BreezeStyleSheets ================= Configurable Breeze and BreezeDark-like stylesheets for Qt Applications. BreezeStyleSheets is a set of beautiful light and dark stylesheets that render consistently across platforms, including high DPI screens. Each stylesheet is generated from a theme file and can be extended with a extension system, simplifying the generation custom stylesheets for your application. The stylesheets are comprehensively tested with most Qt widgets and widget properties, providing a consistent, stylish feel on any platform, including different operating systems, desktop environments, and Qt versions. **Table of Contents** - [Gallery](#gallery) - [Customization](#customization) - [Features](#features) - [Extensions](#extensions) - [Extending Stylesheets](#extending-stylesheets) - [Installing](#installing) - [CMake Installation](#cmake-installation) - [QMake Installation](#qmake-installation) - [PyQt5 Installation](#pyqt5-installation) - [PyQt6 Installation](#pyqt6-installation) - [Debugging](#debugging) - [Development Guide](#development-guide) - [Configuring](#configuring) - [Testing](#testing) - [Distribution Files](#distribution-files) - [Git Ignore](#git-ignore) - [Known Issues and Workarounds](#known-issues-and-workarounds) - [License](#license) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements) - [Contact](#contact) # Gallery **Breeze/BreezeDark** Example user interface using the Breeze and BreezeDark stylesheets side-by-side. ![BreezeDark](/assets/Breeze.gif) For an extensive view of screenshots of the theme, see the [gallery](assets/ # Customization It's easy to design your own themes using ``. First, add the styles you want into [theme](/theme/), then run configure with a list of styles you want to include. **Theme** Here is a sample theme, with the color descriptions annotated. Please note that although there are nearly 40 possibilities, for most applications, you should use less than 20, and ~10 different hues. ```jsonc // NOTE: This is a custom JSON file, where lines leading // with `//` are removed. No other comments are valid. { // Main foreground color. "foreground": "#eff0f1", // Lighter foreground color for selected items. "foreground-light": "#ffffff", // Main background color. "background": "#31363b", // Alternate background color for styles. "background:alternate": "#31363b", // Main color to highlight widgets, such as on hover events. "highlight": "#3daee9", // Color for selected widgets so hover events can change widget color. "highlight:dark": "#2a79a3", // Alternate highlight color for hovered widgets in QAbstractItemViews. "highlight:alternate": "#369cd1", // Main midtone color, such as for borders. "midtone": "#76797c", // Lighter color for midtones, such as for certain disabled widgets. "midtone:light": "#b0b0b0", // Darker midtone, such as for the background of QPushButton and QSlider. "midtone:dark": "#626568", // Lighter midtone for separator hover events. "midtone:hover": "#8a8d8f", // Color for checked widgets in QAbstractItemViews. "view:checked": "#334e5e", // Hover background color in QAbstractItemViews. // This should be fairly transparent. "view:hover": "rgba(61, 173, 232, 0.1)", // Background for a horizontal QToolBar. "toolbar:horizontal:background": "#31363b", // Background for a vertical QToolBar. "toolbar:vertical:background": "#31363b", // Background color for the corner widget in a QAbstractItemView. "view:corner": "#31363b", // Border color between items in a QHeaderView. "view:header:border": "#76797c", // Background color for a QHeaderView. "view:header": "#31363b", // Border color Between items in a QAbstractItemView. "view:border": "#31363b", // Background for QAbstractItemViews. "view:background": "#1d2023", // Background for widgets with text input. "text:background": "#1d2023", // Background for the currently selected tab. "tab:background:selected": "#31363b", // Background for non-selected tabs. "tab:background": "#2c3034", // Color for the branch/arrow icons in a QTreeView. "tree": "#afafaf", // Color for the chunk of a QProgressBar, the active groove // of a QSlider, and the border of a hovered QSlider handle. "slider:foreground": "#3daee9", // Background color for the handle of a QSlider. "slider:handle:background": "#1d2023", // Color for a disabled menubar/menu item. "menu:disabled": "#76797c", // Color for a checked/hovered QCheckBox or QRadioButton. "checkbox:light": "#58d3ff", // Color for a disabled or unchecked/unhovered QCheckBox or QRadioButton. "checkbox:disabled": "#c8c9ca", // Color for the handle