.connect(self.help) if self._has_shade: self._shade.clicked.connect(self.shade) self._unshade.clicked.connect(self.unshade) # PROPERTIES @property def minimum_width(self): '''Get the height (in pixels) for the minimum title bar width.''' app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() icon_width = self._menu.iconSize().width() font_size = app.font().pointSizeF() # We can have 4-6 icons, which with padding means we need # room for at least 10 characters. return 6 * icon_width + int(16 * font_size) @property def minimum_height(self): '''Get the height (in pixels) for the minimum title bar height.''' return TITLEBAR_HEIGHT @property def minimum_size(self): '''Get the minimum dimensions for the title bar.''' return QtCore.QSize(self.minimum_width, self.minimum_height) def title_width(self): '''Get the width of the title based on the grid layout.''' return self._layout.cellRect(0, self._title_column).width() # QT-LIKE PROPERTIES def windowTitle(self): '''Get the titlebar's window title.''' return self._title.text() def setWindowTitle(self, title): '''Get the titlebar's window title.''' self._title.setText(title) def isNormal(self): '''Get if the titlebar and therefore subwindow has no state.''' return self._state == compat.WindowNoState def isMinimized(self): '''Get if the titlebar and therefore subwindow is minimized.''' return self._state == compat.WindowMinimized def isMaximized(self): '''Get if the titlebar and therefore subwindow is maximized.''' return self._state == compat.WindowMaximized # QT EVENTS def showEvent(self, event): '''Set the minimum size policies once the widgets are shown.''' global TITLEBAR_HEIGHT if not self._has_shown: TITLEBAR_HEIGHT = min(self.height(), TITLEBAR_HEIGHT) self._has_shown = True # Set some size policies. self.setMinimumSize(self.minimum_width, self.minimum_height) super().showEvent(event) # ACTIONS def set_minimum_size(self): '''Set the minimum size of the titlebar.''' self.setMinimumSize(self.minimum_width, self.minimum_height) def move_timer(self): '''Start timer to invoke menu_move.''' # We use a timer since the clicks on the menu can invoke the # MousePressEvent, which instantly cancels the move event. self._move_timer.start(CLICK_TIMER) def menu_move(self): '''Start a manually trigger move.''' self.window().start_move(self) def menu_move_to(self, global_position): ''' Move the subwindow so that the position is in the center bottom of the title bar. The position is given in global coordinates. ''' # Move it so the position is right below the bottom and the center. position = self.mapFromGlobal(global_position) rect = self.geometry() x = position.x() - rect.width() // 2 y = position.y() rect.moveBottomLeft(QtCore.QPoint(x, y)) window = self._subwindow window.move_to(window.mapToParent(rect.topLeft())) def size_timer(self): '''Start timer to invoke menu_size.''' # We use a timer since the clicks on the menu can invoke the # MousePressEvent, which instantly cancels the size event. self._size_timer.start(CLICK_TIMER) def menu_size(self): '''Start a manually triggered resize event.''' self.window().start_resize(self) def menu_size_to(self, global_position): ''' Size the subwindow so that the position is in the center bottom of the title bar. The position is given in global coordinates. ''' window = self._subwindow position = self.mapFromGlobal(global_position) rect = window.geometry() rect.setBottomRight(window.mapToParent(position)) window.resize(rect.size()) # Ensure we trigger the elide resize timer. self._title._timer.start(REPAINT_TIMER) def minimize(self): '''Minimize the current subwindow.''' if self.isNormal(): self._subwindow_rect = self._subwindow.geometry() self.set_minimized() self.set_shaded() # Toggle state self._state = compat.WindowMinimized self._is_shaded = False self._subwindow.minimize(self._subwindow.minimized_size) # Toggle the menu actions # Minimized windows should not be movable, resizable, or minimizable. self._restore_action.setEnabled(True) self._move_action.setEnabled(False) self._size_action.setEnabled(False) self._min_action.setEnabled(False) self._max_action.setEnabled(True) self._subwindow.mdiArea().minimize(self._subwindow) def maximize(self): '''Maximize the current subwindow.''' if self.isNormal(): self._subwindow_rect = self._subwindow.geometry() elif self.isMinimized() and not self._is_shaded: