''' configure ========= Configure icons, stylesheets, and resource files. ''' import argparse import glob import json import re import os home = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Create our arguments. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Styles to configure for a Qt application.') parser.add_argument( '--styles', help='''comma-separate list of styles to configure. pass `all` to build all themes''', default='light,dark', ) parser.add_argument( '--resource', help='''output resource file name''', default='custom.qrc', ) # List of all icons to configure. icons = { # Arrows 'down_arrow': { 'default': ['foreground:hex', 'foreground:opacity'], 'hover': ['highlight:hex', 'highlight:opacity'], 'disabled': ['midtone:light:hex', 'midtone:light:opacity'], }, 'left_arrow': { 'default': ['foreground'], 'disabled': ['midtone:light'], }, 'right_arrow': { 'default': ['foreground'], 'disabled': ['midtone:light'], }, 'up_arrow': { 'default': ['foreground:hex', 'foreground:opacity'], 'hover': ['highlight:hex', 'highlight:opacity'], 'disabled': ['midtone:light:hex', 'midtone:light:opacity'], }, # Abstract buttons. 'checkbox_checked': { 'default': ['checkbox:light'], 'disabled': ['checkbox:disabled'], }, 'checkbox_indeterminate': { 'default': ['checkbox:light'], 'disabled': ['checkbox:disabled'], }, 'checkbox_unchecked': { 'default': ['checkbox:light'], 'disabled': ['checkbox:disabled'], }, 'radio_checked': { 'default': ['checkbox:light'], 'disabled': ['checkbox:disabled'], }, 'radio_unchecked': { 'default': ['checkbox:light'], 'disabled': ['checkbox:disabled'], }, # Dock/Tab widgets 'close': { 'default': ['midtone:dark:hex', 'midtone:dark:opacity'], 'hover': ['close:hover:hex', 'close:hover:opacity'], 'pressed': ['close:pressed:hex', 'close:pressed:opacity'], }, 'undock': { 'default': ['dock:float'], }, 'undock_hover': { 'default': ['dock:float', 'foreground'], }, # Tree views. 'branch_open': { 'default': ['tree:hex', 'tree:opacity'], 'hover': ['highlight:hex', 'highlight:opacity'], }, 'branch_closed': { 'default': ['tree:hex', 'tree:opacity'], 'hover': ['highlight:hex', 'highlight:opacity'], }, 'branch_end': { 'default': ['tree'], }, 'branch_end_arrow': { 'default': ['tree'], }, 'branch_more': { 'default': ['tree'], }, 'branch_more_arrow': { 'default': ['tree'], }, 'vline': { 'default': ['tree'], }, 'calendar_next': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'calendar_previous': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'transparent': { 'default': [], }, 'hmovetoolbar': { 'default': ['midtone:light'], }, 'vmovetoolbar': { 'default': ['midtone:light'], }, 'hseptoolbar': { 'default': ['midtone:light'], }, 'vseptoolbar': { 'default': ['midtone:light'], }, 'sizegrip': { 'default': ['midtone:light'], }, # Dialog icons 'dialog-cancel': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-close': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-ok': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-open': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-save': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-reset': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-help': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-no': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, 'dialog-discard': { 'default': ['foreground'], }, # Message icons 'message-critical': { 'default': ['critical', 'foreground'], }, 'message-information': { 'default': ['information', 'foreground'], }, 'message-question': { 'default': ['question', 'foreground'], }, 'message-warning': { 'default': ['warning', 'foreground'], }, } def parse_hexcolor(color): '''Parse a hexadecimal color.''' # Have a hex color: can be 6 or 8 (non-standard) items. color = color[1:] if len(color) not in (6, 8): raise NotImplementedError red = int(color[:2], 16) green = int(color[2:4], 16) blue = int(color[4:6], 16) alpha = 1.0 if len(color) == 8: alpha = int(color[6:8], 16) / 100 return (red, green, blue, alpha) def parse_rgba(color): '''Parse an RGBA color.''' # Match our rgba character. Note that this is # First split the rgba components to get the inner stuff. # Both rgb() and rgba() can have or omit an alpha layer. rgba = re.match(r'^\s*rgba?\s*\((.*)\)\s*$', color).group(1) split = re.split(r'(?:\s*,\s*)|\s+', rgba) if len(split) not in (3, 4): raise NotImplementedError red = int(split[0]) green = int(split[1]) blue = int(split[2]) alpha = 1.0 if len(split) == 4: alpha = float(split[3]) return (red, green, blue, alpha) def parse_color(color): '''Parse a color into the RGBA components.''' if color.startswith('#'): return parse_hexcolor(color) elif color.startswith('rgb'): return parse_rgba(color) raise NotImplementedError def replace(contents, colors, color_map): '''Replace all template values.''' for index, key in enumerate(colors): sub = f'^{index}^' # Need special handling if we have a hex or non:hex character. if key.endswith(':hex'): color = color_map[key[:-len(':hex')]] rgb = [f"{i:02x}" for i in parse_color(color)[:3]] value = f'#{"".join(rgb)}' elif key.endswith(':opacity'): color = color_map[key[:-len(':opacity')]] value = str(parse_color(color)[3]) else: value = color_map[key] contents = contents.replace(sub, value) return contents def configure_icons(style, color_map): '''Configure icons for a given style.''' for icon, extensions in icons.items(): template = f'{home}/template/{icon}.svg.in' template_contents = open(template).read() for extension, colors in extensions.items(): contents = replace(template_contents, colors, color_map) if extension == 'default': filename = f'{home}/{style}/{icon}.svg' else: filename = f'{home}/{style}/{icon}_{extension}.svg' with open(filename, 'w') as file: file.write(contents) def configure_stylesheet(style, color_map): '''Configure the stylesheet for a given style.''' contents = open(f'{home}/template/stylesheet.qss.in').read() for key, color in color_map.items(): contents = contents.replace(f'^{key}^', color) contents = contents.replace('^style^', style) with open(f'{home}/{style}/stylesheet.qss', 'w') as file: file.write(contents) def configure_style(style, color_map): '''Configure the icons and stylesheet for a given style.''' os.makedirs(f'{home}/{style}', exist_ok=True) configure_icons(style, color_map) configure_stylesheet(style, color_map) def write_xml(styles, path): '''Simple QRC writer.''' resources = [] for style in styles: files = os.listdir(f'{home}/{style}') resources += [f'{style}/{i}' for i in files] with open(path, 'w') as file: print('', file=file) print(' ', file=file) for resource in sorted(resources): print(f' {resource}', file=file) print(' ', file=file) print('', file=file) def configure(styles, path): '''Configure all styles and write the files to a QRC file.''' for style in styles: # Note: we need comments for maintainability, so we # can annotate what works and the rationale, but # we don't want to prevent code from working without # a complex parser, so we do something very simple: # only remove lines starting with '//'. with open(f'{home}/theme/{style}.json') as file: lines = file.read().splitlines() lines = [i for i in lines if not i.strip().startswith('//')] color_map = json.loads('\n'.join(lines)) configure_style(style, color_map) write_xml(styles, path) if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() styles = args.styles.split(',') if args.styles == 'all': files = glob.glob(f'{home}/theme/*json') styles = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(i))[0] for i in files] configure(styles, args.resource)