of a scrollbar. Due to limitations of // Qt stylesheets, any handle of a scrollbar must be treated // like it's hovered. "scrollbar:hover": "#3daee9", // Background for a non-hovered scrollbar. "scrollbar:background": "#1d2023", // Background for a hovered scrollbar. "scrollbar:background:hover": "#76797c", // Default background for a QPushButton. "button:background": "#31363b", // Background for a pressed QPushButton. "button:background:pressed": "#454a4f", // Border for a non-hovered QPushButton. "button:border": "#76797c", // Background for a disabled QPushButton, or fallthrough // for disabled QWidgets. "button:disabled": "#454545", // Color of a dock/tab close icon when hovered. "close:hover": "#b37979", // Color of a dock/tab close icon when pressed. "close:pressed": "#b33e3e", // Default background color for QDockWidget and title. "dock:background": "#31363b", // Color for the float icon for QDockWidgets. "dock:float": "#a2a2a2", // Background color for the QMessageBox critical icon. "critical": "#80404a", // Background color for the QMessageBox information icon. "information": "#406880", // Background color for the QMessageBox question icon. "question": "#634d80", // Background color for the QMessageBox warning icon. "warning": "#99995C" } ``` Once you've saved your custom theme, you can then build the stylesheet, icons, and resource file with: ```bash python --styles=dark,light, --resource custom.qrc ``` Then, you can use `custom.qrc`, along with the generated icons and stylesheets in each folder, in place of `breeze.qrc` for any style. The `--styles` command flag takes a comma-separated list of values, or `all`, which will configure every theme present in the [themes](/theme) directory. **Generating Colors** As a reference point, see the pre-generated [themes](/theme). In general, to create a good theme, modify only the highlight colors (blues, greens, purples) to a new color, such that the saturation and lightness stay the same (only the hue changes). For example, the color `rgba(51, 164, 223, 0.5)` becomes `rgba(164, 51, 223, 0.5)`. **Extensions** We also allow customizable extensions to extend the default stylesheets with additional style rules, using the colors defined in your theme. This also enables the integration of third-party Qt extensions/widgets into the generated stylesheets. For example, to configure with extensions for the [Advanced Docking System](, run: ```bash python --extensions=advanced-docking-system --resource custom.qrc ``` Like with styles, `--extensions` takes a comma-separated list of values, or `all`, which will add every extension present in the [extensions](/extension) directory. For a detailed introduction to creating your own extensions, see the extensions [tutorial](/extension/ # Features - Complete stylesheet for all Qt widgets, including esoteric widgets like `QCalendarWidget`. - Customizable, beautiful light and dark themes. - Cross-platform icon packs for standard icons. - Extensible stylesheets: add your own extensions or rules and automatically configure them using the same configuration syntax. ## Extensions The supported extensions can be found in the [extensions](/extension/ directory and include theme support for: - [Advanced Docking System](/extension/ - [QDockWidget Tooltips](/extension/ - [Complete Standard Icon Set](/extension/ # Extending Stylesheets There are some limitations of using Qt stylesheets in general, which cannot be solved by stylesheets. To get more fine-grained style control, you should subclass `QCommonStyle`: ```c++ class ApplicationStyle: public QCommonStyle { ... } ``` The limitations of stylesheets include: - Using custom standard icons. - Scaling icons with the theme size. - QToolButton cannot control the icon size without also affecting the arrow size. - Close and dock float icon sizes scale poorly with font size. For an example of using QCommonStyle to override standard icons in a PyQt application, see [](/example/ An extensive reference can be found [here]( A reference of QStyle, and the default styles Qt provides can be found [here]( # Installing Here are detailed instructions on how to install Breeze Style Sheets for a variety of build systems and programming languages. ## Configuring By default, BreezeStyleSheets comes with the `dark` and `light` themes pre-built. In order to build all pre-packaged themes including PyQt5 and PyQt6 support, run: ```bash python --styles=all --extensions=all --pyqt6 \ --resource breeze.qrc --compiled-resource ``` All generated themes will be in the [dist](/dist) subdirectory, and