self._subwindow.mdiArea().unminimize(self._subwindow) size = self._subwindow.maximum_size rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height()) self.set_maximized() self.set_unshaded() # Toggle state self._state = compat.WindowMaximized self._is_shaded = False self._subwindow.maximize(rect) # Toggle the menu actions self._restore_action.setEnabled(True) self._move_action.setEnabled(False) self._size_action.setEnabled(False) self._min_action.setEnabled(True) self._max_action.setEnabled(False) def restore(self): '''Restore the current subwindow (set to no state).''' if self.isMinimized() and not self._is_shaded: self._subwindow.mdiArea().unminimize(self._subwindow) self.set_restored() self.set_unshaded() # Toggle state self._state = compat.WindowNoState self._is_shaded = False self._subwindow.restore(self._subwindow_rect) # Toggle the menu actions self._restore_action.setEnabled(False) self._move_action.setEnabled(True) self._size_action.setEnabled(True) self._min_action.setEnabled(True) self._max_action.setEnabled(True) def shade(self): '''Shade the current subwindow.''' # Shaded windows are treated as if they have minimized state, and # if the window is maximized, it sets the previous subwindow rect # to the maximized geometry. self.set_shaded() self.set_minimized() # Toggle state self._state = compat.WindowMinimized self._is_shaded = True self._subwindow_rect = self._subwindow.geometry() width = self._subwindow.width() height = self._subwindow.minimized_size.height() self._subwindow.shade(QtCore.QSize(width, height)) # Toggle the menu actions # Shaded windows should be movable, but not resizable or minimizable. self._restore_action.setEnabled(True) self._move_action.setEnabled(True) self._size_action.setEnabled(False) self._min_action.setEnabled(False) self._max_action.setEnabled(True) def unshade(self): '''Unshade the current subwindow.''' if self.isMinimized() and not self._is_shaded: self._subwindow.mdiArea().unminimize(self._subwindow) # If the window is minimized, it restores to the previous # window state and position. self.set_unshaded() self.set_restored() # Toggle state self._state = compat.WindowNoState self._is_shaded = False self._subwindow.unshade(self._subwindow_rect) # Toggle the menu actions # Unshaded windows have no state: they are restored. self._restore_action.setEnabled(False) self._move_action.setEnabled(True) self._size_action.setEnabled(True) self._min_action.setEnabled(True) self._max_action.setEnabled(True) def toggle_keep_above(self, checked): '''Toggle whether to keep the window above others.''' self._subwindow.setWindowFlag(compat.WindowStaysOnTopHint, checked) def help(self): '''Enter what's this mode.''' QtWidgets.QWhatsThis.enterWhatsThisMode() # VIEW def set_minimized(self): '''Show the restore and maximize icons.''' if self.isNormal(): # Restore hidden, minimize + maximize shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._min, self._restore) self._restore.show() self._min.hide() elif self.isMinimized(): return else: # Maximize hidden, minimize + restore shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._restore, self._max) self._layout.replaceWidget(self._min, self._restore) self._max.show() self._min.hide() def set_maximized(self): '''Show the minimize and restore icons.''' if self.isNormal(): # Restore hidden, minimize + maximize shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._max, self._restore) self._restore.show() self._max.hide() elif self.isMinimized(): # Minimize hidden, restore + maximize shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._restore, self._min) self._layout.replaceWidget(self._max, self._restore) self._min.show() self._max.hide() def set_restored(self): '''Show the minimize and maximize icons.''' if self.isNormal(): return elif self.isMinimized(): # Minimize hidden, restore + maximize shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._restore, self._min) self._min.show() self._restore.hide() else: # Maximize hidden, minimize + restore shown self._layout.replaceWidget(self._restore, self._max) self._max.show() self._restore.hide() def set_shaded(self): '''Show the unshade icon (and hide the shade icon).''' if self._has_shade and not (self.isMinimized() or self._is_shaded): self._layout.replaceWidget(self._shade, self._unshade) self._shade.hide() self._unshade.show() def set_unshaded(self): '''Show the shade icon (and hide the unshade icon).''' if self._has_shade and (self.isMinimized() or self._is_shaded): self._layout.replaceWidget(self._unshade, self._shade) self._unshade.hide() self._shade.show() class SizeFrame(QtCore.QObject): '''An invisible frame for resizing events around a window.''' def __init__(self, window=None, border_width=3): super().