the compiled Python resource will be in ``. Note that using the `--compiled-resource` flag requires `pyrcc5` to be installed. ## CMake Installation Using CMake, you can download, configure, and compile the resources as part part of the build process. The following configurations are provided by @ruilvo. First, save the following as `BreezeThemes.cmake` ```cmake # Setup Qt: this works with both Qt5 and Qt6 set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTORCC ON) set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) find_package( QT NAMES Qt6 Qt5 COMPONENTS Core REQUIRED) find_package( Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR} COMPONENTS ${AE_REQUIRED_QT_COMPONENTS} REQUIRED) # ------------------- # Get Python to compile the stylesheets. # Fetch the repository, configure, compile the stylesheets. find_package(Python COMPONENTS Interpreter) include(FetchContent) set(FETCHCONTENT_QUIET OFF CACHE BOOL "Silence fetch content" FORCE) FetchContent_Declare( breeze_stylesheets GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG origin/main GIT_PROGRESS ON USES_TERMINAL_DOWNLOAD TRUE) FetchContent_GetProperties(breeze_stylesheets) if(NOT breeze_stylesheets_POPULATED) FetchContent_Populate(breeze_stylesheets) add_library(breeze_themes STATIC "${breeze_stylesheets_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/qrc/breeze.qrc") add_custom_target( run_python_breeze ALL COMMAND ${Python_EXECUTABLE} --extensions= --styles= --resource breeze.qrc WORKING_DIRECTORY ${breeze_stylesheets_SOURCE_DIR} BYPRODUCTS "${breeze_stylesheets_SOURCE_DIR}/dist/qrc/breeze.qrc" COMMENT "Generating themes") add_dependencies(breeze_themes run_python_breeze) endif() ``` Next, make sure the path to `breeze_themes.cmake` is in your module search [path](, and add the following to your CMakeLists.txt: ```cmake include(BreezeThemes) add_executable(myapp WIN32 MACOSX_BUNDLE "main.cpp") target_link_libraries(myapp PRIVATE Qt${QT_VERSION_MAJOR}::Widgets breeze_themes) ``` And then in your application start point, add the following: ```cpp int main() { // ... QApplication app(argc, argv); // Need to initialize the resource, since we're using an external // build system and this isn't automatically handled by CMake. Q_INIT_RESOURCE(breeze_themes); QFile file(":/dark-green/stylesheet.qss"); | QFile::Text); QTextStream stream(&file); app.setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()); // ... } ``` ## QMake Installation Copy the contents of the `dist/qrc` subdirectory into your project directory and add the qrc file to your project file. For example: ```qmake TARGET = app SOURCES = main.cpp RESOURCES = breeze.qrc ``` To load the stylesheet in C++, load the file using QFile and read the data. For example, to load BreezeDark, run: ```cpp #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); // set stylesheet QFile file(":/dark/stylesheet.qss"); | QFile::Text); QTextStream stream(&file); app.setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()); // code goes here return app.exec(); } ``` ## PyQt5 Installation To compile the stylesheet for use with PyQt5, ensure you configure with the `--compiled-resource` flag (which requires `pyrcc5` installed). The compiled resource Python file now contains all the stylesheet data. To load and set the stylesheet in a PyQt5 application, import that file, load the contents using QFile and read the data. For example, to load BreezeDark, first configure using: ```bash python --compiled-resource ``` Then load the stylesheet and run the application using: ```python from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from PyQt5.QtCore import QFile, QTextStream import breeze_resources def main(): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) # set stylesheet file = QFile(":/dark/stylesheet.qss") | QFile.Text) stream = QTextStream(file) app.setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()) # code goes here app.exec_() ``` ## PyQt6 Installation Since [pyrcc]( is no longer being maintained, using local Python paths is the preferable solution. For a detailed description on how to package these resources, see this StackOverflow [answer]( First, package your code using setuptools. Make sure `zip_safe` is off, so we can properly load the files from a search path, and include the necessary package directories to your `` file. ```python from setuptools import setup setup( # Either option is valid here. # Either use `package_data` with enumerating the values, or # set `include_package_data=True`. include_package_data=True, package_data={ 