__init__(window) self._window = window self._border_width = border_width self._band = QtWidgets.QRubberBand(compat.RubberBandRectangle) self._pressed = False self._cursor = None self._press_edge = WindowEdge.NoEdge self._move_edge = WindowEdge.NoEdge self._window.setMouseTracking(True) self._window.setWindowFlag(compat.FramelessWindowHint, True) self._window.setAttribute(compat.WA_Hover) @property def is_active(self): '''Get if the SizeFrame resize event is active.''' return self._pressed def is_on_top(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the top of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() + self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + rect.width() - self._border_width and pos.y() >= rect.y() and pos.y() <= rect.y() + self._border_width ) def is_on_bottom(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the bottom of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() + self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + rect.width() - self._border_width and pos.y() >= rect.y() + rect.height() - self._border_width and pos.y() <= rect.y() + rect.height() ) def is_on_left(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the left of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() - self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + self._border_width and pos.y() >= rect.y() + self._border_width and pos.y() <= rect.y() + rect.height() - self._border_width ) def is_on_right(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the right of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() + rect.width() - self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + rect.width() and pos.y() >= rect.y() + self._border_width and pos.y() <= rect.y() + rect.height() - self._border_width ) def is_on_top_left(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the top left of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() and pos.x() <= rect.x() + self._border_width and pos.y() >= rect.y() and pos.y() <= rect.y() + self._border_width ) def is_on_top_right(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the top right of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() + rect.width() - self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + rect.width() and pos.y() >= rect.y() and pos.y() <= rect.y() + self._border_width ) def is_on_bottom_left(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the bottom left of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() and pos.x() <= rect.x() + self._border_width and pos.y() >= rect.y() + rect.height() - self._border_width and pos.y() <= rect.y() + rect.height() ) def is_on_bottom_right(self, pos, rect): '''Determine if the cursor is on the bottom right of the widget.''' return ( pos.x() >= rect.x() + rect.width() - self._border_width and pos.x() <= rect.x() + rect.width() and pos.y() >= rect.y() + rect.height() - self._border_width and pos.y() <= rect.y() + rect.height() ) def cursor_position(self, pos, rect): '''Calculate the cursor position inside the window.''' if self.is_on_left(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.Left elif self.is_on_right(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.Right elif self.is_on_bottom(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.Bottom elif self.is_on_top(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.Top elif self.is_on_bottom_left(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.BottomLeft elif self.is_on_bottom_right(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.BottomRight elif self.is_on_top_right(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.TopRight elif self.is_on_top_left(pos, rect): return WindowEdge.TopLeft return WindowEdge.NoEdge def top_left(self): '''Get the top/left position of the window in global coordinates.''' # Calculate the top left bounds of our window to get our frame. # We want our frame in global coordinates, but our window # might be a subwindow. If it has a