'breeze_theme': ['dist/pyqt6/*'], }, zip_safe=False, ) ``` Then, you can import the resources as follows: ```python import importlib.resources from Qt6 import QtWidgets, QtCore from Qt6.QtCore import QFile, QTextStream def main(): app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) # set stylesheet # Note that the search path name must be the theme name. # dark => dark, light => light, dark-purple => dark-purple, ... breeze_theme = importlib_resources.files('breeze_theme.dark') QtCore.QDir.addSearchPath('dark', breeze_theme) file = QFile("dark:stylesheet.qss") | QFile.OpenModeFlag.Text) stream = QTextStream(file) app.setStyleSheet(stream.readAll()) # code goes here app.exec() ``` # Debugging Have an issue with the styles? Here's a few suggestions, prior to filing a bug report: - Modified the application font? Make sure you do **before** setting the application stylesheet. - Modified the application style? Make sure you do **after** you creating a `QApplication instance` but **before** you show the window or add widgets. # Development Guide ## Configuring To configure the assets and the stylesheets, run `python`. To compile the assets and stylesheets for PyQt5, ensure `pyrcc5` is installed and run: ```bash python --compiled-resource ``` ## Testing The unittest suite is [](test/ By default, the suite runs every test, so to test changes to a specific widget, pass the `--widget $widget` flag. To test other configurations, see the options for `--stylesheet`, `--widget`, `--font-size`, and `--font-family`, and then run the tests with the complete UI in [](/example/ If the widget you fixed the style for does not exist in the test suite or [](/example/, please add it. ```bash # Test all widgets $ python test/ --stylesheet $theme # Test only a single widget. $ python test/ --widget $widget --stylesheet $theme # Get the help options. $ python test/ --help usage: [-h] [--widget WIDGET] [--stylesheet STYLESHEET] [--style STYLE] [--font-size FONT_SIZE] [--font-family FONT_FAMILY] [--width WIDTH] [--height HEIGHT] [--alignment ALIGNMENT] [--compress] [--scale SCALE] [--pyqt6] [--use-x11] Configurations for the Qt application. options: -h, --help show this help message and exit --widget WIDGET widget to test. can provide `all` to test all widgets --stylesheet STYLESHEET stylesheet name (`dark`, `light`, `native`, ...) --style STYLE application style (`Fusion`, `Windows`, `native`, ...) --font-size FONT_SIZE font size for the application --font-family FONT_FAMILY the font family --width WIDTH the window width --height HEIGHT the window height --alignment ALIGNMENT the layout alignment --compress add stretch on both sides --scale SCALE scale factor for the UI --pyqt6 use PyQt6 rather than PyQt5. --use-x11 force the use of x11 on compatible systems --print-tests print all available tests (widget names). # Get a complete list of available tests. $ python test/ --print-tests aero_wizard all_focus_tree alpha_colordialog ... wizard yes_button ``` To see the complete list of Qt widgets covered by the unittests, see [Test Coverage]( ## Distribution Files When pushing changes, only the `light` and `dark` themes should be configured, without any extensions. To reset the built resource files to the defaults (this requires `pyrcc5` to be installed), run: ```bash python --clean --pyqt6 \ --compiled-resource ``` If no changes are being made to the icons or stylesheets, you may want to ensure that the `dist` directory is assumed to be unchanged in git, no longer tracking changes to these files. You can turn tracking distribution files off with: ```bash python --no-track-dist ``` To turn back on tracking, run: ```bash python --track-dist ``` ## Git Ignore Note that the `.gitignore` is auto-generated via ``, and the scripts to track or untrack distribution files turn off `.gitignore` tracking. Any changes should be made in ``, and ensure that `.gitignore` is tracked, and commit any changes: ```bash python --track-gitignore git add .gitignore git commit -m "..." ``` # Known Issues and Workarounds For known issues and workarounds, see [issues](/ # License MIT, see [license](/ # Contributing Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in BreezeStyleSheets by you shall be licensed under the MIT license without any additional terms or conditions. # Acknowledgements BreezeStyleSheets is a fork of [QDarkStyleSheet]( Some of the icons are modified from [Material UI]( and [Material Design Icons]( (both of which use an Apache 2.0 license), and are redistributed under the MIT license. # Contact Email: Twitter: KardOnIce