parent, then it's a subwindow # and we need to map our coordinates. point = QtCore.QPoint(self._window.x(), self._window.y()) if self._window.parent() is not None: point = self._window.parent().mapToGlobal(point) return point def frame_geometry(self): '''Calculate the frame geometry of our window in global coordinates.''' return QtCore.QRect(self.top_left(), self._window.frameSize()) def update_cursor(self, position): '''Update the cursor shape depending on the cursor position.''' if self._window.isMaximized() or self._window.isFullScreen(): self.unset_cursor() return if self._pressed: return rect = self.frame_geometry() self._move_edge = self.cursor_position(position, rect) if self._move_edge == WindowEdge.NoEdge: self.unset_cursor() return if self._move_edge in (WindowEdge.Top, WindowEdge.Bottom): self._cursor = compat.SizeVerCursor elif self._move_edge in (WindowEdge.Left, WindowEdge.Right): self._cursor = compat.SizeHorCursor elif self._move_edge in (WindowEdge.TopLeft, WindowEdge.BottomRight): self._cursor = compat.SizeFDiagCursor elif self._move_edge in (WindowEdge.TopRight, WindowEdge.BottomLeft): self._cursor = compat.SizeBDiagCursor self._window.setCursor(self._cursor) def unset_cursor(self): '''Unset the custom cursor.''' if self._cursor: self._window.unsetCursor() self._cursor = None def enter(self, event): '''Handle the enterEvent of the window.''' position = shared.single_point_position(args, event) self.update_cursor(self._window.mapToGlobal(position)) def leave(self, event): '''Handle the leaveEvent of the window.''' if not self._pressed: self.unset_cursor() def mouse_move(self, event): '''Handle the mouseMoveEvent of the window.''' position = shared.single_point_global_position(args, event) if not self._pressed: self.update_cursor(position) return # Get our new frame dimensions. rect = self._band.frameGeometry() if self._press_edge == WindowEdge.NoEdge: return elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.Top: rect.setTop(position.y()) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.Bottom: rect.setBottom(position.y()) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.Left: rect.setLeft(position.x()) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.Right: rect.setRight(position.x()) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.TopLeft: rect.setTopLeft(position) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.TopRight: rect.setTopRight(position) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.BottomLeft: rect.setBottomLeft(position) elif self._press_edge == WindowEdge.BottomRight: rect.setBottomRight(position) if rect.width() < self._window.minimumWidth(): rect.setLeft(self._window.x()) if rect.height() < self._window.minimumHeight(): rect.setTop(self._window.y()) self._window.setGeometry(rect) self._band.setGeometry(rect) def mouse_press(self, event): '''Handle the mousePressEvent of the window.''' if event.button() == compat.LeftButton: position = shared.single_point_global_position(args, event) rect = self.frame_geometry() self._press_edge = self.cursor_position(position, rect) # We want to separately hand drags, so only # set this if we are pressing on the edge. if self._press_edge != WindowEdge.NoEdge: self._pressed = True self._band.setGeometry(rect) def mouse_release(self, event): '''Handle the mouseReleaseEvent of the window.''' if event.button() == compat.LeftButton: self._pressed = False def hover_move(self, event): '''Handle the hoverMoveEvent of the window.''' position = shared.single_point_position(args, event) self.update_cursor(self._window.mapToGlobal(position)) class SubWindow(QtWidgets.QMdiSubWindow): '''Custom subwindow instance''' def __init__( self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowType(0), sizegrip=False, ): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() | flags) super().setWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget()) # Create our widgets. Sizeframe and sizegrip are mutually exclusive. self._central = QtWidgets.QFrame(super().widget()) self._central.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self._titlebar = Titlebar(self, self._central, flags) self._widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self._central) self._widget.setLayout(QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout()) self._sizeframe = None self._sizegrip = None self._border = args.border_width self._titlebar_size = QtCore.QSize() self._sizegrip_size = QtCore.QSize() if sizegrip: self._sizegrip = QtWidgets.QSizeGrip(self._central) else: self._sizeframe = SizeFrame(self, border_width=5) # Add our titlebar, then our central widgets, etc. # Make sure we have our titlebar compacted to fit. # The trick here is quite simple: have no spacing # on the parent layout (so the titlebar goes on the # absolute top), and all 3 widgets, with the main # widget expanding to the view, and make it seem like # it's the central widget for the layout, as is its layout. # Align the size grip to the bottom right, without stretch, so # it compacts and has the natural placement. For the titlebar, # align it top so when the sizegrip is hidden (as is the widget), # it does not have a border/padding on the top. bottom_right = compat.AlignBottom | compat.AlignRight super().layout().setSpacing(0) super().layout().addWidget(self._central, 10) self._central.layout().setSpacing(0) self._central.layout().addWidget(self._titlebar, 0, compat.AlignTop) self._central.layout().addWidget(self._widget, 10) if self._sizegrip is not None: self._central.layout().addWidget(self._sizegrip, 0, bottom_right) # Set the border properties. self._central.layout().setContentsMargins(QtCore.QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)) self._central.setProperty('isWindow', True) if self._border > 0: self._central.setProperty('windowFrame', min(self._border, 5)) self._central.setFrameShape(compat.Box) self._central.setFrameShadow(compat.Raised) # Ensure our titlebar gets highest priority. self._titlebar.raise_() self._widget.lower() # PROPERTIES @property def border_size(self): '''Get the size of the border, regardless if present.''' return QtCore.QSize(2 * self._border, 2 * self._border) @property def minimized_content_size(self): '''Get the minimum content size of the widget.''' return self._titlebar_size size = self._titlebar_size if self._border: size = size + self.border_size return size @property def minimized_size(self): '''Get the minimum size of the widget, with the size grips hidden.''' size = self.minimized_content_size if self._border: size = size + self.border_size return size @property def minimum_size(self): '''Get the minimum size for the widget.''' size = self.minimized_size if self._sizegrip is not None and self._sizegrip.isVisible(): # Don't modify in place: percolates later. size = size + self._sizegrip_size return size @property def maximum_size(self): '''Get the maximum size for the widget.''' return self.mdiArea().size() # RESIZE def move_to(self, position): '''Move the window to the desired position''' # Also updates the stored previous subwindow position, if applicable. # This means shading/unshading uses the new position of the window, # but the old sizes, rather than jump the window back. self.move(position) rect = self._titlebar._subwindow_rect if rect is not None: rect.moveTo(position) def set_minimum_size(self): '''Sets the minimum size of the window and the titlebar.''' self._titlebar.set_minimum_size() self._titlebar_size = self._titlebar.minimumSize() self.setMinimumSize(self.minimum_size) def minimize(self, size): '''Minimize the window, hiding the main widget and size grip.''' self._widget.hide() if self._sizegrip is not None: self._sizegrip.hide() self.set_minimum_size() self.resize(size) def maximize(self, rect): '''Maximize the window, showing the main widget and hiding size grip.''' self._widget.show() if self._sizegrip is not None: self._sizegrip.hide() self.set_minimum_size() self.setGeometry(rect) def restore(self, rect): '''Restore the window, showing the main widget and size grip.''' self._widget.show() if self._sizegrip is not None: self._sizegrip.show() self.set_minimum_size() self.setGeometry(rect) def shade(self, size): '''Shade the window, hiding the main widget and size grip.''' self._widget.hide() if self._sizegrip is not None: self._sizegrip.hide() self.set_minimum_size() self.resize(size) def unshade(self, rect): '''Unshade the window, showing the main widget and size grip.''' self._widget.show() if self._sizegrip is not None: self._sizegrip.show() self.set_minimum_size() self.setGeometry(rect) # QT EVENTS def resizeEvent(self, event): '''Handle widget resize events here.''' # Need to trigger the titlebar title resize. Need to handle it # here, since the SizeFrame resizes won't always trigger a # Label::resizeEvent, which can cause the text to stay elided. title_timer = self._titlebar._title._timer title_timer.start(REPAINT_TIMER) super().resizeEvent(event) def showEvent(self, event): '''Set the minimum size policies once the widgets are shown.''' # Until shown, the size grip has inaccurate sizes. # Set the minimum size policy of the widget. # The show event occurs just after everything is shown, # so the widget sizes (and isVisible) are accurate. self._titlebar_size = self._titlebar.minimumSize() if self._sizegrip is not None: sizegrip_size = self._sizegrip.sizeHint() self._sizegrip_size = QtCore.QSize(0, sizegrip_size.height()) self.setMinimumSize(self.minimum_size) super().showEvent(event) def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event): '''Override the mouse double click, and don't call the press event.''' # By default, the flowchart for titlebar double clicks is as follows: # 1. If minimized, restore # 2. If maximized, restore # 3. If no state and can shade, shade # 4. If no state and cannot shade, maximize # 5. If shaded, unshade. widget = self._titlebar if not widget.underMouse() or event.button() != compat.LeftButton: return super().mouseDoubleClickEvent(event) if widget._is_shaded: widget.unshade() elif widget.isMinimized() or widget.isMaximized(): widget.restore() elif widget._has_shade: widget.shade() else: widget.maximize() def mousePressEvent(self, event): '''Override a mouse click on the titlebar to allow a move.''' widget = self._titlebar window = self.window() if widget.underMouse(): # `self.window()._move` cannot be set, since we're inside # the global event filter here. We handle conflicts here, # so only one of the 4 states can be set. We can't move # minimized widgets, so don't try. is_left = event.button() == compat.LeftButton is_minimized = self.isMinimized() and not self._titlebar._is_shaded has_frame = window._frame is not None if is_left and not is_minimized and not has_frame: self.window().start_drag(event) elif event.button() == compat.RightButton: position = shared.single_point_global_position(args, event) shared.execute(args, widget._main_menu, position) return super().mousePressEvent(event) def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): '''Reposition the window on the move event.''' window = self.window() if window._frame is not None: window.end_drag() if window._drag is not None: self.window().handle_drag(self, event) return super().mouseMoveEvent(event) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, event): '''End the drag event.''' self.window().end_drag() return super().mouseReleaseEvent(event) # QT-LIKE PROPERTIES def windowTitle(self): '''Get the window title from the titlebar.''' return self._titlebar.windowTitle() def setWindowTitle(self, title): '''Get the window title from the titlebar.''' self._titlebar.setWindowTitle(title) def layout(self): '''Get the subwindow layout (mapped to self._widget)''' return self._widget.layout() def setLayout(self, layout): '''Set the subwindow layout (mapped to self._widget)''' self._widget.setLayout(layout) def widget(self): '''Get the subwindow widget (mapped to self._widget)''' return self._widget def setWidget(self, widget): '''Set the subwindow widget (mapped to self._widget)''' super().layout().replaceWidget(self._widget, widget) self._widget = widget def isMinimized(self): '''Overload since we use a custom minimized for our subwindow.''' return self._titlebar.isMinimized() def isMaximized(self): '''Overload since we use a custom maximized for our subwindow.''' return self._titlebar.isMaximized() or super().isMaximized() class MdiArea(QtWidgets.QMdiArea): '''Override the QMdiArea for window minimization and background color.''' def __init__(self, parent=None, location=MINIMIZE_LOCATION): super().__init__(parent) self._minimized = [] self._location = location self._timer = QtCore.QTimer() self._timer.setSingleShot(True) self._timer.timeout.connect(self.move_minimized) # Set the background color background = self.background() background.setColor(colors.ViewBackground) self.setBackground(background) def resizeEvent(self, event): '''Handle moving minimized windows without glitchy motion.''' self._timer.start(REPAINT_TIMER) super().resizeEvent(event) def minimize(self, subwindow): '''Minimize a subwindow and reposition it.''' self._minimized.append(subwindow) self.move_minimized() def unminimize(self, subwindow): '''Unminimize a subwindow.''' self._minimized.remove(subwindow) self.move_minimized() def move_minimized(self): '''Move the minimized windows.''' # No need to set the geometry of our minimized windows. if not self._minimized: return # Get the geometry of the elements, and calculate the windows per row. window = self._minimized[0] has_border = any(i._border for i in self._minimized) size = window.minimized_content_size if has_border: size = size + window.border_size width = size.width() height = size.height() width += max(int(0.01 * width), 1) height += max(int(0.01 * height), 1) total_size = self.size() minimized_count = len(self._minimized) row_count = max(total_size.width() // width, 1) rows = minimized_count // row_count if minimized_count % row_count != 0: rows += 1 # Get how we shift our elements. Start our elements so # the first iteration will shift them into place. # We never want to place elements at a negative index, # so our right always starts at least at 1. # For our bottom, we want the last element to be placed at (_, 0) # if it would overflow to the top, we place it at 0 instead. left_x = 0 right_x = max(total_size.width() - width, 0) top_y = 0 bottom_y = max(total_size.height() - height, (rows - 1) * height) if self._location == MinimizeLocation.TopLeft: point = QtCore.QPoint(left_x, top_y) new_column = lambda p: QtCore.QPoint(left_x, p.y() + height) shift_row = lambda p, w: p + QtCore.QPoint(w, 0) elif self._location == MinimizeLocation.TopRight: point = QtCore.QPoint(right_x, top_y) new_column = lambda p: QtCore.QPoint(right_x, p.y() + height) shift_row = lambda p, w: p - QtCore.QPoint(w, 0) elif self._location == MinimizeLocation.BottomLeft: point = QtCore.QPoint(left_x, bottom_y) new_column = lambda p: QtCore.QPoint(left_x, p.y() - height) shift_row = lambda p, w: p + QtCore.QPoint(w, 0) else: point = QtCore.QPoint(right_x, bottom_y) new_column = lambda p: QtCore.QPoint(right_x, p.y() - height) shift_row = lambda p, w: p - QtCore.QPoint(w, 0) # Now, need to place them accordingly. # Need to handle unshifts, if they occur, due to the for index in range(len(self._minimized)): # Calculate our new column, only storing if it is a new column. window = self._minimized[index] is_new_column = index % row_count == 0 if index != 0 and is_new_column: point = new_column(point) window.move(point) point = shift_row(point, width) class Window(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): '''Main window with a custom event filter for all events.''' def __init__(self, parent=None, flags=QtCore.Qt.WindowType(0)): super().__init__(parent, flags) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.centralwidget) self.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.resize(1068, 824) self.setWindowTitle('Custom SubWindow Style.') flags = compat.SubWindow flags |= compat.FramelessWindowHint self.area = MdiArea(self.centralwidget) self.window1 = SubWindow(flags=flags, sizegrip=True) self.window1.setWindowTitle('Short Title') self.area.addSubWindow(self.window1) self.table = LargeTable(self.window1.widget()) self.window1.layout().addWidget(self.table) flags = compat.SubWindow flags |= compat.WindowContextHelpButtonHint flags |= compat.WindowShadeButtonHint flags |= compat.FramelessWindowHint self.window2 = SubWindow(flags=flags) self.window2.setWindowTitle('Example of a very, very long title') self.area.addSubWindow(self.window2) self.tree = SortableTree(self.window2.widget()) self.window2.layout().addWidget(self.tree) flags = compat.SubWindow flags |= compat.WindowShadeButtonHint flags |= compat.FramelessWindowHint self.window3 = SubWindow(flags=flags, sizegrip=True) self.window3.setWindowTitle('Medium length title') self.area.addSubWindow(self.window3) self.layout.addWidget(self.area) self.tab = SettingTabs(self.window3.widget()) self.window3.layout().addWidget(self.tab) # Tracking for move and resize events. # Click and drag title bar move. self._drag = None # Context menu move. self._move = None # Context menu resize. self._resize = None # SizeFrame resize. self._frame = None def set_cursor(self, cursor): '''Temporarily set the application cursor to the override cursor.''' app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() app.setOverrideCursor(QtGui.QCursor(cursor)) def restore_cursor(self): '''Restore the overridden cursor.''' app = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance() app.restoreOverrideCursor() def start_drag(self, event): '''Start the drag state.''' self._drag = event.pos() def handle_drag(self, subwindow, event): '''Handle the drag event.''' subwindow.move_to(subwindow.mapToParent(event.pos() - self._drag)) def end_drag(self): '''End the drag state.''' self._drag = None def start_move(self, widget): '''Start the move state.''' self._move = widget self._move.menu_move_to(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) def handle_move(self, obj, event): '''Handle the move event.''' position = shared.single_point_global_position(args, event) self._move.menu_move_to(position) def end_move(self): '''End the move state.''' self._move = None def start_resize(self, widget): '''Start the resize state.''' self._resize = widget self.set_cursor(compat.SizeFDiagCursor) self._resize.menu_size_to(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) def handle_resize(self, obj, event): '''Handle the resize event.''' position = shared.single_point_global_position(args, event) self._resize.menu_size_to(position) def end_resize(self): '''End the resize state.''' if self._resize is not None: self._resize = None self.restore_cursor() def start_frame(self, subwindow): '''Start the frame resize state.''' self._frame = subwindow def handle_frame(self, obj, event): '''Handle the frame resize event.''' self.window_frame_event(obj, event) def end_frame(self): '''End the frame resize state.''' self._frame = None def resolve_window_state(self): '''Handle theoretically possible conflicts in window state.''' # The _drag, _move, _resize, and _frame options are # mutually exclusive: only one can be active at a given time. # Since we use timers for `_move` and `_resize`, it's **possible** # multiple might be active here, but it's unlikely. So, we handle # those cases by playing favorites. _frame > _resize > _move > _drag. if self._frame is not None: self.end_resize() if self._resize is not None: self.end_move() if self._move is not None: self.end_drag() def window_move_event(self, obj, event): '''Handle window move events.''' if event.type() == compat.MouseMove: self.handle_move(obj, event) elif event.type() == compat.MouseButtonPress: self.end_move() def window_resize_event(self, obj, event): '''Handle window resize events.''' if event.type() == compat.MouseMove: self.handle_resize(obj, event) elif event.type() == compat.MouseButtonPress: self.end_resize() def window_frame_event(self, subwindow, event): '''Handle size adjustments using the window frame.''' frame = subwindow._sizeframe # Uses size grips, return early. if frame is None: return # No position for the event: we don't use it. if event.type() in (compat.Enter, compat.HoverEnter): frame.enter(event) elif event.type() in (compat.Leave, compat.HoverLeave): frame.leave(event) elif event.type() == compat.MouseMove: frame.mouse_move(event) elif event.type() == compat.MouseButtonPress: frame.mouse_press(event) elif event.type() == compat.MouseButtonRelease: frame.mouse_release(event) elif event.type() == compat.HoverMove: frame.hover_move(event) # Store if the frame state is active. if frame.is_active: self.start_frame(frame) else: self.end_frame() def eventFilter(self, obj, event): '''Custom event filter to handle move and resize events.''' self.resolve_window_state() if self._move is not None: # Cannot occur while the size frame is active. self.window_move_event(obj, event) elif self._resize is not None: self.window_resize_event(obj, event) elif isinstance(obj, SubWindow) and not obj.isMinimized(): self.handle_frame(obj, event) return super().eventFilter(obj, event) def enterEvent(self, event): '''Reset the resize mouse on an enter event.''' if self._resize is not None: self.set_cursor(compat.SizeFDiagCursor) return super().enterEvent(event) def leaveEvent(self, event): '''Reset the resize mouse on an enter event.''' if self._resize is not None: self.restore_cursor() return super().leaveEvent(event) def main(): 'Application entry point' app, window = shared.setup_app(args, unknown, compat, window_class=Window) app.installEventFilter(window) shared.set_stylesheet(args, app, compat) return shared.exec_app(args, app, window, compat) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())